I1Yr~'l</rçi -"îcher Funera[Hlome Daug Kocher Carolmne Kocher Anirs Kocher *24 Hour Service *Pre-arrangement Options *Grief Counselmng Services *Cremnation Services 114 Main St. Milton 878-4452, 487 Laurier Ave., Milton 878-2881 BUYISELL stair lifts, wheelchair lifts, hospita beda, accotera, etc. CatI Silver Cross 905-847-5504 CARPET 1 have several 1,000 yrda. of new Stain- mraster il 100% nylon carpet. Will do livingrooa &à hall for $349. Includes carpet, pad & installation (30 yards) Steve, 905-639-2902 CARSEAT, excallent condition. Kida Potty seats. Kida bike trailer, brandi new, neyer useti, $150. 905- 693-8100. FREE Estimates... Got wobly or braites chairs? Weak sots or chair Springs? Soitftoars? lireil look- ing woad finishea9.. Then cati Fields for ail fumi- fillerepeirsaand custom wkoad reflniahing. 9-9 datiy, KENMORE Eiectric Range wvith glass coaking top. 3 yeara aid. Like new. $550. 905-878-3808 NEW Vear Sale - No GST or PST. We psy the tax- es. Great fabric selection andi great savingaf Sots & matching chair tram $888. Loveseata tram $589. Chairs froin $199. Free Estimate. Fields Customa Ouaily Uphaiatening. Cati dally 9-9, 905-875-4427 RESALE clothing and more 1/2 Prioe Orange Tag Sale, Feir 26-Mar 10, 2002, Downtown Orangevilie at As We Grow, IODE, Paws N Ciawa, Saivation Army. STAINED GLASS SUPPLIES AGS carrnes a complete line of Art Glass, Supplies anti Tools for the Staaneti Glass hobbiat. AGS Canada' ART GLASS & SUPPLIES CANADA Milice, Ontario. Phone 9054787131 Fax 905-878-7132 MOVING SALE Fabrury 23 Frorn 10 amn ta4 prn Vaeloua berna for Sale 539 Conway Court 905-87-1621 TOP Pricea Paiti for your Antiques, china, sterling, Royal Doutions. Heathers Antiques, confidlentiai and prafessionai. 905-703-1107. VENOORS Wanted for growing Orangeville Farm- ers' Marktet. Rent a boolfi or Salit on consignment. Info meeting Sat. March 23rd. Operates Saturdaya, May 11 -Oct. 12. Cati Janice 519-941-8733. WANTED Mll-China, Silver, Crial sailng ma- chines ... Doufton, Moarcroft, Guita, Glass, Watches, camera/ audio equipment, doita, paintinga, collecti- bles, estates. Jolis/Tracy 905-331-2477 WOO(D[BINE- m«g&«Modbýne r »*WkRacetracl You are foqi o maiunSlting 2fbdr policies, anti procedures wh.ile maxsnsszing customer satisfaction. Supenior communication, organizational, andi mlerpersonal sils as well as a proven ability to mulitask ini a (as-pareil, unionizeti envsoiroment are essential. Wilh a comhmnation of Ove years' expereasce as a superisor, hartender, anti beverage server, you have a relevant diplona anti leadiership skills that are secondti-o-none. We have full and part-lime opportunities for the foliowing positions for day, evenlng, and nlght shifts. CaaCa Cenftre Reps $14.00 *Player Patrol (id reps) s11.oo amtonesemaadan aeset *Bartenders $11.916 - $13.27 - Beverage Serers $8.54 * feverage Hosts/Hlostesses $11.25 * Cooks *$14.o5 - $16.45 lHead Salad '$11.55e- Securit Officers -$14.75 *Concession Stand Attendants *$10.50 *Concession Shift Supervisor You will effectively supervise and train staff, maintain service standiardis, harie customer inquiries anti complairas, anti plan and coortiinate the produoction anti preparation of foodi anti beverages utilizing our POS system. You have complteti a posl-secondary hoteVirestaurant atiministration/management prograni anti ai least two years' supervisory expenience in a multi-use, fast-food operation. A comprehlensive lusowledge of health anti safet procelures anti sale foodi hantilng anti sanitation protocols are essential, qualifications. You have experience worklng with PuS systeris, PC Networks, anti associaieti business software. *Kitchen Help *$10.50 * Cook 1 *$16.45 * Bar Help $10.51 * Concession Servers *s10.50 * Dish Washers '$11.05 *Barlender $11.96 - $13.27 - BeVerage SRer $&54 *Head Saiad *$11.55 * Gift Shop Clerks sii.oo *afterprobatio Flou an ply lu wrtdng te: Wi>dblne Emttalnment Group, 555 Rei"l floolvad, P.O. Box 156, Toronto, Ont"l M9W 5L2 Fmi (416) 213-2129 e-maiL jobs@W.OdbfElnterta entcem Ws ibasl ailaseil tier irin anidnii te> saa lbei seiedfoean ir5ririss WUi bu wîtaoto CIJ3LIN(C STRONG DRIVE REQUIRED OFF THE TEE ClubUns. owrsar and oparator of sone of the finest goif proprien In Ontarioaned Quebea, b gearbg up Cor another great seaton oft golf.I Oyoc area nhigh onrigy. savlica-oreanted InIcvidual. we weicome yoij to loin us In onle oC Chose dynamic seosona Cuii-flma or pcorC Cime positions: Golf Operailana Hospitaley usa OpeOllona Starters, Morihals Golf ChoCs. Coohs Generai Turf Laboutens Services Staff, Tee Tme Bartendien. Monagens Mechanios. Horiicuiturists Reservafion Agents & Supesors, Seiven., Beverage Carl. Househeeping Staff Wie wi bo holding an open house aC the Colowlrtg properties In your area. plis drap by beiween 10 arn. and 2 p.m. Ca submit your resumne and meet sorne mmmere oC lte manageent eam i IL Glen Abbey Go09 Club Geeyslone Golf Club G tf youon nt ahe It out on aithar oC the abDove atan, pieanef torusurd yeur resumne aina covet lett lndloatlig the property you wouli Ilie Cctoj woth at ana tha position you we>uld Ihke to apply tor to I>lusRlbllnk-ca or by tfox ta Human Resourcan ai 905-841-7033. For proparty Ilocatton The Canadian Champion, Fniday, February 22, 2002-25 LAND SURVEY PATCHIEF jThis Etobicoke survey practice requires a legal survey party chief with Canadian Iexperience ta do a wide vaniety af work. IGood communication akilia and woii ethîc amust. Excellent salary Il benefita. Fax reaume: 416-2474305l [ E-mail: offca@bannettyoung.com MILTON HYDRo DISTRIBUTION INC. As we approacs a deregulart electricty mareket, Milton Hydr> is oolung for a senior clerk to joi> our customer service depareesent. You wil lieesosi hIe for answering customer inquiries, handling movei proceosing coirecrin.. paperwork, and wvriting-off uncollecrile accounets. Candidates muse he able.ru svoek effseively in a fast-paceti environesent, he able te> hardie cuseomer inquiries ina peofossional esanner, and ke willing te> accept new tasks as theflwoek changes. Fhec ideal candidate weill have exueri- once working in a uriliry service environnient, have obtaineti a C> ege Diloma ini business or oeher relevase discipline or relevane worc esqierience, aabe peoficiene in tise ose of spreadsheers and word processing. Wep ate testtsown by aH applicants, hossese only dhse canididates us kc bcevesewl contacesi. Interesfdapplicanns are usvited uas uhiit tiseir rmones Laine Palme &Rai Gmer o&iM Mitai HytIm Dianihair hw PO. Bat 189 Mikais Ontaio 19T 4N9 Pae (905)876-204 MoIeIIlNrequire r Lisnog pea thu e n exl Pge tuil-time position avatlabie for personable, reliabie teara player. Must be able ta woui autssat eveninga. Fax reaume to 905-873-37ocai95 873-4907. FREE training. Drnve 4 Us. School Bus Drivera Wanted. Cati (905) 877-4448. Laidiaw is an equai oppartunity Company. HARROP Gallery has an opporlunity for a part lime sales consultant Day and lavai shifts wilh same weekends. Cai 905-878-8161 est. 1 for information. RESTAURANT Manager and part Uime expeencei wait staff requirei. Fax resume 905-878-605 or cai 905-876-9998 for further details. SECURITY Guarda, fuit and part time Officers anti Dag Handiers. Experienced and beginners. Ai train- ing provideti. Vou'l need a car (gas is providei). Cai 24 haurs 800-461-7731, www.aecuntycana- SPORTS Creater needa 2 part time sewers. Day- time on lyfÇ9) 905-875-3969, TH-E Dickrens as accepting applications for part liie Lins Coaka. Must be available eveninga and wee- kenda. Contact Leon or Kevin. No phase calta pillase WE neeti peopte who like people &à plants for parti time wore untifl Ue end of J une. Must be phyaicaity fit &à a non-amoker. Cai Crawfords Country Galidens 905-878-0223 Mon. f0 Sfi. 8:30 o4:30. MILTON AREA $13.00 per houe Lube Blay Attendant This jobs requîtes tise upplicat te> have bis onbasic haod tooi Tise applicant ssii) be responsible for the prfrmsing routine of trucks andi traîtr. $11.0 gevhoue WashsBay Attenda>i Thse job reqoires appicants te> wash trucks teith bond brushes and tradlesesing an autossated rolloverssasb macie insa indoor wasbbay. Ali lsserested appieanis please fuessard applicaion or restiue te>: Fax: 905-693-1576 E-mal: teseorrsourcev8hotmal.cam Or Mail Ta: Testor Resources, 55 Onianio Si. Bax 23022, Milton, ON. L9T sas Or appty le> persan betweeni 10:00 ams an>d 3.S pot, at 8201 Lasoin Rd., Milton, ON Ask for Jamir ai recepian 90e currenly have an immediafe oulsylal el oegi for a self-mol ivafeit persos for our lutin: cleanirrg & packaging of tlephorre equipmuol. Sonie fisfrf lf tinsg. Good commun- ication sitili s required. $8./ir, benefif s stler protiooary perioti. Solimil applications by faxoolylIo 111111l-38-544 -ME ft effw. ExFcellent wsgeo *Benef ils available *No eoperietce - wifl train Col Dîfivif le locations: 905-465-3989 or 905-257-0071 Now you can browse