service MraON e u JOLiMrED entre Specializing in... .FUEL INJECTION " AUTO ELECTRIC & CHARGING - AUTO AND TRAILER WIRING SYSTEMS - DELCO BATTERIES " TUNE-UP & EMISSION CONTROLS - BRAKE SERVICE " AUTO AIR CONDITIONING - SAFETY INSPECTIONS 18 Thompson Rd. Unit 12 87&7221 collision & Paint Cail Steve Boers 706 Main Street, East Mlifo ON (N 8611 God0 ec Milton lm0port [~ Service Car Centre Serving Milton Fori. o mm.-Nm.. 83rex MMca' .... 5~pn Over 3 Generations FI*y Brav6c Tmu...u wn-em 5S&U y ........9a-5m SgiJay. .. 93*2PM RIMBmm w~ II~ I Volkswagens - Fuel Injection & Diesels CHMOLI?4L SMIE GRAD&UY53Mi tetE HWY. 25 S. AT DERRY RD., MILTON GERHAR 87RUDY358 Miltn re Avoid winter roaid wmes - maintain your vehicle (NC)-A weli-maintained vehicle is a reliable vehicle - and reli- ability is n more important dma in tise dead of winter, visen a roadside breakdown can cause enonnous mnconvemience for you and your family and possibly place you in a dangerous situation. -Aside from tbe potentsal inconvenience and safety issues, tisere's anotiser good reason te keep your car in tep rnning con- dition in winter. Cold weather is bard on a vehicle, making tise engine work harder te achieve ils maximum operating tempera- ture and move tise car down icy, snow-covered roads. Ise bard- er the engine works, the more fulit bums and tie more pollu- tion it generates. A regular falIwinter checkup ia an important starting point for your maintenance regime. A qualified tecbnician sbould chseck the condition of spaulc plugs, tise air and fuel filters, battery con- nections, engine belts, tire, brakes, ignition system, cooling sys- tem as well as ail fluid levels. Trire Sales & service ~WL ~Àsg~ 555 Main St. E. 876,4788 Between scheduled vehicle checkups, you can head-off prob- lems by taking a few minutes once a month te check engine fluid levels, tire pressure, spark plug wires, battery terminais and radi- ator hoses and clampa. Have anything tisas looks suspicious checked by your tecbnician. Alto, using a block heater te pre- warmn tise engine reduces engine wear and cuts fuel consumption. Ztw ECanabt'an fLbampt'n'g AUTOMOTIVE DIRECTORY This spot could ( " be yours every ýJprnwi Friday for Lt *inmf Cali Olane at 905-878-2341 Ext22 SENTINEL AU OM TI E PONTIAC -BIK-CADILLAC Major & Minor Repaira - Tune Ups - Air Conditoning MU Nmc 9=d--rmm Brakes - Engines - Exhaust - 4x4 Safety Inspections -Towing - Marine Repairs GM SPECIALISTS Emission Repair & Pretesting * E'PRESS LLIBE SERVICE ~~-figIiJrec/i£ wili jidj4,j e COMPREHENSIVE D1AGNOS -S W-ehSerice wtof& REPAIRS 342 Dronte St. South, Units 12 & 13, MIKtnMIUTE.958828 The Canadian Champion, Fnday. Februaiy 22,2002-23 ON WN MILTON!1 Frcd~~~4day"Seni r cial" 2for) 1 .k eciai 5 n We have a wonderful selection of be ers freshly ground coffees or (Taking ar ones youth) Cappuccinos, Mochaccinos, Espresso, Lattes and Herbai, Earl 220 Main Street East Grey, Chai and regular teas. 905-878-9009 /ffff KFCo - 276 Main St. 878-4171 'ý4Jt u S as Pm u 189 Mill Street e 878-6680 Join us for: MARC NELSON Sat. Feb. 23 Gig March 2 3MDM Every Thurs. 21 Main St E. 905-876-4899