18-The Canadian Champion, Frlday, February 22, 2002 »ýGarne on! Thess Milton youths took advantage of some miId weekend weather recently ta enjoy s littie rouler hockey action at John Tonell Sports Centre. Photos by GRAHAM PAINE *OU wa INTERESI FREE! Finni available -pieas làsur Sale staff for details. 500 Laurier Ave., MILTON 905-693-1633 ln the A&P Plaza, one block forth of Berry Raad in Milton _ 245 Dundas Si. E., WATERDOWN4 905-690-171 Orne block wesl of Hamilton Street- jast behind KFC in Waterdowa Mardaya to aurday- 10:00 arn ta 6.00 Pm Please visit aur websne at: mgnsachezehneIeiescom or ernail us at: zctdirectloo.iba.co 905693163 7 =-Lumlý7,~ uJ( iTWýý LmY, I EELESVE. 905-875-4925 6mmmH OERRIWmUAITYICUm u LVILS 8215 LAWSON ROAD, M IO à - 1