--Local citizen helps dying man 's last wish corne true By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion S" alvador 'Mexican Joe' Castaneda's 13dymng wish was to see his family one last time. And tbanks t0 Gabriele Pelusi, bis wish waa fulfilled. Wben Mr. Caataneda waa diag- nosed with liver cancer at the beginning of the new year, doctora gave him a maximum of four months 10 live. In mid-Januasy, Mr. Castaneda, who had worked at Quality Greens on Main Street for the paat 18 years, asked Mr. Pelusi, fellow employee and produce manager, 10 take him to bia homeland in Mexico City so he could see bis family and give bis final farewell. "He bad no friends or family here," Mr. Pelusi said. "He hegged me 10 sake him home. He said he knew it was a lot of money but be wanted t0 see bis two sisters and their familles one tast timne." Two weeks later, Mr. Pelusi and Mn. Caataneda boarded a plane and travelled to tbe village of Quetzaltenango, in Guatemala City. "I managed to flnd some money in bis account and people here would give money bere and there, but 1 mostly paid for the trip out of my own pocket," said Mr. Pelusi, Castaneda slipped miat a coma and neyer regained consciousness. He died surrounded by bis fai- ly February 6 as the age of 62. "His family had a (bead) stone and plot prepared just in case," Mr. Pelusi said. "They didn't tbink he would die tbere but tbey made arrangements just in case. He told me he wanted to die in bis coun- Mr. Pelusi said he didn't tbink twice when bis dymng friend anked to be taken to Mexico. 1t feel reaily good because 1 did a good deed, emotionaily and spir- itually. My pantor said il wan good mission work." Mr. Castaneda will be remnem- bered as a dedicated, bard wonking employee, who rarely missed a day's work. "I had a lot of respect for Joe." Mr. Pelusi said. "He wan very wetl educated and didn't care about material things. He wan a real gentleman wbo loved photogrspby, books, and tbe Mexican cha-cha. He wan like part of thse fumitune around bere." Altbougb Mr. Cantaneda bai a relatively short visit witb bis fai- ly, it wan lime well spent, Mn. Pelusi said. "This story bas a beautiful end- ing."1 The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, February 19, 2002 -3 a L GM Optimum M USED VEHICLES' clUi5, oaEe jfT\j6, pNNv v"?14 ~oaded" %oaded),)2 lu1 "7a10 aic, NecP p7 p/et eathef 741 L 4dr, V6, pw, pl, tilt. 4, ..pl, ,i,,,, .,, Gray. 123329A I ,,,,Id, ,.ePPI $12,95 4. J $912 4dr, V6, pw, pI' tilt, cra, Ioaded. 11682A * 14 794 Specializing in 1owner l vehî»cles warran* *30*dyI2500 km no hassle exchange privilege *150 +point e 24.hour roadside ~l- 2.,V.Spd zuiny~ xnevroîii Malibu LS $19,995 4str auto, air, pw, pi, lit, crae, oaded, p/ieat. $23,992 di \-fi 1999 Pontiac 1999 Pontiac 1999 Buick 199Cda '~infre unre Regal 1 $ Seville BTS Airae uocefied pi, Ili, 4dr, VS, pw, pl, lt, ý1,j '-id ot Air aut, cetifid n leather seata, roof, warranty. 1922A ,I f'iýA p\ Chrome, ioaded. P1927A $10,987 $8,992 $2,99 $36,82 1999 Pontiac 1997 Pontiac 1998 Pontiac 1999 Pontiac Sunfire Suntire Bunflre Sunfire (;T 5spd, air, certified ns >! ,P . ' l warranty. 117338A 3iý\ 4 dr, auto, air P1857A $89987 $8,972 $8,981 $13,995 1997 Buick I ,Sabre 2000 GMC 1997 ( bevrolet 1999 GMIC ('u-,,on Bononia BIS I umîna LS JimmSy 2dr f j -,<. 4cyI, 5spd, air, tender jtV6, pw, pI, tilt, erse, air. oî 1:'1 adeP1912 .i. P1944 $14,977 $15,987 $9,984 1 $19,878 199 Chevroa L12 Ton Pieku auto. air. 16 $18,996 et 1999(M(NI 1999G r m~r14t Sierra E j dV8auoai$21,995 $21,5 P1921A )85 Yukoîn SUI' 4x4 11 ,, p l !Iff , $27,976 Store Hours Mon.-Thurs. 8:30 am-7 prn Friday 8:30 am-8 pm Saturday 8:30 am-6 pm Sunday9: ', am-5 pm Salvador Castaneda was able ta aee hMa famlly mn Mexico before h. paaaad away thanka ta a sympathetic co-worker. adding thse trip cost close to $2,000. "He kept saymng 'thank you very mucb' over and over, like a tbou- sand times." He said Mr. Castaneda's family wss grateful be arranged to bave Mn. Cantaneda corne back for one final visit. "Tbey were reaily bappy. Ail the villagers and the priest thanked me., Mr. Pelusi said Mr. Cantaneda was in good spirits tbe day they arnived and told stony after story to bis family, wbo neyer left bis side. But tbree days later, Mr.