The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, February 19, 2002 -25 eSr. 'Stangs dispose of QEP in first-round playoff clash Milton District gives solid performance to reach quarte rfi nais Milton District's senior boys basketball teain cleared its first playofi hurdle in rather impressive fashion - disposing of the Q.E. Park Eagles 57-45 Thursday alter- noon on home court. A second-quarter hiccup aside, the locsl cagers controlled the gaine and led from start to finish. Said cosch Vern O'Neil, "Our shooting percentage was Up (from st regular sea- son gaine) and our defense was excellent." Marty Mclntyre delivered a credible effort in the latter department, while direct- ing the offense and collecting a dozen points along the way was point guard Caley French. Mark Grmmwood's 17-point showcaae and reliable rebounding froni Justin Stanley also factored into the opening-" round triumph - which came on the heels of MD's 5-3 regular season, that waa good for fourtis place in the Halton Region Volpe Division. The Mustangs enjoyed. 20-6, 32-24 and 47-33 quarter leada en route to elmminatiaig Q.E. Park. The 12-point final spread waa twice tisaI of MD's mas-gm of victory when these two scisools squared off in tse regular season. The win advanced the seniors to yester- day aftemnoon's quarterfinals against Use top-seated St. Thoms Aquins Raiders - Photo by GRAHAM PAINE who knocked themn off i fis-st-round play MD's Marty Mclntyre defends againat a Q.E. Park oppo- lasItsesson. nrt durlng openlng-round playoff action Thursday. The Results were not available at press finie. Mustangs wonl 57-e5. Drury wrestlers reclaim their GHAC titie in decisivefashion Back on top. E.C. Drury's GI-AC supremnacy resurfaced in a major way at Hamulton's Bishop Ryan Secondary Scisool Wednesday - wisen tise local wrestlers reclaimed their title by toppling tise hosts 150-94. Rebounding froni last year's defeat to regional rival Georgetown, Lanry Jaroslawski's Spartans clammed their fiflis GHAC crown in six years by 1winning six weight divisions and qualifying a dozen grapplers for next weekend's provincial championsisip in Tisunder Bay. That OFSAA qualifying cotait, is up four froin lasI scason - which offers plenty of hope for tise pcrenni- al powerhouse squad's isid for a golden lhree-peal. Baxter brolisers Adam and Mat- bots top-Oive fin- ishers at lasî years provincial showcase - led with OirsI-place performances, as did Chris Guard. Mail Knock. Jason Landry and 84-pound rookie Prasisant Naikwadi. Adami Baxter was particularly dominating in Hamilton Wednesday - winning Oive straigist match- es without 'a single point scored against bu isy 61 - kilogran opponents. Brother Mail's 4-0 campaign in Use 64 kg. loop was nearly as mmpressive - wiUs tearn- mate and silver-medalist Adam Smith representing is only genuine challenge of tise day. Knock won four consecutive battles as well to take gold and up his season record to 26-3, while Guard highlighted a 3-0 showing with a 5-4 nail-biter over Cathedral's Andrew Pisillips. Naikwadi had just one hurdle 10 overcome for his lightweight title while Landry knocked off two oppo- nents on tise way to gold. Otiser silver medalists and OFSAA qualifiers include Tyler Saliba, wiso will close out bis isigis scisool wrestling career with his first tnip to tise provincials. Robs Petiserick -wiso'll goto, OFSAA for tise fourtis straigist season -also struck silver, as did Ben Suthserland and Jesse Ronan. Carl Cisan, Jordan Lumis, Jeif Roberge and Michael Zagozdzon rounded out tise isardward isaul witis bronze medals, wisile otiser top-Oive fmnisises were posted isy Geoif Morgan. Paul Filimonov, Peter Leamnan, Mail Mantin, Josis Maties- and Steve Shorts. Tise Spartans now head into next weekend's provin- cial championship looking to capture tiseir third straight gold and fifth straigist medal. The teani is looking for some sponsorsisip to cover Use $5,000 cool for Use trip 10 Thsunder Bay. Anyone wishing to belpi out is asked 10 cali tise scisool at (905) 878-0575. Please fax ail of your teamn reports and sports story ideas ta Steve LeBlano at 878-4.943, o r drop themn off anytime at 191 Main St. E. If office is closed, slide repoorts through mailsiot. HRITHERFIELD SCHOOL )M September 2002 now being accepted. Hitherfield is a private school fromnJK -Grade 8 We offer: * Academic excellence * Small class sizes * lndividualized program e Computer lab *Nurturing, safe environmrent *Full-day JK and SK *Theatrical productions *Accelerated programs *After-school care *Community involvement We nurture respect, integrsty and talerance in aur students. Severat aj our students have wan scholarships to varsaus independent high schaals and have scared exceptionally well an the Gr 9 2001 EQAO Math Testing. For an interviewlopportunity to visit duning regular school [hours, please cail Cheryl Bélanger at 905-854-0890 INOVENTORY SA&LE!!! m W. Don'It Wunt Te Count MM! SUNDAY, FIBRUARY 247H, 2002 Non - 4 Pmi AUCIONSA LE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25THf 2002 VIEWINO 4PM SALE 6 PM We Want Ut Empty! M