The Canadan Champlion, Tuesday, Febriuaiy 19,2002 -19 Go on the Nutrition Expedition with Halton health department Feeling overwhelmed by thse number of food choices that line thse supermarket shelves these days? Wondering if the food choices you're making are thse healthiest for you and your family? If so, Iselp is close at hand. Ise Halton Region Health Department will pres- ent Nutrition Expedition for the New Millennium, a two-part supermarket tour. Part one of thse Nutrition Expedition ini Milton, a 90-minute workshop session, will take place Monday in thse Community Room (Upstairs. at Loblaws) from 7 to 8:30 p.m. 1inw 10 womon S e il.igi BEAS adElcrIvi CJANCER The isk inc esses with age. The Ontarin Brsast Screening Prns arn pronides breast examinationM and a mamrnngarn ai no cost no wornen who are 50 yen s nf age o over Mke your appoint- Fnr the centre nearest Th. )M Bnst Sc,,Gng Poga sa :ognan o he Regisered The supermarket tour will take place March 4 St Loblaws, alto ftom 7 to 8:30 p.m. In part one of thse Nutrition Expedition, partici- pants learn about healthy eating and nutrition to prevent thse onset of chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes and beart disease. In part two of thse program, participants will tour the supermarket and learn how to shop for foods that maintain good heaitb. For more information or to register for thse Nutrition Expedition, cati (905) 825-6060, ext. 7887. forgh Iossenutritionoherbal re1 de 15 Martin St. a frthe Impossible. Ifs our speciIlty. (CT'rip Squaroe) CH9RPACT OF MITO SdlaIiea Leg Pain The sciatie nerve is tIse iongess and targest in the body. When il is inflamed, the condition is calted cm sciatia (pronouneed si'adica). Not att leg pain is sciatica, but mont att sciatica involves leg pain. Sciatica sufferers often have severe pain along the sci- atie nerve path. usually tn tihe baek of the legs and thighs, although sometimes the pain ts feit in the ankie, foot and toets. Oecasionally, pain is feit in the front or side of the legs, in the hips, or for some sufferers, in both legs. Apart from pain, pares- shesia or pins-and-needles, hum- Sing, tingling. prickling, crawling Ssensations or tenderness may be felt. I ronicatly, the painful teg might feel Snumb as wetl! SThe Pain Varies The quality of pain may vary as wett. There may be constant throbbing, but Uien it may let up for boums or even days. tn severe cases, setattea cas cause a tons of reflexes, or even a Pwasting of Uic caif muscles. For sciatica sufferers. a good night's sleep may he a thing of the past. Simple things like watking, bending, tumning, sitsing or standing up can be dif- ftcult or impossible. Causes of Sciatica Like most other conditions, sciasica has a wide variety of causes. Unlike most other conditions, however, this health problem's relationshtp to the spinal eolumn is often very obvious. A vertebral subluxatton (misaligned vertebra and 'pinehed' nerve), a protmuded or ruptured dise can irritate the sciatie nerve which may resuit in sciatica. Sciatica may be the resutt of cumulative traumas, a sharp or faise movement, a stenuous attempt to lift something, or a joit eaused by a violent cough- ing or sneezing episode. Many people believe that sciatica can be caused by "catehing cold'. Whiie cold may aggravate the pain, it doets not cause sciatica. Sciatica han also been related to various non spinal conditions, such as advanced diabetes, constipation, tumours andI some vitannin deficien- cies. Sciatica may appear graduatty or suddenty, and may be Uic resuit of a trauma Uiat occurred neyer- aI monUis or even neyerai years before. It some- tmmen appears white a person in watking or upon wakiywin i e- momin. Atthough the pain does eventually disappear, fur- ther attacks remain a possibility. It is extremely unusual for a versebral subtuxation 10 correct itself. Uniess a chiropractor intervenes, the pain wili retum sooner or later. Back Pain and Sciatica Niners' per-cent of sciasti cases aie sin of the matls ()f tilt, scse r sere Isetss eps the sntereehral dis/t and ligamsents dire to a dvsfstnt-tion of r/se tw-tehrae - in ot/ter issids. vei-tebral <misalignm5nt & "pins/ted' serve) SUBLUXATION Nervellaý Backache or hip problems may occur long before the sciatica symptomn show up, Isowever, that isn't atways Uic case. Sometimes sciatica is pre- ceded by tower back or Isip symptoms, andI none- limes it isn't. The Chiropractie Approach Chiropractors correct vertebral subtuxations using spinal adjustments to relieve pressure on thse spinal nerves. joints and dises, eradicating the cause of thse irritation and the pain at thse samne time. Chiropractie Resuits For decades. chiropractors and patients have observed the benefits of chiropractie spinal adjustments on those suffering fretm seaticsi and leg pain. Many sciatica sufferers have experi- enced dramiattc relief of their pain after chiroprac- tic care. For this type of problem, chiropractie treatment is safe. naturai, and effective, eliminat- ing the need for miedication or surgery. If. you have sciatica a chiropractie spinal adjust- ment ts needed. Evecy sciatica sufferer needs a healthy opine. Don't Wait.. Chiropractic care appears to have the mosi pro- found effeet on sciatica when problems first occur. However, even those who have tried every- Uiing to no avait, chiropractie can provide excel- lent results. In many cases it is neyer too late to enjoy Uic benefits of chiropractie care. But please, don't wait. A public awareness pro9ram by your local chiropractic association r, 37 nai t . 50Onai t . D.Mren unr 16W kfe Dr . Hete oeC258618 r neiaKeh D.D 87 -8 2 *ii L. alii 8~~~ ~ ~ , rsMrayM:hi