The Cariadian Champion, Tueeday, February 1, 2002-17 ~s. Feb 19 mMon. Feb 25 *WE DELIVR* Solnis 5% Discunt Mowied ht"fol 6u.1ïw WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT OUAI77ES flb *k AUW Oitfo 01e Asaud Vrlt cutfromOa ffdnzA KdoWgs, hsorbfluVretes amJ~ UZ4!J5JJ ot from mimd VarleiO im Ail aur dinners are prepared in store by Rosa. We use only the freshest of ingredients without using any preservatives. Couie lu and check out Our hot food counter for ait y.ur dinner needs. Large single servlng of fresh cooked pasta wlth Rosa's own Pasta sauce 99à6 fi& ê2 " jumnbo Chlcken or Your choice of chicken or beef stuffed withn your favourite toppings *3J!J " Dakery Mini Dnhnfl" cw Pso414 0nlon Su /19Fax SOmd l1 Pump.rnlok Sftad n Mumgral 14 SuOad lu UNJIZ" V"F