18S-The Canadian Champion, Tu.sdlay February 19, 2002 Prices ln effect from TE froduot t~ Fr~ Of Yie <N Sosddt unz «S Wýodu.t of & U&& ProdSt of b5Oe mi Pd Mouite.AsrodVr Our Vary 0wiK NMse 6- St 850 Ves Motdella CM& stou 100g Fat FMs 1og 189o ]kies FM 19 .%Wdns*~fd2O Lasagna e Veau Parniagana wlth meat or on a bun Meatless 1T ooedwit Peppers $2f98 pe 110 1lOog $3." MON.-~~~ zW 'POLU oi. PML TM<U - FU 8MS LU t. RU. W.n moou Ai. os A e FrodW of 1 ' 111009