"Champion decides to put in a water-motor to drive the The Canadien Champion, Fniday, February 15, 2002-7 *OuR REAnEFR,, WR[TF paper presses, power wîll corne fromn local waterworks Mîltonian has a rewardîng experience 'Tinte Capsules' are geins of information extracted front past issues of The Champion and other publication ta pro- vide a window into Milton's past. Explanatory comment is sometimes pro- vided to place the situation in context, October 1894 Owing ta the increse of work during Uie pst seson as Tht Champion we are put- tmng in a water-raotor ta drive aur presses. The power wiil be taken fromt Uic Milton waterworks. We cmi ssfely stase Uiat The Champion office hs neyer had s greater rush of work in pninting books, pamphlets, taie bilas, let- tcr and bull heada Uian it has had dssring thc present year. The work donc bas given Uiorougb satisfaction ta Uic parties order- mng it. (Use of Uic waser mawer ws dis- continued in 1944.) November 1894 There ws considérable excitement cre- sted in Brampton hy Uic stress of Andrew Vanwick, anc of Uic mass popular young men in Uic tawn. He was chargcd wiUi attcmpsing a crim- isial opération. It is allcged than Vanwick has been kcepimg company wiUi s young girl aithUi Royal Hotel and fmtding Uiat stt wss in trouble hie wrotc a letter toas Dr. Graham in Toronto asking him if he would undertake ta heip Uic girl oui of lier trou- hic. Dr. Graham tumced the lester aver ta Detective Thomas Wasson of Uic Coilege of Physicians and Surgeons and hie wssttd no time in plscing Uie young maa under arrest. Before Uic trial on Monday boUi met in Uic shériff s office. Rev. Mr. Pearsan mar- ried thera, Uic bride cricd a hlte, and Uie hushandas wtdding tour consisted of a trip ta Uic police court, where lie was sent up for trial and reltaaed on $2,000 bail. Milton Council hs agreed Uiat t Milton Curling Club will be given Uic use of water for sprinkling ice for Uic ssam of $2 per ytar. The club wiil psy ail Uic expenses of putting in s anc inch pipe and raaking connections. Tht lighs committee of Milton Council authorized Uic use of Uic aid (coal ail) lampa for any street in Uie tawn providing Time Capsules they are supplied with ail and attendante free of expense ta the town. Misses Parter and Eliatt shipped 160 jars af fruit ta the Taranta Children's Haspital this maming. The fruit waa the end result af a canvass af the peaple af this neighborhaad by the yaung ladies and the Canadian Express Ca. carried it ta Taranta free of charge. Later a letter af thsnks was received fram the Hospital far Sick Children reporting that "taday we have 93 sick children in aur wards snd ahout 40 nurses. The housekeeper toId me it takes 10 quarts af fruit ta serve the whale hausehald far ane tes ar ahout seven quarts far the children alane." Warden's Dinner. Ahout 60 members af Caunty Council, afficials and friends attended the Warden's Dinner at the Wallace Hause as guests af Warden Warren. The menu included axtail saup, raast heef, rost goose with apple sauce, rast turkey with crsnberry sauce, potataes, cau- liflawer, apple pie, mince pie, trifle, leman jeily, wine jelly, aranges, snaw apples, grapes, celery, cheese. tea, and caffee. December 1894 The Past Office Depsrtmnent hs award- ed ta Mr. Crozier the contract far carrying tic mail, daily, fromn Milton by wsy of Homby ta Drumquin, retuming by Omagh and Boyne. It also invalves canymig the mail fromt Milaon Past Office ta G.T.R. station ta meet three daily trains and ta and fromn the Post Office ta the C.P.R. station ta maest two daily trains far the aura af $305 a year. Mr. McIntosh, Uic former carrier, receivcd $450. Thtis material is assembledl on behaif of the Milton Historical Society by Jim Dilîs, chair of research, who can be reached by e-mail atjdills@idirect.com. while sharing story: White Cane Week Dear Editor: My dear faUicr ws biind. 1 have saved bis white cane since hie ditd in 1996. It's now 2002. 1 skd my friend Jcnny Panda, who's a creative, lovimg teacher, whcther shte would like ta demon- strate my fatr's white cane ta hier cîsass of 23 6, 7 and 8-year-oids ta bossour White Cane Week Uiis year. Sht invited me ta came ta hter cisass ta tell the sry myseif. I agretd. Tht children had neyer seen a white cane before, it seeraed. Howcver, anc girl volunteered Uiat shte Uiought s blind persan might use it ta heip herseif feel bier wsy along. She spoke t word blind very softiy. It camne ta me that 1 would demainstrate t use of t white cane by txiting t csass and Uien re-cntering wiUi cyts firrily tlxtd shut. 1 did sa, feeling my way along wiUi Uic cane using t sweeping motion I had seen used in Uie pst. Tht children laughtd as tiras but quickiy became sccustoracd ta conversing wiUi me in t new mode. We discussed Uic use of Uic cane Uioroughiy. Finaily, ont boy sked me how it ws Uiat 1 "kntw ail Uit." As 1 began ta tell hlm about my dear faUicr, hls blindness and hls cane, I became emotional, especial- ly around ray faUier's dcath. 1 acknowlcdgtd my feelings and sked Uic chldren ta deseribe what Uiey saw. My tadnett ws esy for Uicm ta idcntify. Tht next Uiing 1 knew ws Uiat Ms Panda told me Uiat ont of bier stadents, s littie boy, whom stt pointtd out, bad gotten up ta came close ta mt ta give me a hug. 1 ws deeply toucbtd by hls scnsitivisy and bis kindncas. We shared a tender hug. Following Uiat, several more chil- dren arrvcd and shared Uieir emo- tianai experiences. It feit s Uiough Uiey were whls- pering in my car. 1 loved Uieir con- fidences. There wtre no barriers bctwccn us. Spontaneous opennets had been crestcd, and 1 couidn't even "set' what 1 ws doing. Finaily, anc boy ws appointed ta guide mc out of t achool as t close of aur visît. My expectations for Uic experi- cnce were grtasiy surpsassed. Tht white cane had htlped open t wsy for real sbaring. I guets Uist a white cane can do Uiat and proba- bly much more. Maybe it's much like s magic wand. A certain level of magic did take place between me and Ms Panda's clasa. Wouldn't my dad bt happy ta know Uiat bis cane ws stilling doing ita job. White Cane Week wsa stremen- dous succeas for me iis year. E. Kidole Milton Milton girls deserve the opportunity to enjoy the game of hockey just llke boys, says hockey momn Dear Editor: I'm writing this lcttcr ta ask tht residents of Milton - where is Uic girls hockey in Uiis town? During t next couple of weeks, millions wiil keen- ly watch tht 2002 Winter Olympic Games. International stars who bave pushed theraselves beyond t limnits ta be Uie vtry best, will inspire young children. Girls in thls town deserve a chance ta experience Uic camaraderie of building ficndshlps; Uic samne way boys do tvtry timc Uicy lace up. There art girls socccr and bseball teama in Milton, so why not hockey? Yes, tome of yau will be Uiunking Uiere ia hockey - Uiey tan play wiUi Uie boys. You're riglit, but Uiere are drawbacks ta this option, tome of whlch include changing and self-confidence issues. Let't face it, Uierc are physicaiMdifferences between 1O-year aid girls and l0-year aid boys. 1 really believe Uiere's enough intereat out Uiere aith Ui10-ta-13-year age rangc for girls and no anc is ready ta fight for it. Wcli girls, ltt's hear frora you. If you want ta play hockey or even want to try hockey, plest respond ta Uhit lester. Thts will let Uic rcsidcnts of Milton know that tht time bas came to move forward and togeUier 1 believe we tan make girls hockey happen in Milton. Sorat of you raay be tliinking I'm trazy - Uiat Uiere isn't cnough icc tirat. Too bsd, they wili have to sched- uit us in and make tinie. Why should we have to drive aur girls out of town to play in Oakvilit, Burlington, Mississauga or Gcorgetown? Why nos have a team and promatet Ui worthwhile effort? Ginls, I know you're out Uiere, I've seen tome tremendous ability ait Uit sgt level. So what do you say? Let't go for t gold and bring girls hockty to Milton. Sarah Lynn Frost Hunter Roseheath Drive yit'tit our nay wlth a leftter to me0 oditor.