6 ~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 77 - h anda hapoFrdy FbjrL1,20 + COMMENT *THE CANJADL1 i CHAMPION Box 248, 191 Ma Milton, Ont. L9 (905) 878-j Editonial Fax: Advertising Fax: Classified: Circulation: Ian Oliver Neil Oliver Jili Davis Karen Smith Wendy McNab A Steve Crozier c Teri Casas Tim Coles p 905 905 905 905 nlsso dver irce, rodi in St. E., Thie Canadian Champion, publistred every Tuesttay and Fniday at 191 'T 4N9 Main St. E., Milton, Ont.. L9T 4N9 (Box 248), is one of Tire Metnotand Pninting. Publishing & Distributing LId. group of subonran companies wttictt inadads: Ajax/Pickering News Adoantîser Alliston Herald/Couie, Barrie i31 Ance Barrys Bay Titts Week, Boltet Entenprise, Bnampton Goardian, Bu34 gto Post, Burîington Shopping Ndews, City Parent, City ni Ynnk Soandian, Collingwood/Wasaga Connectin, East Yark Minnon. Enin -878-4943 Advocate/Caantny Routes, Etobicake acdiaa, Ftambonnagir Post, Fonener -7-34 Young, Georgetown tedependentActon Free Pness, Halton Business Times, -85-30 Economist & Sun, Midland/Pernetaoguisirene Mineot, Midoo Shropping Nes, -853 ississauga Basiness Times, Mississaaga News, Napaeee Gaide, -878-5947 iiassagaweya News, tiewmarkerlAuoratnra-Banner, Nortberlandt News, Publisher Hockey News, Oniltia Tottay, OstrawaliNkitby/laringtonlPort Peney Tris Week, Peterboraughi This Week, Pictoni Couety Guide, Richrmond ciate Publisher iiVThornhillNaaghan Libenal, Scarbotougir Micron, SteutfiilelUatnidge Tribane Editor in Chief Adeentlsing is accepted on tire condition tiait, cn tire Huent ot a type- Editor grapirical enter, tiret tortion of the adoertising space occopied by tire erre- onous item, togetirer wd5h a neasonable allowance ton signature, sutl net ire eioing Manager cirged ion, bat tire balance ot the aduertisement wiil be paid ion at the appli- fation Manager cabte rate. The pubiioken nesenees tire rigirt ro categenize adoirtisements or Office Manager decline. îchan Manager nte Milic Canadien Ciramepien s a Recyce"t Pludaut Hockey unfortunately ' raging' out of control Last weekend's 'ice rage' incident at an aduit hockey gaine in Burlîngton and Tuesday's assault of a referee at a Milton Merchants/Bramalea Blues playoff gaine signal a disturbing trend occurring in arenas from neigbbourhoods rigbt up to the NHL. Bramalea head coach Mike Yacynuk was charged with assault on the referee while Halton Regional Police are contemplatmng laying charges against a man wbo allegedly swung bis stick so bard at an oppontent in Bur1ingon it fractured bis skull. Given the nature of the injury and the alleged act, police are obliged to take a good bard look at the case. While anyone who bas played hockey knows physical contact and some risk of injury is associated with tbe gaine, what look place in both incidents crossed the line - big time. Ice rage seems to be making beadlines more and more of late, and flot just for tbe actions of bockey players. Truck driver Thomas Junta was recently sent to prison for literally beating anotber hockey dad to deatb after tbeir sons' hockey scrim- I mage in suburban Boston-last summer. Hockey is supposed to be an enjoyable pastime tbat lets us escape life's stresses - not vent them. When coacbes, parents, adults and pros let their anger and frustration override common sense, wbere can our young players find role models? FIGURE SKATING JUDGESJ SOUR READERS WRITE Those door-to-door representatives can be quite deceiving, so buyer beware: woman Dear Editor: Who's that knockin' at my door, again! Au a new homeowner 1 have becomne very acquainted with the term "gos marketer" and I'm thor- ougbly annoyed by the aggresuive tacties used by these door-to-door representatives. Since moving int a new devel- opruent laIt sumimer I have had sev- eral of these repu. at my door, somne- times twice in one day. Their approach is somnewhat deceivmng in that you may believe they're froro your local gas company when they mout definitely are not. However, mosi offer a legitunate produet and ino way amn 1 accusing themn of beimg fraudulent. Usually when you answer the door you may bear sornetbing like they're 'eoming around to, make sure everyone us signed up before the new rates go mnto effect." They will usually ask to sea your gas bill and offer you a fixed gas rate for a several-year termi. I would be wary of aooyone who asks you toi hand over your person- ai information. Through uome research mnto the business of gas marketing 1 have cornte acroiss numerous stories of people handing over their bis and deciining the product/service only to, find out weeks, monthr later they had been signed up anyway. On many occa- sions I bave aeked for literature or a business card so I could take some time t0 think about il, but not once have they been able to provide me with tbis information. My point toi ail this uls buyer beware. Take somne time and look mbt how your utility rates are deter- mined. My husband and I chose not 10 deal with a gos marketer because we believe that in the long term we wilI save more money with our local gos provider. A fixed-rate might be right for you but whichev- er you choose, I believe il's every- one's right t0 make an informed decision. A. Buffitt Milton Ahuge effort needed tofigh't intermodal terminal It's been a year now since CN announced ils intention 10 build an intermodal terminai in south Milton. The reaiîy of tihe situation is thse development wiil muin the peaceful, country feel of eouth Milton and poesibiy have many other negative effects on our town unlees somnehow, some way we can stop it. The problerro is, how do we go about doing that? Is the Canadian Transportation Agency going 10 len 10 residente when they point out the ter- minai will cause great disruption with the expeet- ed extra 500 toi 1,000 trucks a day on our roade? Will il understand that Ibis development is out- rageouuly unfair 10 the numerous residents who bought their homes neyer having any reoson to suspect such a developmrent would intrude on their quiet, rural lifestyle? And wbat about the impact on the environmrent and wildlife? Will il care enougb about Ibat 10, squash the plan? It would be a different story if these lands were planned for industry, but tbaî's simply not thse case, as indicated in the Officiai Plan. 1 certainly understand CN's prerogative in wanîing 10 build tbe terminai in soutb Milton. lt's close toi the tracks and major bighways, and the railway wos able 10 buy up enough land. But remaining residents have their own prerog- ative, and it looks like the Town and Region plan 10 back thero up. Altbough il basn't said officiai- ly, locai govermment doen't appear 10 want the terminai either. So if residents, tbe Town and the Region are opposed 10, Ibis developmnenî, bow is il possible tisaI the odds are on CN'e side? Weil, il gocs back to the migbty federal Railway Act, wbich unfor- tunately can supercede municipal bylaws and From the editor's desk officiai plane. But you know what? We're not going down witbout a ftgbt. Beaîing the odds is possible witb a huge comrnunity effort, govemrment support and some strategizing. Reuidents Affected by Intermodal L.ines (RAIL) - a group of local citizene opposed 10, tbe terminai - got on the bail rigbt away 10 mni- tiate ils battie plan. RAIL bas hosted nine information boothe at Milton Mail, distributed newsletters about the development and designed a Web site (www.mil- tonrail.com>. And the Town and Region have each pledged $ 100,000 for technical expertise. Once CN makes it official application t0 the Canadian Transportation Agency (CTA), get ready because il will be lime for tbe gloves 10 corne off. We have a crucial 120 days t0 review and respond 10 the proposai before a hearing us held ai the CTA bffice in Ottawa. What we can do in the meantime us support RAIL's upcoming fundraising efforts. A solicitor will be needed toi represent RAIL during the review bearing - somnething the group estimates will cool between $30.000 and $50.000. We'l let you know how you caa contribute. Put 'em up, CN!