22-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, February 15, 2002 Milton. wins game 3 ,Local boxer unbeaten since 0 roU~m NW CHA T on pqIe21 Miltonmts d their pposerna to just four sin the first period and çom- piely maSutalized tlxom daalig twýo early sabonhanded sitints - whii0s seeed to m ie tonforhe favouable fiih"wu tcomeN. Wth!v140,êjbga4 a fat- gasme suspnsion for flipping die puck lasta dms saas duemsg gwze tamo in Mto,IJo Vmidoegn &«sedi n Brasaml 1Taedm> and saw dmtu boISa upft ad n hpont Justk Nattanss Mli. daiae gnSe (hie t sêlinms MutaS bomt gamt four of the aunes tloit t 8 paas The tearns return to Victoria Park Arna Momiday for gamae fire, wh almo mIas at 8 p.a. Mwcal mutss Milhêsolas yetto be outshot inasy ot of lis ninse playoff periea sagaipt Branalea _. Assistant OMa Dave JDenno recently asoaaced " vmau deteisama Vimie Oulaseci has awompted a schlaship, a. BcAC D*iiion Ills WeISWoIYII goe neïr osms ... AI pi=e time yeda, ml tisai. cther em is lf w Pr*viumlJrA WsterCsfcnmsehad thse pote"ta t. be swceps - witls -mptr 00053town ad HmaàSlo Ai lcadiatg 2-0 over Sui*utville, omville ad isissauge speaitiey Milton Minor Basebail Ages 5-21 *1s lime players need a Bitth Certificate Make New Friends. L«rm New Skills! Ask about heing a coach, assistant coach, leam parent, umnpire or helping out ai our toornaments or special days. Mfilon Mail The Milton Curling Club Invites you to attend the 2002 OCA Master Men's and Master Women's Provincial Curling Championships Wed. Feb. 20 3:30 p.m. Opening Ceremonies 7:30 p.m. Thur. Feb. 21 10:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m. Fri. Feb. 22 1:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Sat. Feb. 23 10:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m. Closing Ceremoasies 9:45 p.m. Mastr Wmen' PlayShjMi81 Wed. Feb. 20 12:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Opening Ceremonies 7:30 p.m. Thur. Fuis. 21 1:00 p.m. Fri. Feis. 22 10:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m. Sat. Fuis. 23 1:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Closing Ceremonies 9:45 p.m. Milton Curling Club gratefully acknowledges the tinancial support provided by the Town of Milton's Community Fund, Mohawk Racetrack Siots and Tim Hortons 01ffMON nis move wo nramaiea ciuu New surroundings have met witb favourable results for Mati Hart Jr. Milton's 24-year-old boxer is undefeated in two bouts since movmng over to the Bramalea Boxmng Club in rnid-November. The latter of these victories camne two weeks ago at tbe annual Brampton Cup. Attaining bis desired mniddleweigbt statua, the local pugiliat eamned a unanimous decision over Brantford's Shane Summerhaze. Hart Jr. connected with a thunderous lefI book to the miàd-section in tbe opening round and had bis opponent reeling tbrougb the balance of the contesa witb a quick combination of bead and body sbots. 1I could hear bim wince after abat farat body shot," ssid Hart Jr. "He juat didn't know which way to go after abat. I was working my angles pretty good anti just managed to stay focuseti tbe wbole figbt." The Milton m-iddleweighi - who up until the past few months had been bindered by a series of injuries, canceled evenas and no-show opponents -said he's in much better shape both mentally and physi- cal.ly since joining the Bramalea Boxing Club. "I've got to give a lot of cred- it to (my tramnera) Billy Martin Matt Hart Jr. and Richard Lewis. Tbey've really gotten me better pre- pared," bie explained. Hart Jr. - Milton's only known active boxer - is next in action this weekend, during a province-vs.- province sbowdown in Qsaebec. Peewees deliver impressive start Milton's AA major peewees kicked off Tri County playoff action in style - toppling the Georgetown Raiders 4-1 Monday. The Hydro One Winterhawks had enough goals for the victory before the firat period waa over, thanka to deposits; by Brian Evans and Jeremny Brown. Luc Hartwick and Connor Mitchell cemented the DATE DIVISION TRM win waab third-peniot markers. Mark Murray andi Daniel Lafontaine eacb assisteti on goals two andti ree whsle settsmg up the final tally was Jake Demarsh. Netminder Devon Piater's shutout bud was spoileti in the st minute of play. Milton dominatedth ae bard-hitting, penalty-filleti evening clash. x ail of your team reports and sports y' ideas to Steve LeBlanc at 878-4943. B0allygrace Earm li pua lassa Imma a" 0a"i, mNi" a piaf wutê alituiliu es ain i. Aiga 6+- k/I To k~st.e Flaslms achodule avullabto Ca 05-S7S-21U 1wim M., mm Menu tam Satna a Iartuq, atm ta ail mtain moua 86690541100 M na y e. Frde F7 y 'I SCORE TEAM SCORE m MEAWESOME DAME PLAYED BY EVEHONFE MeUc aMM .LM MM -si NuIT MO -amus mise rMMu mUa FilS9 PIE VIlE DMA CAR GARAGE 3 PRISSE LAW OFFC 2 HOME ORmVID 3 CANASMAN TlE 1 TMmN DENAL CmII 7 BIM AUT REPMIR 3 SCOOTI S NACKt SNACK S ROSS DMONI FINANCIAL 3 FilB 9 BAA 5RIAN'S AUTO REPAIE 1l SENQUIP LTD. 2 FEB11l CENTRICUT 9 ABSOLUTE TRANSPORT 3 NU TECK RECRIITRS S ROGERS ATAT 3 PEU la MINOR NOVICE GOODUIFE FITNESS BLUE 3 jGOOCUIFE FITNESS BUACK 3 GOODUIFI FITNESS RID 3 COUOLFE FITNESS CMEE 5 FEB510 MAJOR NOVICE BRtANS AUTO RIPAIR 6 AUSTEN NME INSURANCE 4 814099155 DRUG MARTY NUl TECHI RECRUITERD 5 FEUS9 ATOM BRIAN'S AUTO REPIR t UOR'S CLUB 4 GALLINEIl FOM 9 mU MOVIDRA 3 SEARS 1 MCCUNO MUIsANCE 1 FIB1l SENIOR JOHINSON CONTROI.S 6 MILTONI ClIRYLE DMCC 3 KWIK K097 9 KEY CENTRE 8 KENTUcCYFRIEO CICCEN 9 DOOS aDENT 7 PLAYOFFS STARTr FEBRUARY 18rH I/Ik,~1ProudIy Suppods ýw »S , MiRon Minor Mockey Tel: 876-4647 Fax: 876-1100 100 oNiptsag ROad, Undlg9abMon, OnwaiO L9T 5B2 (aw mn mg The ad that appeared in the February 12, 2002 Champion should have read "Alplayers born between 1983 - 1997"9 Sonry for any inconvenience. mv 4 - - Mohawk 4 ib z1ý