Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Feb 2002, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 12, 2002 *COMMENT Jury recommendationsJur must be taken seriously WR We're sure the dedicated staff at Halton Women's Place are hoping that this time around the government will listen (and act upon) the 58 recommendations that came out of the Gillian Hadley inquest. Ms Hadley, 35, was shot to death by her estranged husband in June 2000. Ralph Hadley, who was ordered to stay away from his wife, then tumed the gun on himself. Ms Hadley didn't have to die. Like other women killed in similar tragedies, there was an obvious pattem, of violence - so blatantly obvious in fact, that one of the police officers involved in the case pre- dicted the worst. How many more women must die at the hands of a violent parmer before the laws say this isn't just? How many more women must suf- fer because the social safety net just isn't big enough or doesn't cover every inch of the province? If only there were tougher bail laws and easier access to subsidized housmng for families fleeing domestic violence. And it's precisely these ideas that have been dealt with by dhe inquest jury. The jurors did a good job. They deserve to see their recommendations taken seriously.___________________________ _______ O UR READERS WRITEZ Milton BMX group presîdent offers thanks to Town and staff for their generosîty and support of sport Dear Editor: Having lived in Milton far more than 35 years, anc tbing bas rcmaincd consistent, do anc thing wrong and evcryone knows about it. Do a tbousand good things, and maybc it will be recognized. 1 would tike tai take Uiis time ta acknowl- cdge thc positive cffcct that thc Town of Milton and its staff have bad on Uic youth of Milton. Track 2000 BMX in 2001 submitted a requcît ta Uic Milton Community Fund for financial support ta wc could upgradc aur facility and mnake it anc of Uic safest, most cballcnging tracks in North Amnerica. Thanks ta the Community Services Advisory Committcc, Jennifer Reynolds, director of community services, Ken McAlpine, parka and facilities coordinator, Joy Anderson, coordinator of leisure divi- sion, Doug Thompson, manager of opera- tions, and many others, Track 2000 reccivcd fundmng. Our executive, parents and volunteers werc 50 cncouragcd by the Town of Miltan's gcnerooity, we bosted anc of Uic malt succcssful BMIX National events in North Amnerica. THE CAVADIAN CHAMPION Dox 248, 191 Main St. E., Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertismng Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian OliverPublisher Neil Oliver Associate Publisher Jili Davis Editor in Chie! Karen Smith Editor Wendy McNab Advertising Manager Steve Crozier Circulation Manager Teri Casas Office Manager Tim Coles Production Manager The Canadian Champion, published every Toesday and Friday ai 191 Main St. E., Milton, Ont., [ST 4N9 (Sox 248), is ose of The Metrolanid Printînt, Publisisbg & Sistributint LUd. group ot suburbas compasies whicb ncludes: Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser, Ailistor Herald/Courier, Barrie Aduance, Barrys Bay This Week, toiles Esterprise, Bsampton Goardias. BudingtoO Post, Burlinglon Shopping News, City Parent, Ciny of Yorke Suardian, Collingwood/Wasaga Connection, East Yorke Mirror, tris Adsocate/Countny Routes, Etosicoire Suardian. Fiaensorough Post, Foreser Young, Georgetown Independent/Acton Free Press, Haltts Business Ternes, Surnia Business Ternes, Kipgston This Week, Lindsay This Weeli, Markham Ecosomist & Son, Midland/Penetangoishene Mirror, Mitot Shopping News, Mssissauta Business Times, Mississauga News, Napasiee Guide, Nassagaweya News, NewmrakeVAueora Ira-Banner, Northumberland News, North Yoile Merror, Oakvelle Beaver, Sakoille Shspping Sews. ildtiers Hockey Sews, Oriliia Today. OshawulWhitbylCiarisgton/Psor Perry This Weeir, Peterborough This Week, Picton Cousty Guide, Richmond HilllThorshiilNaoghan Liberai, Scarboiough Merise, Stoutsoille/Uxbridge Tribune, Sdveoeislng is accepted on thi condition that, in the osent of a typo- geaphical emoi, ttrat portion of the advoetsisg space occupisd by île erro- seous item, together weth a reasonabie allowaseie tor signature. wîli sot se cleargnd for, but the balance of the advedeisernent weli be pard for at the appeli cable rate. The publisher resenses the reght to catogoie aduedeisernents or iTe Mifter Canadio reeen Chminsa Seepiiore Produot ai But, the greatest achievement of the year camne witb the introduction of a new pro- gramn called Riders Ready, developcd by Nicky Pearson. The program's main goal was 10 teach children with special needs such as Autisin, ADHD anod other such disorders how ta interact and navigate a BMX race course. By the end of thse year something very spe- cial had devcloped betwecn the executive, instructors and regular BMIX racers, more than ever imaginable. These special childrcn created a common bond of trust, which developcd because of their sheer detennination ta succeed. They werc no longer thought of aa special kids trying ta ride a bike, but now as BMX rac- ers just trying to perfect tbcir SUIS. t would like ta say thank you ta thc Town of Milton for its support and gcnerosity. This is only one of a thousand good things you do for aur community, and it's wby Milton is one of the malt desirable places in Ontario ta live. Mark Brancler, president Milton Track 2000 BMX Historic downtown beat Dma Edito: 1 would like ta add, mm tiput ta thse editorial mpgardng Milton's projeet involving Town HaIL libraiy and atsa centre. Tc nsake tisis a truly well-planned and attrctve town, it would be wise ta inaintain an empisasis on thse historie down- town district where tbere's already a fulli comnplement of amienities, especially fabulous restaurants and shaps. People like ta do something before or after a performansce, especially going for a bite ta est. Ail these facilities could be concenirat- ed around or near tie, beautifual Town Hall. If need be, a municipal tlepatnent (building and planning) couldise locat- ed in another location such as Main Stireet and Thonpso Road, which is neair construction activîty. . To inicreas pairking capacity, crefte a two-level under- ground parking facility under tisis coniplex. Addionuily, build a two-level parking f"clty partially blow sfle0t level east on Mary Street. Consider dro ishf nd ekwoatng the post office. Ibis generic and sasoile-4ooking building la toa- Iy incomnpatible toits suTudnsand gobbles up presca space. Ie aâditiontal properly bounded by Muan, Brown andi Mary streets would allow the buildngof someutng superin dtesign andi function of which we would allbe prou& Mmi community cornoext would enisance Mdt smake down- town a vnirant, quaint andi buagonig ares. It would be a sham ta dispierse &=es faciltis ail over townli. Komd d Pud by Steve Nease

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