--à The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Febniary 12, 2002 -3 ,,Grade 9 Reding students score better than average Bishop Reding Secondary School is the champion of grade 9 math in Milton, according to Education QUality and Accountability Office test resuits released last week. Tlhe local Catholic school fared much better than its public counter- parts, surpassing the provincial averages in both the academnic and applied testing. Nineteen per cent of Bishop Reding grade 9 applied math stu- dents either met or exceeded the desired test results - compared bo the provincial average of 16 per cent. The achool fared similarly well in academie math, with 69 per cent of students recording desired or above marks. The provincial average is 52 per cent. But for the most part, Halton District Sehool Board (HDSB) high sehools - including Milton Distret and E.C. Drus-y - feUl below the provincial averages. E.C. Drus-y High Scisool saw 15 per cent of grade 9 applied math students and 58 per cent of ses- demie math students perform at thse desired or above level. Only 9 per cent of Milton District High Sehool grade 9 applied math students and 40 per cent of ses- demie math studenîs achieved desirable or better results. But drawing comparisons between schools is an mnappropri- ste use for test resuits, urged HDSB Superintendent of Program Services Bars-y Finlay. "The results of these tests should not be used for making compar- isons, but rather for improving stu- dent leaming," he said. Wevlàaapons the major concern -'tram GUARDS on page 1 A fellow correctional officer, who didn't want to be identified, said prisoners devised a method of sneaking alcohol and dmugs into the jail through thse garbage system. "Tie visitors would put it in thse garbage can in the front (lobby). The inmnates would know the drugs would come in. 'Me garbage from the front would be taken inside and mixed with the ret of the garbage. Tisey (inmates) would go through the garbage and fmd it (contra- band)." He said Maplehurst staff are unaware how long contraband has been smuggled into the jail, or how much has been brought in. "We stifi found (contraband) in the laundry today (Friday)," said thse guard. adding the original tip of the security breecis came from an inmate. Mr. Yole said the guards were worried weapons might also have been smuggled in. Julia Noonan, a spokesperson with the Ministry of Correctional Services, told The Champion yes- terday the Ministry of Labour was contacted after correctional offi- cers exercised thei- rigbt to refisse work under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, but afler a search found no contraband in the facility. "Thse correctional officers went back to work Friday evening," she said, adding the lock down remained in effeet until yesterday mortung. She said lock downs are com- mon in correctional facilities when contraband is found or suspected on the grounds so proper searches can be executed. Baksry VIENlAj STICK BREADI SLEMON B nERCREAM CAKE cm 69c Ch 1 19.99ach «HOT LUNCH SPECIAL 0F THE WEEK Spinach & choos f11161 Manicofti and garde, salai & hum *sit down in aur café or tk u! $ # 9 t -ï Ail Ran Roastod Salai Chicken Brsast $3 lb or1~ 5991b or 11.32 1100U1b r7$ mmi &T.Ia. MLTON MON '- THURS. 9:00 Am - 9:0 Pm MI. & 555 IL Irlq r-ff AT ervt % V-,q