24-The Canadiari Champion, Tueaday, February 12, 2002 a vestesi interest insie opposing Fnns. Thse Finnish five ar ong eids of his, going back sev- al years when they firt crossed the Atlantic fi seastis of thse best comrpetition duis plasiet hm to offet lunneed of an event orgmizer andgeueral lison, they quick- ly acquiresi the services of Armstrong - who as a player bas securesi several provincial titles andi knows the national curling scene ike thse back of his hansi. "<If you wmnt ta play at a top level, you've got ta corne ta Canada,explaineleadaiLau , who conpet«along- aide former school-miatea Tosni Hati, Ville Makela, Marilu UusipaavaWnnand Pefka Sarrelanen. "Ken dmeall kinds of shinga for us. Hes really taken the pressure off so we cm jst cosicentrate onsthrowing rocks." For that reaso, the Olymplc hopefuls upgraded Armstrong ftinm teaIn coordinator tu coach for their journey to Salt Lake City Recalled ArmsuSg back in November, 'lInearly feUl out of my chair when they made the request. It still haan't sunk in quite yfe" Even as the group waa prepasing ta head south Friday, Milton's Olysnpic skipper saiiste magniud of their excur- sion hadn't quitehbit hins. "It basn't reaily been weighing on me yet. I think it'il be dif- fêrent once we actually get shere," he said during a selephone interview froin Calgary Thursday. Teai Finland had just wraped up a competitive swing out west ans, acconuing ta sheir coach, Iooked good in their final susse-up for the 2002 Winter Gaines. Said Arsnstong, "Sonm countries gos shere eary ansi would- FMephsoto lsy GRAHAM PAINEi Mitonien Ken Ansuarogq (sionir) la coaol*sg the. Olymple Flnnlsh an'a curtnqtmm, whlcts will ta@4 on cmiada lI the fld *aw INa afthmoon lI SaM Ldok n't have lte sanie amount of practice turne, so we nsay be as an advantage titat way." Regardiess, Teain Finlansi went inta yesterday's first draw aga"nsDenSaik as a legitiznate conender taniedal -having claiied world chasnpionship bronze in botit 1998 and 20M0 "That's what we're aiming for (a medal)," said Laukkaness. Beating Canada this afternoon would be a huge ssep tuwaad that endi. "Is's going ta be a big test," stressed Amislrong. "Hopetùlly we'll be 3-0 andi they'Ui be 0-2 as that:point" Today's Canada-Finlansi showdown 18, scheduled for 4 pi.. Preiinary men's curling action continues until Monday. Bronze ansd gold-meda matches ame set for next Friday, Feit. 22. Ten teains are competing in tise men's division. *r & HELP CARRY HOPE TO OURCOMMUNITY Z;te caniaban (bammpion a Minor peewees behind eight bail BY STEVE LeBLANO The Champion The AA musor peewces' moment in the suri appearslto be over. Recently, Milton salvaged a rather dismal season with an impressive first-round series upset over neighbouring Georgetown. Dehivenng another spoiler performance, however, just docsn't seemn su he in the cards - especially with thse top-seated Burtington Eagles providing round-two competition. On the verge of elimination heading mnto gaine three Iast night, the Lafarge Winterhawks have keps things somewhat respectable and earn modest praise froin opposmng fans. lIs hindsighs, that may be as much as anyone could have hope for going into baffle against a highly gifted teain tIsat los just five gaines ail year and were well restesi from, an opening-round bye. Saturday afiemnoon as Memorial Arena, Milton was placed on tIse endangered species list - getsing manhandled through the second half and evcntually vanquished 7- 1. The Winterhawks had a handful of powerplay opportunities but juas couldn't penetrate the visitors' sighs defensive web. Cole Madansky was the only one so do so as even strength, buiying a low wrister miùdway through the gaine after taking a big lead pass from Craig Howse. Milton's lone marksman had a few other scoring chances but couldn't pull the trigger. Overali, Isis teai was afforded just a dozen shots on net - less than half the number fired as hometown puckstopper Lucas Reid. He held the opposition in check through firss-period play- with a huge shot block from Ryan Bauer and overali solid defense froin captain Mike Hannah - but was unable to keep the flood- gates shut through the balance of the contess. Burlington took control with consecutive cross-ice deflcctions just moments apars early in the second and maintained the upper hand en route to tightenmng its grip on the bcst-of-five series. 'he Winterhawks managed so keep things dloser in gaine one losing 4-1. Nick Nevins was bctween the pipes while thc lone deposis was made by Mvike Vipond. If able to stave off elimnination last nighs, the minor peewecs will return home so face Burlington Thursday as 8:30 pi.