22-mse Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 12, 2002 BARROW FAMULY CHUROPRACTIC 180 Ontario St. S. Milton (905) 878-4994 Dr. Angeia Bamwo Fax:(905) 875-4485 Email: angebarrowdc@hotmaiI.com FATIGUE -WHY SO TIRED? Fatigue in a stite of exhaustton, resulttng in a boss of energy, strength or endurance. It tu evidenced by tncreasod dtscomfort and decroasod officiency antd involves an abnormally low rosponse to stimulation. Ofton there ts no evidonce of another illneus howevor, it is a siga that should flot ho ovor-booked. t i ia disruption of balance and can be an early sign of dynfunction that will precipitate diseaso. There are many roasons for fatigue, one of the largoot being stress. lIn our prosent society, contmnuous stress seemu to take a permranent seat in many households. Stress, whether it be physical, emotional or chemical impairs organ funiction. This ofton occurs without symp- toms or pain being pressant. Duning stress, ACTH fadronocorti- cotropie hormone) in releascil within the body and is rospeostile for incroaning blood pressure due to the imbalanco it croates in sodium f(sait) and potassium bones us our bodtes. Thus, along wtth stress, Our bodies must deal with high blond pressure as well. A combination of regular enercose, a healthy diet and chtropractic adjustments can be the winntng ticket in fighting fatigue. a) Try tes exorcise at leant 3-4 timon a week for a mintmum of 20-30 minutes. Rogular onorciso han proven tu koop stress levols tn chock b) Avoid reftueil carbohydrates, caffeine and cisocolate - ail interfère with the sodium/potassium balance. c) Chonse a diet ricin in potassium-containing fonds f bananas. dried frutt and asparagus). d) Unconked vogotablon aine, provido the body with wholosome onzymes to aid tn dtgestton andl homeostants. e) As well, the chiropractie adjustmont aids tn the removal of sub- luxations f created by stress) thus re-ontablishing unintomtuptod norvo low and allnwtng tho body's muner hoaling abilities to funiction opti- mally. Allthroe toger cao bring tino body bacis to a stato of balanco and oane and bring you back on track to a more boalthy lifestyle. 1 understand there have been changes lu Labour Sponsored Investments Fonds (LSIFs). What are they and are lhey for me? LDIFs (fonnerly Venture Fonds) ihave ireen avoulable in Ontario for a long time nom. They are intended tn prosided ftnancing to smaii compootes to help stimulate economic growtit. In exehaige, the investor receives a total of 30%/ tas credits op to a nmaximum of $1,500. Recent changes ate thita somte fonds are eligible for a 3551 tas credit oc a maximum of $i1.750 and tncreased RRSP foteign content to, 50%u. A $5.000 RRSP insesîmnent cao yeild combined tas deduction and credits vaiued ut up to $4.070. Tise invesi- ment must Ire leit osrr 8 yearsor thse tas credtts are resersed. Are îhey for you? Tas breaks are important, bot sotis the grourth capability of oas insestment. Asis >ourself: Cao t aftord to let the tnvestment sit for 8 years? Dol1 worrs about the future salue of the insestmrent? Some "Venture Fonds" wiii staO "off well: others may taise oser 10 years Io shouv adequate growth. Cari 1 fford tir wait? There are oser 18 LSIF mutua lords isaîlabie iu Ontario. Choose carefully! What portion of your RRSP's are you wîllîng ou risk rn "Venture Fond" caîegory? GIC's and Venture fonds reflct two cnrremes. LSIF venture fonds insesireis are porentially volatile f risky>. Hîgh qualt mutiral fonds can irivide a balanc.e for more consistenr asset growtt and rcduced volotîlity. GET PROFESSIONAL ADVICE. Money Concepts is holding a venture fond informaion session 11:000 nr. Sai. Feb lOtit and 7:31 p.m. Wed. Feb. 2Oîh at our ofice (4201 Main Sr. E. abose Harvcy'si Cal] 9115-07f 0940 for more information or Io attend our LSIF/Veniure Fund semînar. Watch the sign in fronr of sur office for derails. Positve Resuits 123 Maurice Drive 905-337-3700 Cerbifled Hypnosst O:How doos hypnosis wod? A: Our minds work on two levels - conscious and subi- conscious. We make decisions, think and act with our conscious mind. The subconscious controls our habits. In hypnosis the conscious mind is subdued, while the subconscious becomes more aware. Positive suggestions gîven by the hypnotîst are readily accepted in this altered state. Also, the sub- conscious is flot subject to time. This is why our clients often state that their new habits seem "easy" and "effortless" aller hypnosis. O:WiII hypnosis worc for me? A: Generally speaking, every normal person is hypno- tizable - that is, people with an I.0. of at Ieast 70 who have no severe mental disorders. Therefore, most anyone can take Avantage of hypnosis. With cooperation and reasonable commitment, you can expect excellent resuits with weight loss, stop smoking and stress reduction. Were you aware that tino Pratt & Lambert Paint flot only ts of vety hign quality. but their colour selection is one of tise best ont there today. For instance Niagara-on-tho Lake uses theto Horitage Colours as a requisite on store fronts in tino town. If you need a neutral soft whnite try Seed Pearl which a lot of design- c us.Whyfo aeaclu n ' / oml oacn el eesue an inottngerso on ydokolours dn r / olav to acetoel ci tmmxsaanltx&nli ti.ge or nhr yzna onig ano alee h ae r lsy JutfW ofUefvrtsadwhaetsmoetshw ouon PS enh aeUcntr enfaxfnssitodcg sm OaIn lai udSneig rOuec oueiOmn