1S-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 12, 2002 'Umlei lime saly. Paellclpatsng SM teaenalips may sel individul prices. LOF inclades p ta 5L. of SM prmism mata' aiS Offîr relit an mast 1dM renictes. Offer traitable la refait custamnens saly. Seo Service Adrissr for aller conditions ard mare details or cr11 1-800-GM-DRIVE. 'DuraStop ir a registered trettemari aIf ACDelco. *As officiel mark af the Province of Oalaria usait wfth permissior. re/marao latta inter. mus lte/rycat e îtni sîr coadtioan. Vs wan' fanda hlt Ps b A / c asa inter one. Oa Pseata pwi pl, if t5 lAMF as it tliS ACciam e . A/C, baslsera, tilt, ABS. - rc ly heels, tad ctnmtrcRemnaader af tact. warr 10a, >ýtan cantrl a 23,00kms. Al1e î1,9 4 *MET 905-875-4925 Da telin e - fram DATELINE on page 12 mation, cail (905) 878-7946. The Milton Seniors', Activity Centre, 50)0 Childs Dr., holds the St. Valentine's Social Tes at 1:30) p.m. Entertainment is provided by thse centre's Kitchen Band and special guests Grace and Ken Bryant. Tickets cost $6 and are available at the reception desk. For more infonrnation, cai (905) 875-168 1. Thse Milton Players Theatre Group presents 'An Act of the Imagination' at the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childa Dr., at 8 p.m. Doors open at 7:30'p.m. Tickets cost $12. For more information, cail (905) 875-0629. Halton Rands in Motion Knitting and Crocheting Guild meets at Georgetown Higis Scisool from 7 to 9 p.m. in thse staff dits- ing roomn. 'The coss is $5 for non-members. For more information, cati Diane at (905) 877-1521. Friday Feb. 15 The Early Years in Halson holds thc Ambassador's Breakfast at the Royal Botanical Gardens, 680 Plaina Rd., in Burlinglon from 7:30 to 10 a.m. Gueat speakers include Burlington MPP Cam Jackson, Regional Chair Joyce Savoline, Dr. Dan Offord of McMaster University and AI Kirkpatrick, assistant to thc city man- ager of Burlington. To reserve a seat or for more information, cati (905) 825-6060, ext. 7487. Friday Feb. 15 - 16 Sigas up for spring and summuer Ieagsaes at the Annual Sports Registration Days at Uic Milton Mail. Registration is held Friday evening and ail day Saturday. For more information, cail (905) 878-3900. Thse Milton Players Theatre Group presents dinner Uieatrc per- formnfances of 'An Act of the Imagination' at Uic Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Cisilda Dr., at 8:15 p.m. Dinner is served at 7 p.m. Tickets coat $30. To reserve seats or for more information, cali (905) 875-0629. Dinner series event The air of romance will take over Uic Halton Region Museum for a post-Valentine's Day celebration. This Saturday's event - part of Uic Hearthside dinner series and featuring the George Grosman Swing Noir - wiil bring sogether food and entertainsment in Uic museumn's newly-renovated HearUi Room. Funds raised Uirough Uic event wiil go toward Uic Halton Region Museum Foundation's renovations programn. Tickets cost $35 per person and are available in advance only by calhasg (905) 875-2200, ext 0. Doors will open at 6 p.m, wi entertausment startusg at 8 p.m. Auctioneers contest flic annual Auctioneers Competition hosted by Uie Ontario Auctioneers Association is making a retumn trip to Milton. For the second consecutive year, Hume's Auction Farm (9313 Esquesing Line) wilI be Uic location for Uic event Saturday. Auctioneers from, acroas Uic province wiil travel between Uic competition and the Ontario Auctioneers Convention in Mississauga. The competition is open to Uic public, with viewing starting at 9:30 S.m. and competition getting uasderway aS 11 a.m. 5111 WRffl ANIf WAUAMT ICUDED M AUL VumC 8215 LAWSON ROAD, MILTON_