The Canadian Champion, Fniday, February 8, 2002-O0 Dateline Friday Feb. 8 The Milton Leisure Centre holds 'Valentine's Fun' for youth aged 9 10 13 years. Drop in belween 6:30. and 9 p.m. for cratts and games. Admission costs $3.50. For more information, call <905) 878-7946. Friday Feb. 8 - 9 The Milton Players Theatre Group pris- ents 'An Act of the Imagination' ai the Milton Seniors' Activiiy Centre, 500 Childs Dr. Friday's production is show only and begins ai 8 p.m. Tickets cosi $12. Saiurday's production is a dinner theatre show. The bar opens at 6:30 p.m.. followed hy dinner at 7 p.m. and the play at 8 p.m. Tickets cosis $30. To reservi a seat or for more intèn-nation. cal! (905) 875-0629. Saturday Feb. 9 Milton Community Nursery School pris- cols a concert featuring Eric Nagler ai Southside Coînmunity Church on Deny Road. Admission cosîs $7 for children and $12 for aduis. Children under 2 years of agi wilI hi admitted fric of charge. Entertainiment also, includes the Happy Timi Clown Show. Doors open at 10 a.m. For tickets or more information, eall (905) 878-7007. The Evening Star Ribekah Lodge holds a dessert euchre party ai 174 Main St. from 1:30 10 4:30 p.m. Admission coss $4.50. For more information, call Susan ai (905) 878-7923. St. Paul's United Church holds Card-A- Rama (Bridge and Euchre) from 7:45 10 10:30 p.m. Admission cosis $10 and goes toward Phase Two of the Building Fund. For tickets or more information, cail (905) 878-7511. Monday Feb. Il Conservation Halton presents thse comn- pleled Bronte Creek Watershed Study ai an open bouse ai the Conservation Halton Administration Office, 2596 Britannia Rd., in Milton ai 7 p.m. The public is welcome 10 voIi additional input into, thc report. For more information, rail (905) 336-1158, ext. 222. The Osteoporosis Support Group miels ai St. Michael's Church, 181 Sewelt Dr., in Oakville ai 1:30 p.m. For more information, cal! Phyllis ai (905) 829- 4863. Tuesday Feb. 12 Do you havi a nîwi, baby? Calling New Parents, a fric program for parents and babies under 6 months, miels with a pub- lic hîalth nurse to discuss parenting and infant cari. The group mieets ai tbe NIitton Community Resource Centre. 917 Nipissing Rd.. from 1:3010o 3:30 p.m. For more information, call (905> 693-4242, ext. 7899. Grace Anglican Chîîrch holda ils esee more DATELINE on page il Prevent a. frozen pipe disaster: V Insulate pipes V Seal Ieaks that allow cold air inside V Disconneot garden hoses V Run a trickle of hot and cold water at night when the mercury drops V Set your thermostat no Iower than 13 degrees when you are away See Staite ýFar-m Agents: Don MacRae 905-878-8109 Anita Cutala 905-878-8871 Like a good nelghbour, State Farm là there@ STATE FARtA INSURANCE COMPANIES, CANADIAN HEAD OFFICE: SCARBOROUGH, ONTARIO "CHERRY", A HOMELESS COCKER SPANIEL, NEEDED EYE SURGERY. She received the necessary treatrnent to correct her eye problem and has recovered weil. This waa possible because of The Chaie Fund. q Thre Charlie Fund ia anr erergency aredicai fum4 created to help atray and hompiesa, doge and caa who have beem hit by cars, attaced by predatoca, or suffering from maiy other injuries and A Give a git of lufe ta a specil dos or cat. Donations af $10 or more recelve a tas receipt and our hearifeit appreciation. Donations af $25 or more aiho recelve a photo ai an animal reho benei f rom Thre Chantie fund. As an additional thank-'you to supporters, a draw will be heldfromt ail returns for a surprise giftl This space is sponsored by TriMentor. Need computer rraining or support? CalT'riMentor 416-420-7257 or g.----------------------------------------------à (I1 rm'T My gift for an iII or injured animal is encloaed for. _______$150 __$100 _$0 -$ 25 __Other ~ UIJ~ 1 roould like my donatirn t0 help a cal _a drg 1Pieuse check heemfa ou d like fo recewpe: - more information regarding The Charlie Fund -_ sheiter * membership information - detals about moni pre-authorized donations f0 heip the animais throughouf the year I amn donating by cheque - OR by (please indicate one) VISA - or Mastercard- 1 card No. _________________Exp. Date ___ Narnr un Card ______________ * NameI 1 Address Apt. ____ * city ___________Postal Code -____ TelephoneI 1 Please rrLu ifm gijth joudnf4,at t: Mrs. Anme M. Smith,Paat Preaident, The Oakvline & Diatrict 1 Humasse Society, 445 Cornwall Road, Oakville, Ontario L6J 7S8. 1 PliSs mat youw cheque payabLe to "7uw Oukinlle & District Humant Sodcfy« Note: In ordr tb qual!fy for the draw, completed * a foit muast bc returned zuifh lana' donation. Draw date: Marc>' 30, 2002. Thank you for artl P"ese Dateline item info OPEN H in plenty of time THSW before Sunday 1 - 4 p.m. the event DOWNTOWN MILTON "EXECUTIVE HOMES" CAVES COURT 1 in 10 women (OFF MARTIP wiII devetL' LLOYD MOORE in BR EAS Relmax BlueSpig CANCER Stra The rsk increas- es wth age. The CHURCHILL E Ontario Brest BOK Screening BO K Program provides GUELPH LINE 5 mi breasl examina- lion and a mars- $412,900 ail 11/2 mogram at no GARY THOMAS in cost 10, womnen Rainas Blue Springs who are 50 yearsOVR4 of age or over. VR4S Make your appointment today! Sunday, Febi 7 il.. 2 -i4.p 7sy o ur e 2-4p, For the centre 11757 Guel nearest you eall: 1*UOO*9304$249,99 STEVE BONYUN 1 Screeing , a Royal LePage 9( Introducing The LAURA ASHLEY HOME KyJL"'INCA-]IDJL.. Makr off orn Solid Wood Furnitucr Since 1946 U S.) attendance 905-878-7777 uinday in. STATES - ILLE n. N. of 401 acre lots attendance 905-878-7 )LD muary 10 .m. ph Line 00 n attendance 5-878-8101 485 Main St. E. Milton 1 , %ýýý rais mm