Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Feb 2002, p. 8

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8 - The Canadian Champion. Fniday, February 8, 2002 1H SCOLREPOT ________ _ 0 i ! ISNOP REDINS mUn SCIGOL 9 mar'k Ryon Lafranb» Pyn Royal Report By Mark Laframboise and Ryan Pyne and Chris the. King As the students and staff of Bishop Reding begin the second semester, ail are encouraged to participate in school related activities. Last Tuesday, Bishop Reding had the honour of wel- coming Haîl-of-Famer player and coach of the Toronto Raptons, Lenny Wiikens. In front of approximately one hundred and fifty students and staff. Mr. Wilkens gave a riveting motivational talk regarding obstacles in life and bis success. With tales of bis experience as a player and coach, Mr. Wilkens was able to inspire the audience to sîrive for success in their owII lives. As the multimedia presentation and inspiralionai talk conciuded, the Bishop Reding Boys' Basketbail Teams co- caplains presented Coach Wiikens with a Royals bail cap and jacket. ln bis honour, jersey #19 at Bishop Reding will be retired and a plaque signifying the accomplishments of the nine time Al Star will bc hung in our gynhnasium. We would like to thank ail who were involved in making tbis event a complete Success. A special thanks goes Io Coach Wilkens and tihe Toronto Raptors for îaking lime fromi their busy schedule 10 visit Bishop Reding. , 'he Senior Boys' Basketball team took Lenny Wilken's advice to heart as they played their final home game of the season Tuesday. The guys were ahead the entire game in their first victory. Congratulations to Allen Lourenco who had 26 points. Ryan Taylor and Conan O'Brien also contributed with 12 points each. Allen, Ryan and Chris Dumencu played exceptional in their last home game as a Royal. The Junior Girls' Volleyball teamn is wished the hest of luck as they play in a toumament today. We conclude this week with somne of Lenny Wilkens inspirational words, "You should add something to your life every year, may it lie mentally or physically (to have a more productive life)." DATELINE DEWRY AT E.C. D.D.T Bien SCEGOL Megaln Roue Lynds.y Jones & Emi iou«hby Many people asi. n Somma d lt. Many people ait tus ah' me liait. Tita fruti t, mie dln knam hom ioi mhy mc liait, ail me itaa is that et'> Tteqalia enenn m'a gel logeter. lta platira'. and htava TONS ai FUN' Fat ins eliîîian o aitline Otnry. ycîu. ta, leader, îaii Se tiatai tt a geainIa, the amplia et matkîîga ai the miiy and caming reportars tata ai Daittie tuaSEjo viii) plu: L>nlia arrîail taai th aa eilica 8:2f1 pîin Rîch bu. hîcî tig îitîhe ha hui uîîcie nîî a nwd. aiatt n dai tit îîanac 00I gpin: RuS. Lîaîaai and 'cicgan all îak a inet' cimlo ihaitaiaii atter lînaIl u ii fini.ha titiu i tape tas ifront RiIt 8:35 pli: Drinl, ail aitiancî 'cciii ai.titca tiiutu ui titi. of uiiii llst'iici ci:45 pni \ica and cu i ctci.i i sc fita lei piiiiiliiiili cil mii iiii- iR\iii flici. ""lcc Fui.- antI \i.cîk -1 li' i/aaptau't 'ic loDurt 'i Scitilci iai alteadin. ctii cu Ilitcrcing quilles' fo tlat Ici ai cîIiiiiiî liait Spiakini' cinii thin ia m iral icala tlii m ill iii tlki llt'ccc i tcci r Raciîiciuai. (li Cl'itict Sttliaii iiNiiiii ld iliae ii ihati Sit flcaen. hIitN titd Scici andi lie Cuifiat dg fla r l irii eru fotttîtlciactionscca licatili thii caln( lic kit are oni cccii u iial iac i c a ad tii hu ccifiti' i icipit .iitaidiic t.r iil ictiaii . sir- (lent anilriicc ioci iiri lickd il i dui cicil), icittaiocasi a, aooli asltati' lita cýIciciîI %iiiiil ici cii', icatit c t aaatnI aiM 'I L lMIi ini: iich tilla liii \'iMa. i loncicc Musting <ipftic). tcig ,itî, to ici uifi Ira, Lailil lic riîcci Icc'itttichIi titactaîtita iiiii.iiic lileii' c' cccii liii %iae. i c.ciccc tilii ilaîed I [G tic hi', pion ciii citit".iiiý 11:01 pli: ch i',gaic tolci qucili ti the tîtaci li0i05 li. NMctaittii n tIaaîdc ara hriîiitiiiiL cci ci tihctiitccccii pi iciti as [lie% Iliet l il, i l flia liocki -,iiitaas tutui liii, pit. a' itîtiBli flici' ý S canîd ciiil, i ai tai hilaI ici citlii itcigar asîcîn itati'.e ocn Wtcliea tan 1itic Tita i [cîncacilie icalt, tiare fot t%.iibleahi ai plast lta c si l o t it ata Spaicti SPORFTS FANS il] tataeici chaeck tut tuai MINNIN(i alintati tk'ticoloait! GOi OFF 'ENI SIART.SNSI! 1! 1 10: S5 plu Rob raida Magan's alosecîa.ci liiintFarinai lattr. i/cul Rob. vil ccc l c ittci Si'l y'itttîel t ha cfie Saci titi titi> Stht aticiket tae SauiFarmiai fia'tcn show. Ttis STAR-STUDDED e.at iîtureli aieiiat pedrformaae itant manfti', alt idenî graipa.. asa îaii as. ifinig te 'îleni body aa ta lte îppmoprî aie lite',' far is elegani eaeniig. As titi yii. Rat, the tarin-tclîîng titi. ete amin atn a liefmuate "ni "t Canîinutg ami Higit Scitaal Reporter Oiîîeact pînitata lar ait ieilam celebitly reporters, me viaiieli Emtly Willougitiy (Milton Distit repnrtet -see titane pîctel in tier OAC Caiculua clas', Sal>. liespile cair test efoitai lu alle lte Bitîop Reliing repnrtera, kiulily lieclieli a pitograp tu laummemorale lai inaugura meeting. Tit ailie. att nfiait nem tieulis agreeli litait tunt easy iteing tîgit prcîie Millunian reporters aucit ta aatelve,! On ltai nte, moe ieave yaî militait inspiratioal cle, miii terne, truite niceiy as a melaphor tir air fielli trip lt Bititnp Relutmlinlte Caicîlî', cla',c: "oin't mail for ynar sip fl ',al in S.WtM OUT TO Il'!" This j', preciaeiy mitI me repartera lili anl ickîly tir usa. îitree neit lite-luni tîcenli' mere gaîneli. s 1 ' * r 4 1 à Most driving sehools exist because people want to pass driving tests. flesides collision avoidance, you'l get. YOUNG DRIVERS' exists to, teach the secrets and skills of lifetime *One-on-one in-car training. Co1isio4free driving. è Heavy traffic, highway and freeway experience. So we don't stop when you've leamned to pass a test. I fact, thats e Head-on crash avoidance and 8 other emergency maneuvers. wyhere we stafl. e Annually re-trained and re-certified instructors. Teaching oaver 650,000 Canadians how to predict and prevent e Pick up and drop off at home or school. collisions has made YD the most celebrated course in North America. i ~Cail us for a free video, brochure. And book a seat at a free parent (And eamned us ISO 9001 registration!) co-driving session! 4 WEEK COURSE February 11, Monday & Wednesday Evenings (6:00 pm - 9:15 pm) YOUNG fDRIVER1D@ caad 4 DAY COURSE *~ U wi ~ uCnd March 11, 12,13,14 "UV 1S09001 (9:30 amn - 4:15 pm) Y4Our licence to surive. RQISTERD Collisionfreef~ www.young&hivers.com 905-875480 .1.11 Vandevalk HoIIy Cambruizi Emiy Willoughhy MI1lTON DISTRICT Die SCEDOL1 Weé iet h.rs tto fh Miiiii niserr-oi h ecnselse.I fat ventîr', aitut tintie ;n'cky eîîrnitl .Stcit'î a.îcntii lcave pi( itei 11t fi litlit fr-ont thitr tt'ac'hert. St îo. anmi ihav'e'tcttra i'rtepor caifs élustpat Wedinemcin 1 ij t tiidit li tît'lî t titili îîtîrctttil hecamt.c'ac vitcc'ttlaît ct<îin nc. cnti Icincta Vai /tc' ttci ttt lit, tttttti i ast tttttttat pcctitic' ttntt fie nt' ttcitc Io lnctd. tn'IlitNeni, Eai Btg ('tatia Wi'n HlG1 pi.a ' fita git hW tn wer 'stopsai MD' Fetr ttttue ycc uy a cgc.cnikia inieareavtctgetîci ni 1hi 2 chance, to ,i aî taicl Nie Ctnîkîa Mttnstartt I t'l'cni', itet in, ttîîttl FebahNî. l4tii. ctt.' l Sie idtitN iti l' Srea.cccc tf Fehm.trt l4th. gel it flic la',ttafint lttt Viaettcine', Dca t Warî',ttc ail. INt iteand ptltk ..lvîica tntx lltiîr'ciN..atnd 'flouc t iti '.cntol apccît tVncnl i clasts,,t ill lia îadaatl folicn ai fi,île iîaicti piarticîpaclîtt 1 it. Soa. 'l' Stail s.taý cit tî l ttit' IIo i 'i',c' St.ti tttîtt.tl t', tctaiol ccp) fiii, î.ýcta S'ttît tt, ill x n iii ccc, Mant' ,1 a~ c i' 'c.icî t'tait ttî .îctt.atatt ndtt ma.le.i tIr pn tli'i, aiiîîtîcl lea 'chttîllttittoii e'intliroiit. i ILeciii.mîî plicea titi tinta', Tii îiXIst. mci ',tccdlîît' alaciet ,ai.iohni'cours ..iit' at' tîtttioa oitiotiiatl Il ittimportatt itlita'.. tstonus' meaillaI ot t.ictly and aie' litndati n taittie. îîli flic' tan dcia tht' iio luh litiil lct l't.' lIa. i cac I t mtatif le\ c ,u ci',c look. i tcîtt daiicctt,ý Oi., ii c ithe iiiitchaiai cclii aliccai tttcieidti cil- tilr' la.il IîrtC.îLaines te li la" ]itflna junic cai l. it'k tldiýL rs ,tc,'i ont.t'ilabr.uititt'iîaiî li f in O itai fron ccitt aaita',flic",îac tNii u iiii ltpt.inng loiîî on.cîîccîîî cci alti.' tili Výiicl analicilla pl.tai a gtai ti.ît. flia ',stttarwr Patrick i)'t{aillî îîv loo înk fli, L.r'ir a ch-,) oi gîn I ii,ý Mika tn it ha td cii Alo Ici lire Si.a IeIat ita icai Karr L)LBaanîtikei aiti Rohhta tai' whîî pi.vatil douItcitia 'ithe nitaa eîî gainea. îîlccsîîgcantre ati ciaiat. Way ic te i'niî',t! lTae Seiotr Boty a. Ba',keallt ani deaii'.ac Q [I. ;', il a a.it.ltry cil itW-itl1 bnrin,t flicay lnîy', tar 15 minsandml 2 titi',- WAY Tii GO) STANGS! Sie cilr ltopî aiclcîtars lor lie ganta wveta' Ju',tin stanliy wiî 12 ponnt, ('aley tFrench mt 13 points. aid Juta MLCttillaîn. whtî aitnil 8 ptoints. inulttt laang midhi ankle injwy. 1 iteîî".is Riiî' l't i niti -ic îaîî seittbîiî Robi. b'. trt phiiit i r batit k. i iciîî it tutuo oiraitvit watt' ît'i't'tt<' liialanie'icntiI îtatiaiuttii lit pttin'r No cate in nl t itatives.eentad I haiv' goi a mnesiaçefia;n catit Baiîîg tielt' rtnulitear rital vot ae ituu'h, ccu phioned agacu ati c'en i did<et liai nuiNage lttaîtiii itit'l noufor,-got ane cuti ntpcalictt thtîg îhat aiiapnttîert. ttoîici lattait, titat asa n e vaua- pluie numniter. 1,heîng ietemnei ta gel it taI cci nntlot tit,' phtone ibtok, Sîîtas ticata nare a nulneî- af Paier's iied. 1itî'ided liatta phtone ail olttet. Whec1 (it'd ai ouMu i try anttifini accu, tatane hati seett annttneflnliîng yaw-tieacniptiiîî. acttniitan a intactf andliaape.w taIfigîtrati titat avoct hati géie hotie. Pieaae ti ta rail agi/at ci- settca mnesagie lci mi, thrtîugi Emiui'. Dn the v'ava.'péie mntuid jle toîitanli ite E.C. tlei: tacmtjoructiippittg hi' iueric uulLt c'iasal taC tto tan hi! lthait il ti uaefrotn MDHS.. iti Ittipe accu ah aai- a cîtieî&fui n'ea<u'tli. Doattnc'luîng fun! GOi')i.ing. oti m-oti(i.ir Li ttp tlîcnî tiatat opiii outî liftai

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