vCause of diesel spili under investigation Five hundred to 8() litres of diesel buel spiiied in the wesî end of Gien Eden Ski and Snowboard Centre overnight iast Friday. Tihe Ministry ot thse Environment and thse Halion Regionai Spili Team responded to the scene the ioiiowing norning. wbensk staff becasne aware of the spili. The cause oflibe spili had yet to be deter- mined ai press lrne. Gift certificates stolen Two 20-year-oids and îwo i 9-year-oids, ail frorn Milton, face charges in connection with stoien gift certificates ai Canadian Tire on Market Drive last Friday. At about 2:30 p.rn., an envelope contain- ing the 78 certificates - vaiued ai $50 each - was taken frorn the cash register area. The suspects face a number of charges, including thefi under $5,000, pos- session of stoien property and untering forged property. Police Blotter Break-i attempted Suspects attempted to pry open the door to the kiosk ai the Esso gas station on Regional Road 25 Sunday. At approximately 3:30 arn., suspects tried Io gain entry into the kiosk but faiied. Damnage to the two steel doors is esti- mated ai $1,000. Van stolen A 1988 Ford Econoline van was stoien from Ontario Street Saturday between 3 and 10 a.m. The van, vaiued ai $800, had approxi- mately $1,500 worth of roofmg equipment inside. Haiton Regionai Police are investigating. «,Police seek gas bar robbers Haiton Regional Police in Milton are invesîigating a robbery that occurred dur- ing a cierk's night shift at the Fifth Wheel Gas Bar January 28 ai 3:30 ar.. Four bandits, ail wearing ski rnasks and one bearing a knife. entered the gas kiosk through the front door and demanded cash from the tili. The thief carrying the knife used il in a threatening manner. The cierk handed over the cash and the four thugs left the ares in an unknown direction. Crime Stoppers 0CF H AL TO0N The suspects are maie, white and al were wearing gioves. One of the ski masks was dark with red stitching. If<ou knos' siJs cominiu(U' thits obber'v, cal> Crimie Stoppers of Halton or (905> 825-4747. cii. 5139. The Canadian Champion, Fniday, February 8, 2002--5 Be careful of salespeople at door 1lallocn Regionai llice \ ant sol1 remnind thse public ta use caution and common sense when dealing with door-to-door saiespeople. Police say some bave heen ask- ing 10, look inside bouses 10 give ail C'sltniat for iOcil ",CI\ is. Police warn they may lie hon- est people fromn legitirnate busi- nesses. but some may lie check- ing the house for property 10 steai. If you're approached ai \OiLl1 IiII tON a.555251 1.1 considering buying their produet, you can ask for a phone numnber for their business and cail 10 ver- ify that thse person works for the company. gp _0m'"Fi àThings@ 0 QUALIT ouK FURNIWR 0F CAMPBELLM i I I i~ ~ t 1Ml - ---~I-II[i -~ s s i i s ~ ~ >1> Y-~ S (~E i A DIVISION 0F GRUMPY'S PRINTING LIMITED *UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT TO SERVE YOU BETTER 1 5 Colour Printing ePresontation Folders 0 Soul Shoots eFlyers eBookoets eNewslet ePro Printing Brokers Welcome Email: aIIan@bU" 50 Steeles Avenue, Milton tors grams *Envolopos eCarbonless Forms Tickets eNumbering ePertorating eComputer Forms Phone: (905) 876-4283 Fax: (905) 876-3007 ffl! 10O'r/c AMIS11 MADE SOLID OAK FURNITURE Nisit 1,000 sq. 1'l. ý'1lo%%roonl a Arcas BuI'f'etý' China CaI)inet%ý ý(.('esNoric.s