4-The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 8, 2002 Go aho soolegion may enuorse 0FA(IS request Pléd5t ci ouI newsroom with your story ideas at (905) 878-2341. Thomas Kink ado Dont miss the opportzmity painting "The Forest là Chapel" garrop ffias1erg 345 Steeles Ave., Milton 905-878-8161 to government for farmn assistance Bv RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion Halton Region is joining the Ontatriei Federation of Agriculture (OFA) i an effort to raise awareness of agricultural issues with both the federal and provin- cial govemmuents. The Halton planning and public works commit- tee Tuesday approved a request for endorsement of the OFA's submission te the Prime Minister's Task Force on Future Opportunities i Fanning. "t think this is the first step of many te put pres- sure on the federal and provincial governments for involvement. T'hey've given us lip service - and that's ail - in the past," said Councillor Barry Lee. -TMs is a fiscal matter and tic protection of agriculture wiil only happen on a long-teris basais when thc other-levels of govemment support it fully anti with finances." The submnission cmphasizes the need for a national contiract with Canadians te astitt farmers who fmrd themselves obligateti te act as environ- mental stewards, as well as higher expenses in thc face of shrinking returos. "Whiùle many business sectors tee thc economny, lack of skilled labour and shrinking as detriments te succesa, agriculture on its own is dealing with perpetually low conimodity prices, rising interest costa for equipmcnt and fuel, concentrations of supply andi buying changes, international inequali- ty andi bias trade rules," Pamn Knight of Uic Halton Federation of Agriculture toltheUi cominittee. "It's simple te sec why fanners feel Uiey're under fire." Coimittes members eagerly endorsed the sub- mission, saymng cooperation hetween the levels of govemrment is needed te pmoperly address the problemn. "We (Burlington counicillors Carol D'Amelio and John Taylor) have had a number of meetings with the fanni and agriculnure community and we appreciate the cooperation of tie committee in passing this," Mr. Taylor said. "It appears that we might he able te make some progress on these issues through the Officiai Plan review process as hoth the city and the region. 1I think we're going te, have to look at cxpanded uses, while maintaining the uses of the traditional farin." Regional counicil approval is needed hefore the endorsemrent becomnes officiai - something coun- cil is expected te address Wednesday. THEiJIS CORPIORA IO OF THE[S TOW MOF~1tt~ MI~LTiONUN __________ 90-8816790i88721 CROSSING GUARDS AND THE SAFETY 0F YOUR CHILDREN Crossîng Guards are provided by tise Town of Milton and co-ordinated threugh the Clerk's Office. School Crossing Guard Personnel perfom an important function in the safe crossing of young students. Fifteen (15) Crossing Guards are placed in strategic locations servicing ail elementary achools within the town of Milton and work seheduled shifts which are specifically c"-rdinateti with school bell times in the area where they are stationed. The Highway Trafflc Act niakes lit a requirement of ail motorists te stop and obey a school Crossing Guard stop sign. Due te liability and insurance purposes, Crossing Guards are only permitted te cross students during their scheduled shifts; consequently, it is vety important that parents encourage their children te become farniliar with the scheduled times at wliich they may utilize the Crossing Guard(s) for a safe trip te and frem schoot. It is aise important te remember that Crossing Guards will advise children using, their bicycles or skateboards, that they are required te dismount and WALK across the Hf hsterasted la aWpying for a crosslng guad position ($11.00 per heur) or a Standby Cro.slng Guaid Positin plam cml dia Clark'. Office, Te"n Hiall- 978-72U Ext. 2130. Staidby Crosulng Guasds amai'aqufla for ALL locationss te nbsdtat duing ltae absence of dally Crosulng Guards. REQUEST FOR BID .#02-183 Architect Services for the Replacement of Fire Station #2 Sealed Bids on forms supplied by the Town of Milton wiIl be received by the Corporate Services Departmnent, Purchasing until il1:00 arn local time on: Wed nesday February 27, 2002 Specifications and formns may be obtained at the Town Hall, 43 Brown Street, Milton, Ontario, Corporate Services Department, Purchasing, during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. There is a bid document fee of: $27.00 ($25.23 + $1 .76 GSI') for regular bids or $54.00 ($50.46 + $3.54 GST) for bids with drawiflgs. Payment can be made with cash, cheque, Interac or Visa/Mastercard. Any iquiries regarding titis tender rnay be directed to the Purchasmng at (905) 875-5404. If you would prefer that titis bid be couriered te you pleas cemplete the Request for Bid Document form on tihe Town's website: uww sta rmüiLanm Plan takers andi current and upceming bids are aise posted on the web site. Employment Opportunity Regular Part Thue Adiitrve Assistant Puddla sumusar lThe Comumnty Services Departnaet requires an indvidua te, 0i the poùSito of Adiistrtive Assistant wosicing an average of twenty-one hours par week. Tisi posi- tion will provide progranim spport fôr Eues of co.nmunity developineu, .includiug die Milton Cwmurtuity FtuId, nd support for a variety of progrus offlred by the Departruient. ~Sekisg ot of die Sasmos'Activity Centre will shlow Use posmm to *is [ilon ComunyPtsid àochr D*pnMie " AuhorzedocmentandreSAr'ithHalson RegioWa Police, ste tewing of vehicles Applicants ahsould have a Higit Sehsool Diplusi. A M<unicipal Lw Fnfoeremnt COums woul be asu t ans/or acollegr diploma in the fieldl ofesifoceaSet Strong interpersontaIdrills, rsaeution skills and excellen wnien and verbal comnsication skills are requised. Muat pos- sa a valid -U' Ontario driver'. licenc nd have use et a vehicle for work-related trayaI. 99M7rs.une rve Paum respmd by Februry 2M00 lnue.ested applicants sheuld satit a resunse se: Town of büMitn 43 Brown Street Milton Ontario L9T 5H2 - Attention: Coonuator, iluman Reseurce 's -------.--- e t,' Wlsdows bused software and possess a workingknowledge of Werl, Ecel. tâd Accesa JCnowledge of office equlpment, effective writteni aid -oral comunication dak, and custemer service skilsare require& The range for tie position is $17.29 te $20.35 per heur. Pieu reupoadi by Pebru*ry 14, 2002. Inteested applicants should submit a resumne te: Town of Milten, 43 Brown Street Milton Ontario LgT 5112 Attention: Coordinator, Hunian Resostrces Or fax te: (905) 878-4231 In accordance wit the Freedoin of Information andFriwcy legisltmiopqs$imn infor- mation is collected usder the awhority of the MunicipalAct andivill re ited srcyfor candidate selection. While we appreciate ail applications received. only tho,,e irvited for anS interview will le contacted.