The Canadian Champion, Fniday, February 8, 2002-31 Arts Milton 4 ( would run both during the day and in the evaning, there- by ansuring a constant pool of potantial customers for our downtown marchants. In closing, Arts Milton and ils members are looking for- ward to tha realily of a cultural centra in our community. That centra, in combination with a herilage building local- ad in a historic downlown, could be the centerpiace of a new Milton. The town thal we sea places value on ils pasl and has a completa vision for ils future Ihat includas rec- ognizing the importance of arts, culture and heritage 10 the well being of ils citizans. What batter way to, integrata old Milton with the newcom- ars 10, our town than 10 crata and sustain a vibrant, inter- esting anvironnient for their leisure activitias in the haart of our historic downtowfl. y Laura Jeffrey, President Arts Milton The following are extracts from Arts Miltons response ta the Town of Milton regarding the proposedl locations for an Arts & Cultural Centre in Milton. Wa have read the (consultants) report, met with the con- sultants and listenad 10 the dasires of our responding groups. The only option that makes sanse 10 us is devel- opment option 2A - the Arts & Cultural Centre on the site Of the current Town Hall. Without exception , every responding group is passionate about preserving and revitalizing Multons downtown core - the haart of our community, now and in the future. Each group sees anormous potential in focusing arts and cul- tural activitias in this core area, activitias that would bring residents old and naw, as well as tourisîs 10 our downtown -u-r hasis Neadless 10, say, the spinoffs of sup- Calendar of Events for Arts Milton Members (a.-Aril 2002) I Carolyn Skeily presents... renowned author finds that life imitates art when a charac- Milton Music Teachers' Assn presents... CREATI -JO A terfro his latest novel appears suddenly at his door. As the £I1IDENT RLEJITALS StrsThday Jan 17, 7-lOpm plot unfolds we are taken on a rouler coaster ride of deceit Thursday, March 7, 7:00 p.m. A 10 week course on the Creative Journal at Sheridan and betrayal.MitnSiosAivyCereadoiu 8 College, Davis Campus, 7899 McLaughlin Road, Brampton Tcesaobprhaefom eacus(oerfMin& Recital - Duets. Ensembles featured. 1 (at Steeles Ave.) A Continuing Education Course, .oern Ma1 n) o ute nomto al958502 n Milton Choristers presents.. i> cern leave a message. a variety of ways ta apply the Creative Journal Merhod ta: Ail shows ar prformed at the Miton Senior's Activity REQUIJE FOR EASER career planning; accessing creativity; over-coming creative Centre, 500 Childa Drive. Sunday, March 24th, 3:00 p.m.1 *~blocks;connecting with the body's natural healing abilities; Milton Music Teachers' Assnt presents ..St. Paui's United Church, Main St., Milton 1 developing creative problem-solving tools; connecting with STUDENT RECITAL Rutters Requiem interweaves English texts with traditional * the spiritual self; and making yaur dreams came true. Monday, Fehruary 11, 7:00 p.m. Latin text, creating a selection which is accessible ta a wide 1 You will be led through a series af wrlning an rwi.n exer- Milton Seniors' Activity Centre auditorium audience. This pragramt will be rounded out with other Holy * cises using BOTH hands ta make the changes we want i n aur Vaetn Am.We eetos I lives. Whether you think you are creative or not this is a fun Tickets cao be purchased from, Delacourts and empaerig tol ayon canuseamibeneitfam.The Paper Zone (Milton Mail) or cail and _________________________usand_____________E 905-876-2401. I For a Continuing Education caiendar cali 905-842-8800 or 1 visit the website ai __________________ Song Spinners prsns. 1w.hrdic05c AN EVEN1NG IN W£E àI * For furiher information cali Carolyn Skelly at 905-875-2788. 1rdy ac ,:0pm Milton Seniors' Activity Centre auditorium Milton Concert PresentatotiS presents... The Sang Spinners welcome special guests Men Il Boys 1 1 Miton oncrt Pesenatins pesens..Friday, April 12, 8:00 p.m. 1 -O Mlto Cocer Peenttlos >'~"**St. Paui's United Church, Milton 1 Mito TRONG AND F tItE With conductar Kerry Strattan, the Toronto Philharmont .a, 1 1 N Milt PltTHer IMAGIn ATON Friday, Msrch 1, 8:00 p.m. an aos ens jkc ___AN __ACT _OF-THE ______ St. Paul's United Church, Milton Fn o it inriDoiescai 90-7-42 1 Written by Bernard Siade, directed by Sharon Beddoes Featuring the Truc North Bsass and a "Silent Auction FoMikt Muifrain Teac ea Asa 905e8ent 432. 8 hxDILII Night". I * Friday, Feh. 8 For tickets please cati 905-878-2432. ÇTUDET I&ITA 1 * Doors open 7:00 p.m. Milton Players Auditions for.. Thursday, April 18, 7:00 p.m. 1 1 Curtain 8:00 p.m. Cash bar and refresiimeilts RUN FOR YOU R WlitE Miton Seniors' Activity Centre auditorium1 1 hrdy e.1 By Ray Cooney, Directed hy Geoff Ford Recital - Pre-Festival.1 1 Doors Open 7:30 p.m. Cssrtain 8:00 p.m. Auditions will be held on: jhM SCFSIA 1 Dinner Theatre iffl OO01c- Sunday, March 3, 1.30 p.m. Monday, April 22 - 26I 1 Sat, Feh . 9, Fni, Feh. 15, Sat, Feh. 16 -Monday, March 4, 7:30 p.m. Monday, April 29 - May 4 I Ba pns :3 p.m. im70 .. Unit 15, 295 Alliance Road, Milton Caîl 905-875-0629 for The Festival wiîl taise place at three locations: Milton * Cutio:1 ..mre information. Seniors' Activity Centre. Hugh Foster Hall, and Knox I * "They say that art imitates life but Arthur Putnam, a m -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - men and- -- - - -- - - -- - - 2àoe r eurdPebtra hrh I U Wnter 200 A rts Milton resnonds to proposed Arts & Cultural Centre locations porting a vibrant cultural lite in a historically significant downtowfl area are tramendous. r As notad in the response sent by Milton Concer Presentations, Toronto Mayor Mal Lasîman notad in 2001 that that citys retail businessas take in ovar $9 billion dol- lars a year f rom residents and visitors attanding concerts, art gallarias, theatre productions, and dance avents, Most of which are in downtown venues. We realiza that Milton is not Toronto, but a well-attended cultural centre, central- ly located, is good for business in any town, includung Milton. Fine restaurants and uniqua and interesting shops seam 10 thrive in combination with a lively arts community nearby. One has only 10 spend lima in Niagara-on-tha-Lake and Stralford 10 understend this. Arts Milton is committad 10 working with the Downtown Business Improvement Area and the Milton Chambar of Commerce 10 realize the potential for increased business that such a combination could bring. We agrea that this I 1 Arts Milton, P.O. Box 23056, Milton, 0i1ý ýFý L9T 5B4 (905) 854-0443 E-mail: laura.jeff d