The Canadian Champion, Fniday, Febnjary 8, 2002-27 Who DocsIt. HOM IMPOVMET )SerIn Milton & Area for ( ~ver 40 years ' 111111211111 mun on ~~~W7SALES . INSTALLATION -REPAIRS High-Efficiency Furnaces, W~VAir Conditioners, Gas Fireplaces HEATING & COOLING (905) 878-4821 1013 Steeles Ave~.. Unit #7, Miii.,, l' Ï I à 1,- CLEAN CUT HOME IMPROVEMENTS Licensed General Contractor Free Estimates Ail Work Guaranteed Additions - Baseinent Upgrades - Bathrvom Upgrades Custonm Homes * Decks - Dr,-vwalls - Electrical * Fences Framing - Hairdwtood Floors * Kitchen Upgrades Plumibing -Renovations - Rooflng Please Cail JIason - Celi # (416) 818-5920 - Basemnent Living Areas -Bathroomns -Complete Additions *e Hardwood Flooring - FuIly Insured - Reterences Stan Nowak Available Upon c'(905) 691-5757 Request S eW eIN e Swowp(owing e DecfQs e FTences Dan Nadalin 9054674 Mikton, ON îtia B084 Spedializing in customn FiIted ljDELRIEX ViiWindows and ALUMîNUM LIMITED Entrance Sgstems Also Vingi SIdig Soffit, Fascia and ÀdkSeomies, Alann Trough qCal! 877-5383 between 9am & 9pm VilS MSÎE W01\SSANI) ON MO)SIMANSIIII' ipSB MILLj Custom Carpentry Ltd. COMPLETE RENOVATIONS ADDITIONS - REC ROOMS Dave Miller 1 Tel. 905-878-2552 Ceil: 905-691-2272 Conicept Cak'ieto IFRE ArhwCmnete Accessorles 5tore Fb<tire euth a cew kitchun CuetonMllbsrl c" M tMain .Ea, Unit #3 878"s SCaramèlc Taso * Harwoold Floorlag Roc Room e Steol Studs *P Docks Oathroom Rwodols * Drap CoIIIags (905) 876-4023 stan Core'u Weil Drifllng Punup Servtce * eI eabilitation *Well Cleaning *Flow Rates *Water Treatment *Reverse Osmosis Drinkung Water Systemas - UV Sterilization Systems Teiln (905) 878-4515 (Ask for Rod or Jerry) 264 Bronte St. S., Unit 10, Milton ON i * fi ~±. I ufte*k% iey«)nd Inc. Supply si slneinstallatiofl Complote' Lin of Produtts 18 Thompson Road, Milton (Corner of Main/Thoumo) *\905-878-6666 www.plainumhomemprovmftsco f f. D - R&R G<urzp Doons - Elecrir Openrsw Sales, Service and hustallution Wunow, Entrawe Doolç Stonn Doors, Patio Doors TrEL: 519853-2114 (ACTroN) General Building Repaîr & Painting Over 25 years experience in painting, drywall, plastering and plaster mouldings. NO JOB TOO SMALL OR BIG Cali âtU for free estimate and fast service 416-294-7180 HoME MNTENANCE SERVICES Plumnbing & Electrical Repairs Reasonable Rates N~~O-7-47 seTi ANs'MPN Robert Noble Ltd. -180 ft of hose for crossing Iawns 3 radio dispatched trucks t0 serve you Don't w.!! for trouble - Pump before fItI too lIel <Should pump at least every 3 years> N ever us e coloured or double ply toilet paper (519) 853-0500 Acten Answering Service 878-6869 OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE! YOURS FOR 7, CALL DIANE 905-878-1341 EXT. 217 Business without advertising is like winking in the dark o You know what you're doing mbut nobody else does! Te advertlse in this section, please cal Diane at 905-878-2341 FOR fAST SERVICALI .guiuo *ST muu "L *woaERumONLffh Commercial & Resldential bHARDIMAN ROOFING CO. LTD. Tel: (905) 876-0958 4252 Hedro o Ra: <906) 878-3447 R.R. No. 1, Milton Fam (905)>876-0936 LOT 2X5 Ill #: 1-877-467-4958 Gliffl & mmum - 1