26-The Canadien Champion, Friday, February 8, 2002 'LADERS WANTED Wednesday, Friday & Saturday 6am-l2noon Lifting invalved, safety shoes necessary. Cail 905-844-0577 Ask for Lori or Wendy OAKVILLE BEAVER SHIPPING CLERK HAYWARD POOL PRODUCTS CANADA, INC., a ieading manufacturer ut nwimmîng pool accennory equipment, han an opening for a Shipping Clerk for a term of 5-6 munths. Mont have computer esperience and gond lelephone manner. Duties miii inclade data entry (generating and closing receivers and pick lists on an AS400 nystem) and iimited urder picking. MRP esperience an asset. $9- $lOIhr. Hoars 8:30am- 5:00 pm. Interested apphicants please apply in persan or cat: Allen Clarke (905)829-2880 Ext 241 2880 Plymouth Drive, Oakville L (Winston Churchill/OEW) le: : e FRUSTRATED WITH YOUR JOB SEARCH? * We Can HELP 1 * Resume Workshops* * Internet Job Accesss *Inter-view Workshops JOB CONNECT la Cail the Hotline: * Milton: 878-4956 T7HERMAL SPRAY OPERATOR Required tai apply metallic coatîngs ta air- crat & industrial turbine engine compan- enta; using the plasma spray & HVOF pro- ceas. Previaus exp. in thermal spray, welding, robotics or sheet metal would be an asset. Training will be provided. Please forward via emnail or fax tai: Scott Rush at amahRïmcmerg.cgM or 905-27-7489 RETIREMENT HOME IN OAKVILLE REQUIRES *P/T EVENINO OUEST ATTENDANTS *PiT 111I111N1T OUEST ATTENDANTS lut erested applicaofo must be mature, flexible, work Weil with others, have the ability to falue wrilten procedures and oral instruction, and have a proven record cf reliability. APPly tri person wif h resume beAvieen 9am &4pm Onemn Avenu fletremzent Reelence LICENSED Clasa A or 'rmechanic for atternoon ahift for medium size truck tieet. Mut have own bocls, valid dnivers license and own transportation. MIG weiding an asset. Wage negotiabie. Paid ben- efits. Cali for appointment alter 2p.m. Bruce Wîi- liamson. 1-800-862-1470, est. 5 or (519)853-5773 or fax: 519-853-2816 LOCAL Pr*lni'àrma requires fînishing depart- mn r e daies must poseas mechanîca abîlity, and have reasonabie math skiffs. Some heavy ifting is reqa red. No experience ns required' The ponition ns permanent/foul lime. Cal 878-8926 or Fax resame ta 878-8994. STEEL Fabrication shop-reqa ces euperienced Fit- ter/ Welders. Weing tickets required. Strong iayoui akîlis. Cachas steel/ stainiens steel/ aiamînum. Woro ng w/minimum supervision. Shopwork/ Site- worko Permanent, benefits. Mail George Seehaver, Welding & Fabrication, 940 W nion Churchiil Bivd. Oakvilie, L6J 7X5, 905-337-7710, or/fax: 905-842- 0011 Experenc7 Hkd bl REAL ESTATE Milonaase7 Imm8WVI FqRm runtv HFA1TH AND WAFTY Press Service Aiîsari ÔL-s yM[ssa.yga SALES E XE G ûIi'iV Body Estimator office bas 2 opovîngs, individua for a SttCr n.i nitrainlcmai TELEMARKETUNI Safelca re mc.s addsts lon comange Operator Must be vv0vrrrivcod SR. REAL. ESTATE IN-MUE SALES wihpsue n itioe l m ag tvquired immodiauly ci/h goo compuior ofA LR oiio uIhss n Sufety Training Vîdeoapes anti Massais. by Oakville printilO comviao oki Min 10-/ct pOostion cMunti h a okn u 1nrBrigu fie epo cvmaoî Sucoos vi e civer evcellent vide cumpanien throoghool Canada witb qaity candidate should have rvmuovrauiov, pioduct RECEPTIONISTI Englîsb iangsago anti aidu lu heip train their staff in heaitb ani uafety. minimum 3- 5years ex- and SI. Apply lo SECRETARY positive phono manner. poriosce operatîng a 4 Service Manager l-yr. cvviracl positison Prior transportation Wo are iooking lu add sue more sales person lu colour Heidelberg GTO. Fan 905-681 -0098 Min. 2-yru evp. ovpocîonco nocoosary. our saccensful leam. The position invoives Please fas pour resume Haiton Honda Miasse fax reanme: Fao/e-mail rosumo iv seling our pricuclu lu esisting costumers as to 905-847 hi170 aI Buriingtoin 905-279-2735 confidenoce, by Fehý b mo au developing nom business. Ail Ibeisanoes ________________________________905-878-3360 vr aclivity ns dune ovor the phone. The person me r-,. * ,, aIlrv@bolmai co are okîng for duos nul neeti specific qualifica- a nIable hinfury wîfh a persosai or business background thal indîcafen perninlonce and delermînalion. We uffor a basic naiary, pion commissions anti hoaifh benefils. wîith potestia firni year eacn- ingn of $30.000- $40.000. If Ohis punition infecenîn you. pieuse coul: td Aunnan ut SAFETYCARE INC. (905)631-6070 RICHARDSON CHEVROLET OLOSMOBILE Busy GM Deaieruhip requires evperîenced Service Advisor Aino Technician fur Ouick Service Bay Gond Benefîts and Great Working Envîroument Appiy foi: Tom Richardson, Service Manager Riciaudun Chovrl OIiIinbiIo Hw" 025 S. St Berry Rd., Miltos 905-878-2393 A bunî import dealer DntMs h requires an W tMs h EXPERIENCEU Deadine! SERVICE 11111111Wat 11am AUVISOR andi a ~ ed LICENSED TECHNMICIAN 1bndrU lit 1lamn wih bonda oxporîsoce. Excellent wagon & fIix dd wvrking cndtions. ~ r- Pleaso fau rosumo allu: Mo Aiiy Fa 905-844-8005 OAKVILLE BRAMPTON Law Office cequices expenienced. Le- gai Real Estate Secretary. Knowledge of Con- veyancer/ E-Reg. Min. 5yrs. experience. Fax ce- nse 905-792-2036 JUNIOR OFFICE ASSISTANT/RECEPTIONIST Junior entry level temporury position requireti for muternity louve. A personable, weil groomned self-starter with a professional busi- ness muniner and computer akilîs. A recent high achoot or coltege graduate lu besl suiteti for this position. Duties witI include but may not be limiteto: " Reception and answering phones, " Oulgoing, incoming mail andi fax distribu- tion, photocopying, fiting, correupondence " Ceneral office and clerical dalles Piease appiy in wrttng. No phone cats piesse. Francs Caruso Bruker BioSpin Ltd. 555 Steeies Ave. Est, Milton, Ontarto L9T 1Y6 Fax: 905-876-4421 Landscape Ontario's mission is ta acivance ond promote the horticulture industry. Administrative Assistant/Receptioniso Busy trade association o4ffice requires a friendly, welt organized receptioniot. Qualifications include: -proficient in Microsoft Office -switchboaird experience -customer service skiffs -ability ta multi-task -well developeti communication & interpersonat skiffs Pleesse forward resumne ta: Manager, Memnbership Services Landscape Ontario 7856 Ftfth Uine South R.R. 4, Milton, ON L9T 2X8 SALES PROFESSIONALS Esperîenced New and ued Sales rep- resentatives recluired ta loin aur sales team. If you are hardmorkîsg, haneul anti have a commisiment ta customer satisfaction... We 0f fwr " Excellent commission pion " Monthfy & yearly bonus " Large nem and used învenfory " Demo plan " Company benefîts " Strang management support Fao resume in confidence ta. R« NAIDOO Faix: 9054878-4553 TOl: 905-878-8877 elaaffled - 815-U30 Bookkeeper/ Office Administrator Required for Brown Packaging, a ieading manufacturer of carrugated products in Burlington. Ideal candidate wiii ponnens: *A University/Coiiege degree in Businesn Administration or Accounting -Background in AP, AR, salies tan reparting, payraii & coat accounting *Exceptionial communication, organiza- tionai, computer & probiem solving skiiis. E-mail resume & salary espectaitions ta: amurdoch@brownpak.com or fax: 905-335-8911 COLLECTOR' Hamilton Law Firm which actu for neyera financiai institutions requiren a persan with collection or credit esperience. Banic computer and typing akiiin required. Appiy Attention: Office Administration P.O. Box 1045 LCD1 Hamilton, Ontario L8N 3R4 Fax: 905-528-5833 KARSTEN CANADA, Distributor of Pivg Golf Equîpment requires Bilingual Receptionist & Bilingual Customer Service (FrehEnglah) fer buy, fast paced office. Muni huve a min. of 2yrn. ouperience, ho able iv wock undeî pressure andti computer litecate. Mui iv fa vniy: 1-800-341-7484 580 Kennedy Rd. Mlaviaauga L4Z 293 We fhank ai applicao/o, however only those considered w Il be con/acled. Karsten Canada wiii be reatn e40/E m -m ATTENTION: SALES REPS If you are licensed in -Real Estate or currently enrolled in Phase 1. 2 or 3 of the Royal l Y a eiffers' " Competitive Commission options " Non-competitive Management " NO Desk Fees " Extensive Training programs " The Exclusive "Homie-Lnk' program For More Information contact: Charlofe Foret, Manager (905)38-8101l teaHMIIitttaII DflVAI I ebAiE-C UJIMUNI'5I% Ia unugrapuer requireai ror i-e weeeenas imorsînga onilyl per monthult West Minuinnagua cinic. Escoplionsi weekend pay rate. Pleane fax re- nome ta 905-816-9833 DIAGNOSTIC Sonographer required for full and part lime ponition aI a West Mînnînnauga cinîc. Compeîlive naisry and benefits avoulable. Please fax re- sume 10 905-816-9833 FUILL-lime esperîenced Douta Asnistant, PDA Lovel-il an use. D. Paula Cassis. #1-106 Wakefield Rd., Milton, L9T 2L8, Fan: 905-878-0057 HYGîENIST Needed for mstecnîy vasve in Milton. Presenty 2 days per week wîlh future ponsibiity of14 dayo a woek. Pieuse oeil Michele 905-876-1188 or fao cenumne la 905-876-3491 PART-lime Hygienisf requireti immedîaely for Aclon/Rockwood ucea. Interent- ed participantn cail Deb ut 519-853-1300 CARPET cieanîng $l3i/room. February Specials Nom On. Will match al corn- petifor's advertined pricen. Sesior's Discounts. Cal 905-891 -1910 HANDYMAN Services, Piumbing & Electrîca repar. Reasonable rates. Sen- iors discoant. Free estimulen. 905-876-5309 - Pst Adris ilu Hom Imrv en Sevie Ioly rIs somenje special A year aider? P Graduating o getting engaged? having an Anniversary?â Retiring?4 recently marnied? - Announce your special moments in Z c-Allieslon~e c-Yecton. Cail for details: 905-878-2341 Deadlines: .Monday @ 11 A.M. for 1'uesday's Edition Thursday 11 A.M. for Friday's E'dition