The Canadian Champion, Friday, Febeuary 8, 2002--25 The ftaiy 'l (, ugtielmo (Bill) Rigu weud tike lu express their sincere gratitude to the relatives and friends who - comforted us through a most diffinzult time. Thank you for yeur kind words, Jflowers, and donations. Fer your words - of wisdom, a speciat thank you te * Fa2ther Da and Father Damian * fo. HeyRsr hrh McKrse-Kch r y uneratHm a h e Also, thank gou te the staff at nurse ndhet care staff aendthe ............s an elhcr tf tAlnae TOP Prices Paîd for your Antiques, china, sterling, Royal Doutons. Heathera Antiques, conlidlential andi profesînal. 905-703-1107. WANTED AIl China, Sîloor, Crystol, aewîng ma- chines... Doullon, Moorcrat Quilîn, Glass, Watches, corners! audio eqoîpment, dois, paintîngo. callecti- hIes, estotes. John/ Tracy 905-331-2477 INTERHOP, Instant Dial Accesu 3,0 ùos Ca- nada/USA web solutions 214 h-r spot1-877- 688 8126ý or î nterhap net 4%M, *Nelil 1999 Malîbu, 4-Or. white A. CDGOCassete, tnted windows, 80.000km. warranty wellmaiotaisud, S10,500 oboa 005 875-0946. When boy nq or sfiit)q a ofitle, rOee Cttj anabian ctjampion Ph 90979-2341 EX(TRA... CLASSIIIED VALUE!R O The Hafton Cafhofîc District Schoof Board I'teoe/ fnvites Applications S for the Fol lowing: INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE TEACHERS IINSTRUCTORS j These posions are effetive mmodiatl and wil teminaleonu lao thon June 8O 2002. SECONDARY 5C$Q01 PROGRAM e CHUMESI )Connse & Mondai) e BUTCN a POM - GREEK * ELEMENTARY SCIlOOL PROGRAM a CHIIES (Canlonose & Mandatîn) * URIDU * OGWARTI s KOREAN *Puumi 0 HINDI a * I *POfffllESE a GMEEK 0 ITAIJA *CROATUIA @ DMI a PEMIAN * LOVAIDN SPANUS OLUF~i11O / REIIUINEMENTS: Ceflîfîcate of squalification; Ttoching tspttienico, Flotncy in both otal and wriîtn communication in tht Ian- g000e; An updated resomne and covetîng letter, Enidence ol o salistactuty lubercalin test (dated withîn the fast yeat): A cuttonl Criminol j Recotds Check (daled withîn the fast 6-mus.). The location ut eoch ptogrom i o 10 h detmîned. Applications wîll be teceined hy the undttsigned untîl Fridaf, Februasî 15. 2002 T.J. Faufeux, Superintendant, H.R. Haltan Cathofic District School Board 802 Drury Lane, Burlinufon, ON L7R 4L3 L.G. Piuvesan, AI Bailey. Directut of Edocotion Choit of the Board ASSIS IAN i4 CONTROLLER PEAlFOIREX PERFOREX is a rapîdly growing, entrtpreneurial managtmtnt coosultiog firm that has gaintd ao oustasdiog repotatios for dtlivtriog sostaiotd improvemtots to our clients. With clitnts throughouf North Amtrica aod growth as fast as mie cao hatdle tl, there is a lot of excittmtnt. Rtporfing to tht Cootroller, you will bt rtsponsible for accouttitg, titan- cial reporting asd asalysis, budgtting aod fortcastisg, and cash mas- agtmet. Vou will ontrste day-to-day accountLng atd Casadiat aod US payroll. Vou will also bt rtsponsiblt for Casadian and US tax compliasct aod assist sn tax planning. Vour qualificafions iscludt a professional accousting dtsignatioo (CA prtftrred) with a minimum of six ytars txptritsct. Good ksowltdgt of Caoadian taxation is rtquired. Knowledge of US taxation would bt as asstt. Expet Excel skilis art tstfial. Vos art comfortable witti dttail and art sot afraid to roil ap yoar sîtetvs. Vos bave a strong work efhic, cas managt multiple prioritits asd art ablt to work sn a fasf-pactd, dtad- îlot oriettd tsvironmtst. Wt offtr a compttifivt salary and btstfit packagt as wtll as as tnviron- mtnt that valuts ifs tmploytss. So if you're rtady fo bt a kty mtmbtr of tht fisascial ttam for a growing, dynamic company, ftn submit your rtsumt via t-mail f5 wstclaire@ptrfortxom today. MasTec Canada has secured a Iong-ferm agreement with Cogeco Cable fa be the exclusive provider of Cable Television Installation Services ta Cogeco Cable's 600,000+ custamers in the Province of Ontario. MasTec Canada is a progressive company that continues ta ex- As part aI MasTec Ino, wo are North Amorica's largent ond-la- end teleconrmunication inlastructure provider with over 9,500 employes actons North America in 180 locations rncluding 10 regronal offices in Ontario. We are presently espanding aur mark force throughout Ontario and spebifically in the Niagara Folis ta Hamilton, Qakorlîn. and Burlington ameas. Apphications for the following positions are now being accepteti. e Residential Cable Television Installation Installers We aller aur employees campetition rates o comprehensîne benellîn package. company share purchaxe opportuorties, as well as other benelîts thon con be reahized for succesolul candi- dates. Please larward your inlereot with a resume as lollows: Attention: Fax: Email: Mailing Address: Sue Crarey 905-475-0623 sue 555 Aidait Rd. Markham. Ont., 13R 315 Project Coordinator - Full Time Landscape tndustry Join ans industry leader atour Georgetown head office. As project coordinator you witi have the resporisibitrty aI- tracking specifications af our product tram a project's conceptual stage to its comptetion. Vou are seif-motivated and have sotid computer skitfs and muot have a background in the landscape industry and/or construction induotry. Pteaoe reply in confidence ta Unilock Ltd. with satary expectationo. No Phone Ctils will be accePted. Umlock Led. 287 Armstrong Ave., Georgetown, ON, L7G 4X6 Fax: 905-874-3034 Email: The Personal Insurance Company currenly hou openîngs for the foiiowing positions in aur Mississauga location: Legal Asistant Up tx 2 years administrative ouperience in boni) rn- jury ut insorance lîlîgotion teguireri. Accident Benefits Claimn Spcialists Minimum 3 peots dlaims enpetience with techoicol expertise in AB and amspute resslion CIP or enmxiied in tht progrom. Expetience manoging serîsus and cal- aslîophîc dlaims. Pîtase Istwatd cover lettet and resume tu: The Persanal Inaurance Company 3 Robert Speck Parleway Mississauga, Ontario L4Z 3Z9 Fax: 905-306-5202 n-mail: We fhauh ail applicanfo for their intereot, howevef, oniy thoxe ovelet for an interview wiI Se contacfied TH4E PERSONAL INSURANcE COMPANY Is AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 41 t o ca11lialeIaIipol- 1i oLSIID ONTEITRE DOMINOS Pizza now hîtîng part-lime staff. Apply sn persan ai 17 Wilson Drive (aI t8e coner of Mais St. and Wilson Drive) abter 4pm daily. FREE training. Drive 4 Us. Sohool Bus Drivers Wanted. Cail (905) 877- 4448. Luidlaw is an equal oppotunhty Com- pany. JANITORIAL - Mature Persans requiteti for Lighf-Duly Cleaning sn Milton. Fine Nigbts Pet Weee, Midnighf 10 7:3Oam . Qualifieti Ap- plicants must have Neal Appeutance andi Trans- portation. Fax Resume fai (905637-7033 STOPP'S Dry Cleuners is lookisg for a flil lime Presser Needeti Mon- day tai Frduay. No ex- periesce eedeti. Witt tain. Apply in Pera 885 MainSreei Unit 4 atlasx resume te 905- 854-4780 TAA Milton requires 2 mainfenoe helpers. Caîl Harry ai 905-875-2915 WAITRESS, Part lime. Busy cafte in Campbell- ville. 854-1884 WAITRESS/ Waîter wîlb tuperienoe needeti lot morning/day shift. part lime, 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.. Tuesday ta Soturday. Cail und leuve message for Bes or Tam aI 905- 88-4352 or 905-693- 8 847 Consider becomion a part ot the Ontario Lottery ana baaming Lorporation: Our quality entertainment pronides net revenues that support goveromeot initiatives for building a better Ontario. Curreoty, our Mohawk Itacetrack Stots location (Guelph Lite and the 401) bas the following part-time opporsutities... Securitv Officers- You will be tesponsible lot tht sofety and security of pattons, employees, and company assels while mainlaining an outstonding level oI cusiomer service. Vou will pahal assigned ornas, administer hirsi aid, and provide general assistance ta variaus depatmenis. Vou have a degtee or dîploma telated ta law and secutity or the eqoivalent in edocatiot and expetience. You most be willing ta mark twelve-hour shifts incloding weekends and holidays. Ployer Services Rep An excellent commonicaoar with a dedicotion ta superiot cosiamer service, pou wilI issue ployer hrocking cords while assisiing cosiomners wiih inqoiries andi concertis. Vou will also, ossist mith nIai tournoments andi other special enenis. Vaut obilitp la problem salve and 'thînk ot poor lee' in stressful sifootians is critical, Coin Caschiers Dedicoted ta soperior costomer service, you wll perform jackpot payoots, cash tokens from patrons, and enchange Foreign cn rency. Relevant experience is pre erred. .Main..Bnk Cashuers Working in 00f high nolume and fast-paced enioîrmenl, yoo will recoîne, record, and reconcîle enchanges os weii as balance iooenlory and codnct caotr taon, buys and transactions. Experience with cash, Foreigo cnrrency, ancd other setilement types is reqnîred CoLu ntÀItteldilmtsL------- You wiii be responsible for the collerction, sarting, and cann af cash and takens while verilying happer bags, transparting cash ond tokens, ond camplelîng happer siorage, ciL bon fis. t'on must be oble la meet the physical demonds ai this posituirn and wark ail s!)rhs inclnding weekends and holidays, Environmental Services A learm ployer, yoo wili nosore that ail public ornas and bock roorms are maintirred accordîrrg la estoblished standards. Cleanong noperince is prelerred Please apply on mritiog ta Human Resources Manager, Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation, Société des loteries et des jeux de l'Ontario, Mohawkc Racetrack Siats, 9430 Guelph Line, P.O. Box 550, Campbellville, ON L0P 1 BO Fox: (905) 854-4192 e-mail: i. if, ~ 0 -0,, ï,i rî,,,,pr e Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation Société des loteries et des jeux de l'Ontario Fxcltlg Opportuffiles are brewlng for entbuslastto. eerete lvndMduais for Our vewet loc0atiow. We are look,îo for dysnauwlc candidates for the followling posItIos: W Front af House (part/ full timte) Back af House (part/ full fime) Supervisors A leam member can look fotwatd to comprehensîne training, flexible hauts. A1TEND OUR J083 FAIR Place: Williams Coffee Pub, 350 Dundau St. East (Dondas & Traflgar) Qokuilie, ON Wben: Tuestiay February 12, Spm-9pm Please bring your resume - on tht spot interviews OR Send your resâme ta Lori EIsby, Manager, Training & Development via: epoyment@wiliamscaffeepub.Conl or fax ta 519-744-5480 Order Piokers Nîght shift for Milton warehouse. Top wages and excellent benefits, Own transportation recommended. Please fax resume Io: 905-878-9010, Attn: Guy Ransay Olr apply in person at: 2705 Durante Way, Milton CLEANERS Light & heauf dulo. LAUNDRY STAFF Fut new, long-ltri cote facility in Boîlinglon Applicants shoold houe prevous eoperience in housekeepîngl laondry andi be able lu worli exuîy other weekend Wagesý lighI duty & loonOry. $.221hi., hnauy dut), $11 36/hr Fox resome. Phil Vinson, Borlington Heallhcote 1-905-669-6724 PART ORDER PICKER AND DISPATCN lot auto patsn boltoale dîstribatot, Eoperîence shippîng & tOceiving sonîl patio an asset. Good knowledge ut Oak., Miss., MîlI. and BorI îtgoired lot dispatching 6 rivers Mont have gond koege oI area& abIe lx liîh 5Oîho Coîlý John Blounri 2pm-4pm HaUton Auto Elactrie 281 Speers Bd, oleM.i, ON1 (US5) 845-2118 7N - / If Goori woges, Benefis Training prxoîOed 2355 Trafalgar, Oakviile 905-257-071 80 Matket Or, Milton 905-693-U57 1 [càsýife Fax 816-23641