24-The Canadian Champion, Fndcay, Februrary 8, 2002 957530 c ~ ~aîn 011 f ilCIASSIFIFI HOURS: Monday to Frday 1 900 amn i:0pn COMING MARRIAGE "ENGAGEMENT L~ on iuvd i1&ston&s I I hoe I ~ BIRTHDAY (eruary 71) rô Love Mom, Dad I Best Wishes front your S&Rachel budis MIiidI, ozru y 2 rey home forsaley ower, 4bedoonis, e quiet court, tenced, private, no neighbours behind. Bright, spacious, LR/DR with walkout to deck, oak cabinets, CV/CA, tully finished basement w/rec room. f $209.400. Phone (519)853-0848 BRICK bungalow wîth 3 +1 bedrooms. 1 1/2 baths, new kitchen and maie bath. Walkout from basement. Situated on a very sica 1 acre lot in Mottat. Asking! $295,000. CatI 905-854-4170 HOUSE for Sale: Milton beauty. 4 bdr. Quiet court. Lots 0f upgrades. OeIl for snf0. and îewieg appoinment. Leave message 905-875-0331. MILTON, 624 ElliotS. Raised bungalow. 3+1 bedrooms, 50's049'. Recent up- grades: HE furnace, A/C, BB0 gas lins, 2 new batfrrooms, carnet, windows, roof, gas fireplace, tinished basement. $239,000. 905-876-0162 aller 5pm weekdsys (ns agents) Open House, FeblO 2-pm, Cal for appt. MILTON, Single, Reverse rent to own, $1400/month. Michael Wan Reslfy lnc., Broker. 519-853-0894 NEW Mattsmy Home, 3000 sq.ft, pond behînd home. 4 spacios bedrooms, laundry raom upstsîrs. fîreplace. Lots mors. For more information caît 905-203- 5251 PRIVATE & Pîcturssques.aettîng of Mountsberg. Muakoka like settîng, 3 acre lot. Brand new. anîqaely deaîgned custom home. Appros. 4700 aq.f8 wslk-oat bungalow wîth loft. 4-bdrma, thrss 3pcs. batha, open concept, large kitchen, hardwood. Fully fînîshed basement. Close ta amenîtien. $719.999. 905-638- t099 PRIVATE Sale, Thrse hedroom townhoaae. Ail new floorîng. New windows. new 0001, Freahly paînted. New central air. Up-dated kitchen. 1 2pc. bsthroom, t 4pc halhroom. Large fsncsd yard. Stepa ta Milton Mail. Askîng $136.000,00. For aîewîng caIt 905-693-0411 FOR Lease: 800sq.n. induntrial. Overhead door, $375 Ooîmonthly. 1564sq1tb Commercîal/lndustrial. Encollent esposure. Mezzanine, $1 250per month. Cen- trslly located in Milton 3000sq.ft. Indastrial Unit. 2 averhed doora. Excellent ini- ssstmsnt opportunity, $185.000. CatI Gary Thomas at ReiMas 878-7777 or 878-5051 for further snf0. FOR Rent 3500 sq.ft. building with large fencesi yard on Steelen Ave. Available immedistely. Caîl 905-875-3246 $$ GOVERNMENT -, Funds $$ Grants and oses information to start and enpand your business or farm. 1-800- 505-8866. DORMANIT company w. asesi car dealers licence & tas losses for sale. 905-875-1518. 416- 402-8004 1 bachelor apartment for rent. Available imme- dîatsly. $600/manth sn- cladea utîlîtes. P/U ap- plication at Bergama's Paint, Domntosma 1 hedraam apartment for rent, available Aprîl itI Downtaws Milton Saîtable tor prafeasional couple. Phone 905-878- 1054 bstwesn 6-8pm only. ACCEPTING Applica- tîons for 2 bdrm apta on adaît floors. Avaîlble Apr 1102 and Apr 15/02. Caîl aher 6:3Opm. 905-878- 5345 ACTON on. bedroom apt. $550. plus atiîtîes (519) 853-5080. (519) 853-5352. ton, zuO uniario oures North. 1 and 2 bed- rooms. Newly renlovated le quiet building. 2 ap- pliances. utitities incfud- ed. On site laundry. From $845. 905-875- 4989 FOR Rent: Second Floor One Bedroom apartment. Suitable for non-amoker, worker- person. No pets. Refer- encan. Avellable March 151. $750.00 per month. lncluded are' Utilîtîs, Frîdge, Stose, Parking. 905-878-2737 MILLSIDE TOWER 82 Mîlîsîde Drive Msitar 1 &2 Bedranni Apro De/use Building ideai'l Cm 'se ixcat!ol 2 appiances Laundry tacîlîlies Utliiies ivcludvd Or Silo Resîdevi Managers Open 7 dava. Samne day ayyroau datl: (905) 876-1249 ONE bedrooni spart- ment asaîlable April t wîth bslcony. Util. incl. $775.00. 905-876-4682. No Doos. o I I il ouîIuInq, li1y pdlinu new carpet, security system, stove, f rid ge, reserved parking. No Pets. References re-/ quired. First and last $875 plus hydro. Avait- able March 1. 905-878- 8123 ROCKWOOD by park, 2nd floor, sunny clean 1 bedroom. Apphiances, est-rn kitchen. $775. 519-856-4900 SPACIOUS 1 q 2. & 3 bedrooms. Frsshly painted, bright. Com- petitive rent. Burlington high rise. WslI mais- tained. Convenient loca- tion. 905-333-9846. Noon-8 pm. BUNGALOW, Milton 3 bsdrooms. recrooni. spotless court location. March int. $1295.00 monttily. first [ast. utili- tis. 878-9586 CAMPBELLVILLE Vil- lage Home for rent. 2 storey-3 bdrm os a dou- ble lot. Renf $1250'mth + stilities. Caîl 519-856- 4500 GEORGETOWN, 4 bedroom 2 storey hoase, close foi "GO", 2- ca arage, 2 acre lot. $1 500/mth plus atîlîties. February tnt. (905)877- GRAZIOTTO. Dins & Tonys (ses Sucver) are thrilled f0 announce the bîrth of their daughtsr Otivia Anne, 7lbs. 6oz on Janaary 29, 2002 at Joseph Brant Hospital, Burlîngton. Prosd Grandiparents are Amerîgo & Antonietta Graziotto and Fred & Judy §iver. $1 eau WIIus Amuy Hughes ByeConnat Centre turay February, 9t§4 20e Ticets" WMl be .Ild at deoêaP* - Please stop by -ith your ç)Cati joanne at 9O&MeefflN£~ STEININGER, Ruth At the Milton District Hospital on Monday. Febrsary 41fr. 2002. Ruth Steininger 0f Iln wife of Kart Steinînger. The fuseraI service will be held os Friday, February 8th, 2002. interment to fsllow at the Milton Evergreen Cemetsry. Arrangements entrusted f0 the McKersîe-Kochst Fusera Home. 114 Main Streef, Milton, 905-878-4452. SINYI, Max ltis with deep sadnesa that 1 announce the passîng of a long lime trierd and companion. Mas the Wonder D09, peacefally on, Saturday. February 2 after a brief itînesa. Mao wîill lease a paw print on the hearta of those that knew hîim and w/il be missao by family and friands. Thanka Io Dr. Rosa Dawson and staff at Milton Animal Hospital, Becky, and my tamîly for yoar help. herd. Timid. Reward. 878-2251 DAYCARE avaitable. My home Mother of 2. Excellent references. Meals prosidesi. Healthy learnîng envîrosment Lori, 905-203-t1809 DAYCARE, ais ysars experience. Nutritios snacks. saldoor play, lots of toys, crafis. Re- ceîpf s. 905-876-0620 QUALITY daycars avaîlable in my home. Steeles & Martin ares. Excellent references, receipta provided. CaI 876-3557. RELIABLE Daycars available. Wilson & Woodward ares. Please cal 905-876-4978. MUSIC Lessonel Learn Piano. Guitar or Basa from an esperienced ý ofessional instructor. îck 905-875-4601 BLCK Entertaîsmeef Unit with a gtass door, $150. Kenwood Dolby Prologic Receiver, $100. 905-875-0395 BUY/SELL stair lifls, wheelchair tifte, hospital beda, scooters, etc. Cal Silver Cross 905-847- 5504 CARPET I hase several 1,000 yrds. col new Staismaster & 100% ny- lon carpet. Will do living- room & hall for $349. In- cludes carpet, pad & in- stallation (30 yards) Steve. 905-639-2902 FREE Estîmates. . Got wobbly or broken chairs? Weak sofa or chair s prns? Soit foam? Tired lookîng wood fînîshes?.. Then cal Fields for ail farni- tare repaîrs and custom wood refînîshîng. 9-9 Idaily, (905)875-4427 NEW Vear Sale - No GST or PST We psy the taxsa Great tabrîc siection and great sav- ingsi Sols & matchîng chair froni $888. Love- sats tram $589 Chairs rom $199. Free Es- tîmats. Fields Castonm Oalîy Upholsterîng Cali dsîly 9-9. 905-875- 4427 ____ PURE Oak Table (ex tends 10 8 feet) with 4 chairs, $300 00 tiri 905-876-0725 BIRT-HDAY Love Shotty, Queenie, AI-B, Lii, Jid, San-Man, Dii and New Betty DURAIAPPAH, Yoga la tond memory af a Ioaîng haaband and father wl/O passesi away February 71fr, 1995. Seven ysars comrplete Your sarthly race weI finînhesi And heavsnly reat gained. Beysnd earth a shadow ln the looîng lîghl af thy Savisur a glow: Sadly misssd along [ifs s way. But tovîngty remsmbsrsd With wonderfal memors to staY. Of yosr love, faith, hope and coarage. Though no longer in our lises Io shars. Deep in oar hearto yoa are always there. Forever foved & miaaed by wife trene and son Niahan là