ThA Canadian Chamnion. Fnida. February 8, 2002-15 jýA sweet aea1 onCy -.z4" unWi j'eu. *ilV thee ean an Srpol 1 Relaxation$9 *facial & 1/2 hr. Sale$9 aromatherapy massage. Reg. $97 She said "Thank you for the success at the New Year's Gala. " Reserve for Valentine's Day and the beautiful Valentine will receive a gift frorn Marna Domenic. P.S. Marna Dornenic says Prosciutto and Cheese now on for 1/2 price. Thank you to the new neighbours and the old, old neighbours. Afrer 18 years, Chef Dornenic loves to cook for this beautiful cornmu nry. For fine dining, catering and weddings please cal1 for reservations (905) 876-Ol 550) Ontario St., Milton, 1