4-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Febnuary 5, 2002 McGuinty tries to rally the troops at Liberalfundraiser FyMIFIANIF CIJMM1NG1ý Special to The Champion Whilc Ontario's Progressive Conservative Party is scrabbling in a leadership race, Liberal leader Dalton McGuinty is laying the foundation for a future provincial election carnpaign. Despite the inclement weathcr conditions Thursday night, about 220 party faithful - including 22 Liberal caucus members - attend- ed a $125-a-plate dinner at the Oakville Co'nference Centre. The evcnt was a fundraiser for the Oakville, Halton and Burlington riding associations and it kickcd off a wcekend provincial Liberal pollcy conférence in Oakville. in a speech that was ainscd at railymng thc troops, Mr. McGuinty also took several swipes at thc Tory's track record over thc past two ycars. j oie tile gos einiii.nil admitted 10 playing in Uic tainted watcr debacle of Walkerton. The room fell silcnt as hie rattlcd off Uic numbers of peo- pIc affcctcd. " Tw en ty - threce hundrcd people sick, 65 hospitalizcd, Dalton McGuinty scven bctwcen the ages of 2 mnd 80 dicd, children arc on dialysis, mnd some will require kidney transplants. This (Tory) governmcent tumced its back on public safety," said Mr. McGuinty. The Liberals would avoid similar tragedies, hie (Jîamo's air and vater is saie. Mr. McGuinty called the tax break given to taxpayers who send their childrcn 10 private sehools a "bad ides" and promiscd smallcr cîsass sizes and improvcd relations wiUi teachers, sSii- dents, trustees and parents. On hcalth care hc's a "strong defender of medicare" and intends to "build on ils founda- tions.,, Il shouldn't manter how much moncy or who you arc conncctcd 0 in ensuring proper medical trealment, Mr. McGuinty addcd. Should hie become Uic next premier of Ontario, Mr. McGuinty sald hie would eliminate clection date guessing games mnd ensure voters head tn Uic poIls cvcry four ycars wiUiout fait. (The last clection was June 1999). "I don't believe in Uic poemicr's divine right 10 said. No manter which of Uic five candidates in Uic Tory leadership clection win, littie will chmnge, said Mr. McGuinty. "Thcy arc ail eut from the saine cloUi, Uicy've helped shape Uic decisions we have ail had to live Uirough. Ail of Uicmn agrced to culs 10 Uic Ministry of Environment which lcd 10 the Walkcrton tragcdy mnd said okay 10 giving cor- porations s $2.2 billion tax break," hie said. Locally, John Day has been chosen 10 repre- sent Uic Liberals in Uic Halton riding in Uic next provincial clection. Since Premier Mike Harrs came 10 power in 1995, the riding bas been a Conservative strong- hold. TH CORPOATIO OFTETW FMLO ilioN I07815 90-88-21 NOTICE 0F TEMIPORARY ROAD CLOSURE AND RECONSTRUCTION Notice is bereby given pursuant to Section 300(1) of thc Municipal Act, being Chapter M.45 of the Reviseci Statutes of Ontario, 1990, Uiat Uic Council of the Town of Milton, at its meeting to bo hold in Town Hall, 43 Brown Street, on February 25, 2002, begin- ning at 7:30 pin will consider Uic passing of by-laws for Uic temporary closing mnd reconstruction of Uic following roads: 1. ANNE BOULEVARD FROM MEADOWBROOK DRIVE TO BELL STREET 2. ROBINWOOD CRESCENT 3. HARROP DRIVE NORTH 0F STEELES AVENUE 4. MAIN STREET EAST PROM JAMES STREET TO COMMERCIAL STREET Plana dctailing these projects are available for viewing during normal business hours at Town Hall, 43 Brown Street, Community Services Dcpartmcent. Council will hear, in person, or by Uieir counsel, any person who dlaims that their lands will be prejudicially affected by the said by-laws, and who applies to be heard. Persons wishing to be heard should notify the Clork's Department in writing, no later Uian Wedncsday. February 20, 2002. Any Inquiries should be directod te Uic following: Phillip Antoniow, Projects Coordinator Town of Milton 43 Brown Street Milton, ON L9T 5112 tel: 905-878-7252 (ext. 2161) fax: 905-878-6995 ormait: phiant@town.mnilton.on.ca Employment Opportunity Municipal Law Enforcement Officer - Parking Control Pou"io SUMwnmy Rcportlng to Uic Town Clede, this position la responsible for enforement of thc Municipal Parking By-laws while on foot patrol and/or driving on public and private proporties loeated within thse Town of Milton. M4jo Job RespousUbM"le - Provide assistance in regard to enforcement of regulatory mnd licensing by-laws as required - Respond to mnd document parking complaints rcceived through the Halton Police Service and/or Uic Town of Milton's Enforeement unit - Analyze and determine.appropriate section of legislation to lay charges, maintain accurate records - Autborize, document amd register wiUi Halton Regional Police, thse towing of vehicles - Attend court and provide evidenc in riegardl to charges laid E*scaUsm sud Experhne Applicas ohould hmva High Scbocl Diplom.A Municipal Law Enforcemesit Course would bc an asset aimdor a college diplouma in tie field ofoenfSememsL Stroog interpersonal aRills, meaolutiop skillsanmd excelent wtte nmd verbal commansication akilsam reqsmired. Must pot- sess a valiti "G" <Maria, driver's licence aKI have use of a velsicle for work-stlated trevel. Selery raff er DevimTY Phas respa.d by Fébruary 2%,2M0 Intereated applicmnts should submait a reaume te: Town of Milton, 43 Brown Street Miltomn Ontario L9T 5H<2 Attention: Coordinator, Human Resources Or fax to: (905) 878-4231 . REQUEST FOR BlD #02-088 Fîtness Elqulpment Maintenance #02-209 Roof tule Management Program #02-198 Lawn Mowers #02-208 Fitness Equipment Sealed Bids on forms supplied by the Town of Milton will be receiveti by the Corporate Services Department, Purchasing until 11:00 amn local time on: Wednsday February 27, 2002 Specifications and florins may be obtained at die Town Hall, 43 Brown Street, Milton, Ontauio, Corporate Services Departmient, Purchasing. During normal business heurs, Monday tbrough Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 pan. There is a bid document fee of' $27.00 ($25.23 + 1.76 GST) for regular bids or $54.00 ($50.46 + $3.54 for bida with drawings. Payment cli be made with cash, choque, Interac or Visa/Mastercard. Any inquiries regarding this tender may be directed to the Purchasing at (905) 875-5404. If you would, prefer that Idis bid be cowiered to you please complote thme Rcquest for Bid Document form on Uhe Town's website: www.town.niilton.on.ca. Plan takers and current and upcoming bids are aso posted on the wcbsite. Employment Opportunity Regular Part Time Administrative Assistant Thse Commmrty Services. Deparmcent requises an individual te fill thc position. of Adminstratve Assistant working an average of twenty-one hours per week. This poi- tion will provide programn support for arta of community developinent, including thc Milton Community Fund, and support for a variety of programns offéed by the Departmnent. Working out of the Seniors' Activity Centre will allow the position to also support facility security and customer service functions during evening hours. Major Job Responsalities " Provide customer service mnd fadility security functions during evenings at dic Seniors' Activity Centre " Poovide administrative support for the Milton Community Fundand other Departnent programa " Maintain and track data, mnd prepare statistical reports for Departmnent programas Education »md Experieuce Applicants must possess a post secondary diploma in an office /administrative programn, or equivalent and current CPR / First Aid certification. Applicants must be proficient in Windows based software and possess a workmng knowledge of Word, Excel, andAccess. Knowledge of office equipient, effective written and oral communication uiclla, and customer service akilis are requird. The range for Uic position is $17.29 te $20.35 per hom. Phase respo. by F*eur 14,200U lsstamsed applicunts should submit a resmc le: Town Of MÎIton, 43 Brown Street - Milton Ontario LgT 5H2 Attention: Coordinator, Human Resoustes Or fax te: (905) 878-4231 In accordance with the Freedom of Informsation and Pr, vacy legisiation, applicant infor- mation is collected under the authority ofte Municipal Act and will be used strict/y for candidate selection. W/tue we appreciate ail applications received, only those invitedfor an interview will be contacted. MN.INEI md0t, nc I ___________________________________ d I