24-Te Caadin Chmpio, Teada, Feruay 5,200 -iRBA APEA - UA IAUY01C Industrial Electrician Appty your thorough knowtedge of motor controto, high- voltage switch gear, programmabte togic (PLCI, instrumen- tation, etectronice and other retated equipment, ta perform repaire ins this chattenging rote. You witt aasye etectricat and retated equipment in order tai make recommendatione ta imptement repaur or replacement, s wett an interpret equipment and eyetem massuats, diagrame, contrat circuits, echematice and piote. As a reeutt, you muet have a high echoot diptoma with comptetion of an approved apprentice- ehip program, certification an an Industrial Etectnician in good standing with the Minietry of Training, Cottegee and Umivereities, and, preferabty, 1 ta 3 years of practicat experience. Famitiarity with computerized systecas is key; knowtedge of hydrautica, paseumatice, and SCADA is an asset.* This position requiren a vatid driveros ticence. The hourty rate tor thas position ie $22.06. Ptease formard your reoume, quoting Competitien #PP-33, by February 15, 2002, ho: Human Resource Services, The Regional Municipaiity et Halton, 1151 Bronte Road, Oakvtlle, Ontario, L6M 311. Fax: 905-825-4032. .~à With ina attractive blend of urhan and rural amenitien, and a diverse population af 360,000, the fast- growing Regional Municipality of Halton provides i services in publie health, scial and community servi .ces, planning and puhlie works, with finance and administrative functions ta support these programs. COME JOIN OUR TEAMI Service Advisor Fuiitime position toroan eopnneced Service Adoîsor. Excellent benet s avaitabie. Appiy to. Joe Tavaris, Service Manager Dundas & 403, Oakvitte 905-829-5552 ext. 327 or fax: 905-829-8622 undsert ne fEcret ando a fgh er-o Thmfen f quaityn aevn pic. on foren Meserveya Accountng Clnstark Thi Maiin e E. n er otatt Miltonntni ackrud L9T pioa 1N3ni ational arts cîomrunicate ilos soid * Flenstaonnh and Exceganîah ih criSes & os f * tcommntio and sergavi. kil SedResumes matofodo953308 Dnie thsservy selct o îtoeiii ho cicied T ain et RDO Et.i reiren, Oroe Adinsrao tobodi iderane ot rspety-osi lie . apced andidats mituo weioganied ind reliabonie wiiingn for cp a butmrS r oad Rerscope ot Tesidal andidl owrintli a s epeiec " hlen Acf 200Fre c t k En l5 t reired alg)it "stoiid conmerperson and ommnication skiis. n Corerie c diaesican eopc natatv sr saayad beefifa ckag ad f053 ree08 inteirese and Ofafi andmiates ae ae tod ano respo b e in at,2 force Sqae Onre, 0Cty eteDie Cadiatsstlsau oga narlo and 3C7, ae (905the )274-1266,y t Eu-al: ndth innergoro agroup@asympatlcoa o s n BUDOS'IMPORTED CARS IS CURRENTLY SEEKING A RECEPTIONIST Duties include. answenîng our 16 uine tetephone, greefing customers & Iighf administrative work. Exp. is preterred. Piesse submif resume in person f0: 2430 South Service Rd., Oakvillo <OEW & Branle) Attention: JIi Love-MeMeekln CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Oranger Canada Lt d., iocated in the Mîssîssauga orna, is a leader in the deoelopment and marketing of prodocto that deteci, measore, and protect people against tooic substances in the workpiaco environ- ment. We are seeking a Cusiomer Service Pepresen- talion to promote and oeil prodocîs and services, an- swer cusiomer questions, probe ail techricai inqai- ries, prepare and send out standard quotatiorîs. Qualifications inciode compietion of a reiatnd technicui uchosi program and two or mo10 years noperierce in a costomer service or rolaled position. Encollent com- munication, PC protîciency and data ertry skilis. Draeger Canada Ltd., Atmn: Custamer Service manager 7555 Danbro Crescent Mississauga, Ontario U5N 6PO Fax: 905-821-2565 EDE Innovas Research lac. a teadîng Canadian research organizatoan, currentfy has oeninga for.. Administrative Assistants Sopponîing members et aur cli ncal research team. yac wii te responsable for the management and distribationt of snody-relied documents, iapatag and tracking essential stady data. coordination et meetings conference calis, and speciai events. and tht management eft he tîting sysoem aa weii an oter administrative duties as assigned. Yeur qualifications inctode a commanioy college Administration dipioma 00 12 mantfro esperiece le tht administrative field and proficieocy wiah MS Office. Yau mont be a ream piover with excellent writin and trot okitto. Bitîngeaism wecid be an asser. Pinase send yeur resuime to: Humuan Resaunes, Innema Re"c toc., 1016-A Saon Driva. Buulinge Ontario LiL 68 Fax: (NI>) 331-9112 e@ai: iobainfuvaco Wob-site: www.incovus-cobl We thaef ail apphicanrs: hurween, oaiy rhose oeiecrud foi an ionrvetw wil be conrocred INNOVUS BEAROMORE Leathers-Corpi are Division re interpersonal skills. Solid organîzational skills. Join a progressive company in a new area of growf h and development. Send resume by fax f0 (519)853- 9494 Inside Sales and Technical Support Person required tor weli-estabiished, saccessfal and growing pamp manafactarer in Burlington. Job anvoines castomer service; interpretation and research of casfomer reqairements; qante prepa- ration: arder detailing; applicafion engineering and froableshooting. Ideal candidafes miii have a otroog mechanical engineering backgroand with experience on centrifugai pamp applicafion, sales and service, A brighf personality and posifîve attitade are essential, as are gond commanicafion skills and a keen eye for detait. The company offers a fan, enthosîasfic and dynamîc work noviroomeof, compefifîve salary and generoas benefits package. Mail or fax resumne f0: AIBA Parts & Service 5370 Manro Cooud, Rarlington, ON L7L 5N8 Fax. 905-333-0973 Leadîng Ford dealership is currently seeking applicants for the followisg positions: Automnotive Sales Consultants This position offers: " Stroog management support " Professionat training " Monthly bonus oevnIs " Health and dental plan " Opporfonify 10 grow wifh us " tS09001 :2000 Registered " BIue OaI certif led " Ford noperience is preferred bof 0sf necessary Sobmif your resomn by fax lu: Gourai Sale Maagne 570 Trafalgar Rd, Oakville, L6J 3J2 ýe&aâ_Fao: 905-844-4472 We fhank ail applicants in adeance, hacever, only thase selected for an interview wili be confacted. * Sales Rep Required f0i service new & enîstreg customers front Mississauga f0 Niagara Faits. Salary, vehicte compensations, benefifs & bonuses. Mail or ornait resumes toi: Perma Paving Stone Co. 7447 Bren Rd, Mlssissauga. L4T IH3. lnto@permapavlngstone.com No phone inquîrîes ptease EXPERIENCED Dental AssistantlReceptionisf needed fuil lime for busy group practioe in Milton. Pfease oeil Michete 905-876-1188 or tas resume f0 905-876-3491 HYGIENIST Needed for matemity leave in Milton. Presenly 2 days per week with fufure possibiltfy of 4 days a week. Please caîl Michele 905-876-lt188 or tas resome foi 905-876-3491 PART-Time Hygieniot reqoired immediatety for Ac- ton/Rockwood area. lnferested participants oeil Deb at 519-853-1300 RN or RPN Classified HourS wlMeds lMonday to Fridayl needed for busy 9 am tD5pm l urgent Caro ellm1 44 Occasisoal eooings ,~ 6 & weenods f,'% Fleoibility a must y Please fao resome 905-1,12-M599- L Deaine! Iedwf If Sam tîuo ue AdetI eVu Home Ipoemn Sevie Tod V I New in town? Get acquainted with Milton and ail it has to offer by ordering a subscription to Where To Shop! Where To Dtnet Community News! Professional Services! ....And more! OnIy $49.00 per year Phone 878-2341 or mail cheque or money order to P.O. Box 248, 191 Main St. E., Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 We rhak aIl candidates fer ilivir intereat. Howenvr snly tfave setected for an intervew wllbecontocned. a