22-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 5, 2002 * OFAS FOR LESS! ýuîas, aid Decto ( ui startîng Front Uncompromising Quai ty and Style. An Extraordinary Selection $ 9 1 9 of the Finest Custom Fabnics. i Imagine, Genuine La-Z-Boy at pnices that w il Delight you! 9 a1 mvup(MUi. 1 I- 1 §L ment avaisoi Apni 1 with balcosy. UtiI. il $775.00. 905-876-4682. No Doge. ONE bedroom, modemn building, sewly painted, new carpet, sscurity ayatsm, etove, lnidge, rservsd parking. No Pets. Referesces re- quirsd.Freadas $875 plu yr.Aal able Mrh1 9588 8123 Don't Be Left In the Dark! Don't forget the deadlines! -- iStai DOWNTOWN Mifton. 2 for 1 o Bero pt plus sew- fo orda' y finished G round Floor S e a i l i m 0f House. A/C, Fnidge,* S a Ila i stove. Parking. Fi riti $925.00. Avaiable J March laI. Caîl 905- A m Hughes T usa 858-8723. D.yne coitiiiuiiit lty Centttree ( atUrda>,Februa7 th4 20 - LTN3 bedroom, I fiiyrom ,window Tiekete wIl b. il et *. 1 A/C, 4 appliances. Near *i.00 ACTON, wonderful, GO. Avarlable imme- laeso ywt er : cozy 2 storey home for dratsly. $1 250 plus uSI Bes iv h sale by owner, 4 bed- 1 bachelor apartmenî tis 905-803-9267 cu DetW.a rooms, very quiet court, for rent. Avalable imme- cilHUS 3«m at g os.4Z43 fenced prîvate, no diately. $600/month in- 212ws neighbours behind. cludes utîlîtres. P/ p roome, 212ws ~ ~ - Bn ghi, spacious, LR/DR cation at 'Bergama's rooms, 2 car parking. with walkout to deck, Paint Downtown. $95rotl Apri62211et oak cabinets, CV/CA, 1bsdroom compact I466210 frily finished basement w/rec room. $2940 apartment in Campbell- Phone (519)853-0848 1ville ares. Stove, fnidge, 1parking, utilities inctud- MILTON- FulIy renovat- 1ed. Firl and last, $750. edbih ndJsun3 viaeilf-f Send Your Sweemheort A bedroom + one/office 99AUR5oul7wt bungalow witb gen- ACCEPTING Applîca- MATts requîre . beroo rupgraded Fet-rn ile ia petalenUne1ledo ceru otrFates Il- tions for 2 bdrm apts on apartment in Milton kitchen witb sew adatforpAalt-p ares. Please catI 905- pliancea, finished rec. 1/02 and Apr 15/02. CalI 691-4645 romwihm rbe aller 6:3Opm. 905-878- WANTED: Room 10, rent 'Tdf sonreon speciaUliou macfi you cm.e place, walkout toi 20x40 535 for Grade 12 E.C. Drury Seruf a ve Lise Mmesage in t&l Cl4sfiedfSection on in ground heated pool DIPLOMAT Apte, Mil- non-smoking student. Teday, FebrUary 12, 2002 witb cabana. Loaded. ton, 235 Ontario Street February 10 June. CalI To send a unique Valentine, juet lNI out the lorm holow. $268,900. CalI 905-693- North. 1 and 2 hod- Lee 876-4015 Tedaln l 8574. roome. Newly renovatedThdednsl PRIAE & ictr n quiet building. 2 ap- iFriday February 8 ah 4-00 p.m. pliarrces &tlte indud- _ and the cost as only eeque..setting of planes $1000ie for20 ors +G Mountsberg. Muekoka ed. On site laundry. ___E 1.0 o 0wod S like setflng, 3 acre lot From $845. 905-875- D~~oM on t (et t/us V1alemtime s Day s(ip awayj witftout Brand new, uniquelly dle: 4989 WAGON tet[img t/i t special person ftow mucli they are eigned custom home. FOR Rent Second Snn1930 Appros. 4700 sq.ll walk- Floor One Bedroom reafiy (oveé, ouf bungalow with loft. apartment Suitabie for #New in town? 4-bdrme, three 3pce. non-smoker, okr bathe, open concept, 1pereon. No pt e. Refer- large kitches, hard- ences. Avallable March Gnn afe woo. Fully finisbed 1let. $750.00 per month. - ,___________________________ basement. Close to lncludsd are: Utilitis, inl 3 motsr amenities. $719,999. Fridge, Stove, Parking.____________M____Il____?_ 905-638-1099 :905-878-2737 Pakg moe? GEORGETOWN, large i Having a baby? _____ _______________ 2 hodroom apt sn Victor- ras home, $975/mtb s- *EStablishiflg a dudes heat. Actos large U Cheque U Visa U Master Card 110 sllMai Sret3 bedroom apt., new business?ToaWrd20otlC l$1.7 110 sqft.Mai Steet$1000/mth. (519)853- TtlW rs2 oa ot$07 localion. Asking $750 5080/ (519) 853-5352 PLAECL s Credil Card No.______________ per month plus utifsles.P L U Cali Christie & Woods MILLSIDE TOWER Signature Real Estats Ltd. 905S 82 Miiiside Drive, Name___________________ 878-2095 Milton Community Wslcome Phone No.________________ 1 &2 BedroomnApts. Linda 905-&54-1563 Deiaxe Building Dn953499PAVMEHT MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER latifo CL ASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT 2 appiiances lz 9II05-693-031 875-3300 INCOME Tax Prepara- Laundry faufiles _________________________ tIon from $25. Nelfile for Uilities isciuded quick refusd. Witt pick ay&Bil up/deiîver. John, 905- Os-Site Residesi Bby&Bta 854-047 Masagers Tracy 905-876-4330 CLASSIFIEDS 19M) 876-1249 Un 958410 ~'HUME, Donald Ramaay, A former distinguished insurance broker, Member of t he Power & Sal Squadron as well as an active member of Rotary and Probus Clubs, Blue Mounlain Golf & C.C. 1and the Trinity United Church in Collingwood ipassed away peacefully on Tuesday, January 29, 2002 ait the Collingwood Nursing Horne in his 80th year. Donald, beloved husband of Elizabeth "Betty". Dear father of William iLinda) of Alberta and Eleanor of Toronfo. Sadly missed by broth- ers Rev. Gordon 111ev. Hellen), Sherwood (Gladys), David (Jean) and George (Anne) Hume. Mr. Hume will be remembered by his 4 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. Frdcased by parents William and Eleanor Hume and previous spouses Helen Murray and Gail Palmer. A memorial service will be held on Safurday, February 2, 2002 ai 1 1:OOam, with vis- * talion commescing 1 hour prior 10 the T United Church, 140 Maple Street, Collingwood. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Trinity United Church or the Canadian Cancer *Society in Dorraldas memory. Fanera arrange- *ments entrusted 10 Fawcett Fusera Homes, "Collingwood Chapel' (7 05)445-2651. fJONES, Clifford Loggia Suddenly at the CeiValley Hospital on Friday, February i st, 2002. Clifford Loggie Jones, beloved husband 0f Kathleen Jones. Loving father of the sate Bob Jones and Janice and her husband Gary Jeynes, dear Papa of Sarah. Sadly misssd by his daughter-inl Gay Ps ppin, brother Jack Jones, brolhsrs-inl Jack Dison and Richard Godsrnark also his sister-inl Kay and nieces and nephews. Predeceased by his parents Edmund and Annie Jones, sisters Doris Dison, Helen Godsmark and brother Walter Jones. Family and friends visiled aI the McKersie- Kocher Fanera Home, 114 Main Street Milton i905-878-4452 on Sunday. The Funeral Service was held on Monday, February 4th, 2002. Interment file at the Milton Evergreen Cemelery. In lieu of flowem, memorial donations to the Canadian Cancer Society or the Heart & Stroke Foundation would be appreciated by the family. MARTIN, Ellean Peacefully aller a short ilInsss a1 the Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital in Burfinglon os Frlday, February let, 2002, 2 weeks before her 82nd birthday. Eileen Martin, beloved wife of the laIs Dick Marls Loving mother of Sherry and Paul and his wife Margaret. Dearly loved b y her grandohildren John and Adele, JetI and Angela and Jayne Carnie, Christopher and Robert Martin. Sadly missed by her brother Murray and his wifer Donna Grenke and sister Dawn Crawford. Predeceased by her sisters Audrey Brush and Merle Hogan and brother Vem Grenke. Eileen was very active in the community as a member of I.OD.E. for 50 years, a member at St. Paul's United Churdh, a volunteer at the Canadian Cancer Society and a long lime secretary aI J.M. Denys Public School. Momr enjoyed good health throughout ber lifs and was cary active in the community ustil recenl She ls dearly loved by ber famrly and fniends and will ho sadly missed by ail. Family and fniends visited at the McKersis-Kocber Fanerai Home 114 Main Street Millton 905-878-4452 on MInay The Fanera Service wîll ho beld today Tussday, February 5th, 2002 atil 1:00 am from St. Pal United Church 123 Main St. Milton. In lieu of flowers, memonl donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would ho appreciated by the faml McMILLAN, Caroline Peaceully at the Milton District Hospital on Frîday, February 1 et, 2002. Caroline McMillas sn her 89th year, holoved wife of Harold McMillan. Loving mother of Pauline and her husband Edward McHugh and Richard iHîick) McMillan. Sadly mîssed by her granrichil- dren Ronald and his wife Pamela McHughc ra McHugh and Cheryl McHug Lovînlrm - horsd by his great grandchiidren Katelynan Justin McHugb. Survived by her sister Ruby lJackiel Hall. Predeceased by her sisters and brothers Eliza Carnie, Robert, George (Docie), Jean Dollîver, William lîke), Kats, Rose and Pets. A heartfelt thank you goes out 10 the Comples Continuîng Cars Nurses. the Hospital Auxiliary asd many volunteers at the Milton District Hospital. Famîiy and frienda visited at the McKersis Kocher Fanera Home, 114 Main Street Milton 905-878-4452. The FuseraI Service was hsld os Monday, February 4th, 2002. Interment followed ai the Milton Evergreen Cemstery. Memril donations 10 tbe Heart and Stroke Foundcation wouid ho appreciated by the lami In Memoriams in the form of donations to The Canadian Cancer Society are deeply appreciated. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 24 hr. anawarlng service Phone 11-800-89148M2 1-519-836-1522 available in my home. Steeles & Marin ares. Excellent reterences, receipts provided. Cal 876-3557. RAINBOW Village Day Cars Centre has limited openîngs for chiîdren 18 montha 10 2 1/2 yrs and 4 to 5 yms 258 Commer- cil St. (905)878-7552 MUSIC Lessonsl Leam Piano, Guitar or Basa tromi an esperienced professaonal instructor. BLACK Entertairnment Unit wittr a gîas door, $150. Kenwood Dolby Prologic Receiver, $100. 905-875-0395 CARPET I have several 1,000 yrds. of new lStainmaster & 100% ny- lon carpet. Witt do living roomn & hall for $349. lei- dludos carpet, pad & in- stallation 130 yards) Steve, 905-639-2902 DIRECT TV Sys- tem/with Card, $350, HU Loaders wit h sup- port, $150, HU Card fis, $25. Pick up/Delivery. John, 905-854-0437 ai bpi