14-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 5, 2002 * j- Produo of USA Lf Prices in MN.- WED.&O«ALM. to &OOP.M. THURS. -FR. 8O00 M. to fOOPM. $AT &« Li. bo 7.00 P.IL MU. 10:00 LU. bo S*0 Au. ei r I 5Mgr ProU« OfO01 r., - r Llpto: Sdece Vaneles Of Morocc Plack P1amouid M Me OId l4 600'gr AsoredVateÀe 0'1~ , i À& *Iaok Rfort Ram Ilavarf Cheese 1110Prosolutt Moizarsia w/8aiami Chois. 1 O Cju Cooked~~~~ Chom 'og Clk 6?oo 1 1 "00 ileot&iei eb 5 eFresh Homemade Lasagna with meat or Ricotta cheese $2SS9 M7ing Wèdntesd il 6 " Grilled marlnated boneless chlcken breast dinners " Includes your choice of pasta, mixed vegetables or rice $4o!09 elà Of USA Prodoot FkV-kw- ~ado Ontado, &7.* L" V-od (týà'