-Thieves ransack 1 irst Line home A First Lmne home was bro- ken into Jnay24 Police Blotter arn. and 5:45 p.m. The back door waa kiked open and jeweliy, cameras, crystal figurines and computer equipment were stolen. The value of the stolen items bas yet ta he determined. Police are investigating. Cutter stolen An aluminum cutter was stolen from a Mantamy Homes con- struction site on Denry Road sometime between January 18 and 22. The cutter is valued at $1,800. Police are inveatigating. Van window smashed The rear window of a 2000 Dodge van was amashed while parked on Elliott Crescent January 21. Damage is estimated as $300. Car window broken The aide window of an Acura Integra waa smashed January 18 while parked at the GO Station. Damage is estimated at $200. crd f the I4inter B(ais? t Corne on in for our February Special! Crime Stppr q g lo ,,Suspects sought in Zak's break-in Halton Regional Police in Milton are mnvestigatmng a break and enter at Zak's Pharmacy January 11. At about 5:30 a.m., suspects smashed the glass doors on the west aide of the building. The cuiprits fled when the pharmacy's alann was adi- vated. Anyone with information is asked to cali Crime Stoppera of Halton ait (905) 825-4747, ext. 5139. If you have any information t/lot leads to an arrest in this or any other matter, you may be eligible for a cash reward. You will nes'er have to provide vour name or testify in court. Crimne Stoppers of Halton doesn't subscribe ta the calI Ldisp/ay telephonefeature. Cal! 1-800-222-TIPS or check us out on the Web ait www.linkàstohalton.com. S100 AI BC The Canadian Champion ,Fniday, February 1, 2002-ý9 Accidents minor throughout town. As of press time yesterday aftemoon, Halton Regional Police had responded to 10 minor collisions on Milton roada, said Staff Sgt. Susan Delaney. "We've been prenty busy. but thankfully there's been no senious injuries," ahe aaid. Likewiae, the OPP collision reporting centre ait Steeles Avenue and Martin Street reported four minor collisions on Hwy. 401 between Winaton Churchill Boulevard and Guelph Line. Again. there were no sîgnîficant injunies. 'Correction A story published in the January 29 issue of The Champion regarding the robhery at the Ftfth Wheel Truck Stop con- tained incorrect information. The robbery occurred aI the fuel bar kioak, not the restau- rant, as previously reported. The Champion regrets the error and any inconvenience it may have caused. 1 'S'2002* (2 1 !,0 \0211ý