8-The canadian Champion, Fniday, February 1, 2002 Got a Town councillors deny Durante 's re-zonfing scoop? r*equlLest, lie miay apà,peal decislin at 0MB Cali us By RICHARD VIVIAN this time, given the seius concems about and planning committee meeting, the pro- The re-zoning application includi at 878- The Champion the use of that property, is a good use of our posai was received for information and for- access from, hoth George and Ontar Town council refused to move forward staff timne." warded to staff for a technical repont - streets -the main issue of conflictf 2341 in the process to, re-zone an Ontario Street M. Durante Enterprises Ltd. was seeking which is the standard procedure. councillors and several neighbourhood r *u ~ property for a car rentai business Monday, to re-zone its 0.2-acre property on the cor- "l'm in shock," Denis Durante of idents. Wlit with severai councillors saying it was a ner of Ontario and George streets from res- Durante Enterprises told The Champion "The concem 1 have is the access pr yo r waste of staff time. identiai type four te, highway commercial foilowing the council meeting. posed off George Street. l'M opposed ,o r "I don't see that this particular applica- in order to, allow for the establishment of a 1I wiil consider appeaiing (the decision that,' said George Street resident Chet sto y tion bas menit," said Councillor Cindy car rentai agency. The property is listed as to the Ontario Municipal Board), consider- Roberts, adding she canvassed the neig ly Lunau. empînyment lands under the Town's offi- ing the fact we went through this process bourhood and was speaking on behaif ideas. 111 reaily don't believe that asking our ciai plan. -. last week and it got approved to go to a the majority of ares residents. mt Last~I let Stv ae Iutton aammîrano tecnmca rnpoIl staff to, bning torward a tectiat report at JUNIOR/SENIOR KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION FOR SEPTEMBER 2002 HALTON GATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Registration for those children who will be attending Junior Kindergarten and Senior Kindergarten in the Catholic Sohools in Buriington, Oakvilie, Milton and Halton His (GeorgetownlActon) wiIi be heid at ail schools on: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2002 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2002 9:00 a.m. - noon 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. AGE 0F ADMISSION AND REQUIREMENTS Junior Kindergarten Senior Kindiergarten Chiidren are required to be 4 years Children are required to be 5 years of age on or before December 31, 2002 of age on or before December 31, 2002 " Roman or Eastern Rite Catholic Baptismal Certificate is required " proof of age is required " before registration is finalized, a child wiII have compieted the prescribed program of immunization for diphtheria, tetanus, poiiomyeiitis, measies, mumps and rube> la " familles registering for the f irst time at a sohool are requested to provide the child's medicai card at the time of registration " For further information or alternative registration date, please contact the principal of your nearest Cathoiic School Please Note: Çisildren currently regiatered in their achool's Junior Kindergarten program aren fot required tc0 regiater for the Senior Kindgeraten program. Placement in the Senior Kindergarten program wiII be proceaaed by the achool unlesa otherwise notified by the parent(s)/guardian<al. A. Baiiey Chair of the Board L.G. Piovesan Director of Education HALTON CATHOLIO DISTRICT SOHOOL BOARD FRENCH IMMERSION PROGRAM REGISTRATION for September 2002 Registration for those chiidren who are interested in the French Immersion Program in the Catholic Schoois in Buriington, Oakviile and Georgetown/Acton will be held at ail designated schoois listed beiow on: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2002 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2002 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. REGISTRATION INFORMATION " students must be entering grade 5 in September 2002 in a Haiton Cathoiic District; " in person only - parent, guardian or other responsibie aduit with a letter indicating they are acting on the parent's behaif; " registration to take place at the French Immersion achool designated for your attendance area; " enrolment for the French Immersion Program is limited; " registration is on a first-come, first serve basis LOCATION 0F DESIGNATED SOHOOLS Area Designated Shools North Burlington St. Gabriel School South Burlington Ascension School Georgetown/Acton Holy Cross School Oakville St. Matthew, St. Bernadette, A. Bailey Chair of the Board St. Joseph, St. Marguerite D'Youville A je ý 1 L.G. Piovesan w% Director of Education io or :5- o- to h- of concemed about the safety of the street and added traffle with a commerciai business." Agreed Councillor Rick Maiboeuf: 'Il don't think we should be looking to pursue looking to put a car rentai agency in a resi- dentiai ares, that close to peoplets homes. There are a lot of other areas that M. Durante Enterprises could locate their busi- ness." But not everyone on council feit the issue should have been dropped so soon. Some counciliors tuggested delving into the tech- nicai report to find answers to traffic con- cemns hefore taking a position on the mat- ter. _The problemn is we don't have a chance to, look into it (concems) or answer i before it (application) is here - that's why we ask for a technicai report," Councillor Rick Day tolti counicil. "Whether Uic coun- cil will eventuaily approve putting that car rentai agency in there or not, we will need Uic evidence of thc staff report. Even if we say 'no' we need that full report (to support our position)." wwwharopr.taxurncmt Fine dining in a gracious and comnfortable - -- old world country atmosphere (Traditional Classic Cuisine) Thai Coconut and Chicken Soup Baby Spinach Salad with Feta, Toasted. Pecans and H-arrop Vinaigrette Pan Seared Pork Tenderloin with a Nippy Bourbon B.B.Q. Sauce Oven Roasted Breast of Chicken witb Dried Fruits and a light Curry and Apple Creamn Sauce Grilled Marlin with a Fresh Mango Salsa and Jasmine Rice Traditional Warin Bread Pudding witb Butter Rum Sauce Chocolate Truffle Mousse Cake with Rasberry Coulis Coffee / Tea 150000 Per person includes taes and gratuity and a 125.00 tax receipt. 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