Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Feb 2002, p. 7

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JUGE Blacklock threshes an impressive 1>700 bushels of fcrall whcant in Iind4r 14 hnurs The Canadian Champion. Friday, FebnJary 1, 2002-7 ~ OuR READERS WïuTE E~DE VVE E~~S NE N ~N N~W... on the moun tain for A. Elliott Care fui consideration needed to decide the Io~ation of Town Hall and arts centre: reader tbink -are not sitting around Useir Time Capsules' are gems of information extracred from past issues of The Champion and other publications ta pro- vide a window into Mutons past. Explanatory comment is sometimes pro- vided ta place the situation in contexr. August 1894 J.G. Blacklock threshed for A. Efliott, on Use mountain, 1,700 bushels of fail wbeat in 13 bouts and 40 minutes. The number of acres from wbich Usis wheat was taken was 47. Extensive husb fires, perbaps Use largeat on record in Usis county, bave been raging in Nassagaweya and Esquesing for Use last week. Tbey bave extended from Use 7Us Con. of Nasaagaweya ta Use 2nd Con of Esqueaing and Usere is na probability Usai Usey wiIl be under control until we have vesy beavy raina, nor is it likely Usat Usey wall be completely extinguished in Use swamp until smothered by snow. The flic originated an Use fann of a Nassagaweya man named Kelly. He bas bat a large quantity of cardwood. lt's estimated is bas oveman about 1,400 acres althougb so far no buildings. Greenlees Bras.' sawmill bas been in great danger repeatedly but Usough it bas been saved us owners have bat a great deal of timber. The fares were huming very flerce- ly on Saturday niglst and twa wagon lords of Miltonians went ta Nassagaweya to flgbt them. Two more loada went next moming. Tbe residents af Use hum district bave bad their banda full providing meals for Use flrefigbters. several of Usem having ta provide meals for from 50 ta 100 on Sunday. Na newa bas been received bers Usis maming, but Use air is fuil of amake and it's feared Usat yesterday evening't bigb winds increased Use fixe. MeDoneil, Use rape walker, wbo styln bimacif 'Use hero of Niagara,' came bers ai Saturday and sent 'sandwich' boys araun Use town advertiaing a frec performance n front af Use Bennett Hause (La Toscana) s Use evening. A fairly large crowd gatherei ta sec Use performance. MeDanneil ran wire cable from a Usird starey windaw i Use Benneti House, along Use roof af Tb Cbampian office ta a chimney and Usene at a sligbt angle ta a iree in Use rear of Us office. The cable was wound around Us Milton Time Capsules tree and when the crowd gatbered was tightened witb a crank until the sixain upset the chimney. The bricks feU on the roof with a n-emendous noise and sud off on top of Dr. Campbell's office witb a crash that started Richard Joncs, harness maker, next door, outside on the double under the impression that he waa being made the vie- tim of a dynamite outrage. This wire cable performance greatly interested the spectatars, particularly Geo. Hume, the owner of the demolisbed eblin- ney, assd it completed the entertamnment. McDonell explained that he was unable to tigbten bis cable sufficiently to make it safe to walk on it and tben took it down. September 1894 Mrs. James Murray of the Scotch Block came to Milton to have some teetb extract- ed by Dr. Gollop. Cbloroform was admin- istered to ber by Dr. Stuait and she died wbile under its influence. At Dr. Stuart's requcat an mquest was held. Dr. Gollop testified that Dr. Stuari advised tbe deceased to bave ber teetb drawn without the use of cbloroform and that be adminis- tered about one-and-a-balf dracbmas, wbicb was leas tban wbat is usually given. Dr. Stuart kept bis fingers on deceaseda pulse and afler four roots and one tootb bad been extracted, stopped the dentiat and tried to revive Use deceased wbo sbowed alamsng symptoma. He gave ber a bypodermie injection and tried to produce respiration artiflcially but b was of no avail. Evidence was given ai Use mquest by Dr. Stssart and Usen by Dr Robertsan. The jury ruled: "That we arc fully agreed Usat Dr. Stuart, Use medica attendant of Use deceased, bad used ever~ precaution in administering Use cbiorofom and also applied every means for be restoration and we fully exonerate Use doc tor in regard ta Use same and Usat we are o Use opinion Usas ber death was caused b heart failure." This material is assetnbled on behalf e the Milton Historical Society by Jim Dilb chair of research, who cun be reached b e-mail at jdills@idirect. com. examples of. poor town planning Dear Editar: St was wiUs interest Usat t read Use recent article regarding Use location of aur Town Hall and arts and cul- tarai centre. I live close ta dawntawn Milton and walk Usere as often as passible. My family conatantly uses the facilities and businessea Usat are located Usere. Tbia was Use central reasan for purcbasing aur bame in Usia location. lt's human nature ta talk, discuta and complain ta each aUser. People are reluctant ta make Useir wisbes known on a politicai level. We feel diseonnccted wiUs what's occurring there at a constant and rapid pace, and feel unable ta have a persanal effect on local polities. In recent conversations with frienda and acquaintancea Use sub- ject of Milton oflen arises. Tbe location for aur Town Hall and Use arts and cultural centre has been a re-accuITstag tapic. Overwbelîningly, Use peaple t've spoken witb argue for leaving Town Hall exactly where it is. Do flot rip Use heart out of a Usriving town. Often people have cîted Geargetown and Bramptan as North Halton Literacy director acknowledges Peter Gzowski's contribution to aduit Iiteracy a fitting tribute ta recognize Use work donc by your Dear Editor: Peter Gzowski's death merited extensive media cov- erage. Many peaple moum Use passing of Usis veteran broadeaster and wtiter. His great legacy Usaugb is Use incredible support Peter gave ta adult literacy. He was Use firat celebrity ta recognize Usat Use issue af adult literacy m Canada needed support Usrougb dollars and community aware- neas. It's fltting Usen Usat Peter's family has requested Usat donations in bis memory go ta adult literacy providers in Canada. For Usose af you wbo moum bis passing, it would be local Literacy program and perbapa make a decision ta support aur wark tlsraugis a donation of yaur dollars or your time. Literacy pragrama still struggle with lack of funding and cammunity awareness. Tbis may be Use opportssnity for you ta show support for yaur local literacy program wbile honouring Use great educatian af anc celebrity who truly understood Use importance af literacy education for adulta in Canada. O. Oewar, executive dîrector Llteracy North Halton ~otan ppinîan an a community issue? If s~, #ax us yr>ur letters ta the editor to 878-4943k E!IflVBStOIB "Your Milton RRSP Centr< Kirk McCaIIum I John dePass 905-875- DID YOU KNOW??? Interest Rates are at a 42-year lowllIll WHAT DOLS THIS MEAN TO YOU??? An Excellent Opportunlty to catch up on Carryforward room WERE YOU AWARE??? RSP bans are "FINALLY AFFORDABLE" If you would like to know how you can take advantage ot this, we are hosting a "SPECIAL RRSP INFORMATION SESSION" on: 1771 and development and state Usai they are communities wiUsout a centrai core or heari. These towns are perfect examples of urban sprawl, with Georgetawn fllled with shoddy strip mails, and baving its town beart a shopping mail. These experimenta bave already bappened and have failed. Let's not repeat them in Milton. I've yet ta hear a single word againat an arts and cultural centre. Popular opinion argues for council ta retbink Useir three options and take Useir time and look fora fourUs solution, one Usat would bocate thia centre in aur cors area. More time can be made available ta make a decision - a weck or twa eiUser way will not make a huge difference when we're talking about making a hrigbt and vital casnnsunity for aur cbildren and for ourselves. Our tawn councillors aren't town planners, and aur town planners are following a vision that's solely led by develapers. The mare land that's up for development means more profit for these campanies. Developers - as much as Useir advertisements would have yau offices wondering how Usey can help the town of Milton become a friendly and exciting place ta visit, live and work in Use future. Profit is Use bottom line. Councillor Waily Hunter's divi- sive caanments as ta twa separate 'aId' and 'new' cammunities puz- zle me. There's only one communi- ty bers. Many of Use new people maving inta aur lateat bausing developments are not new ta Milton. Many are local people maving ta upgrade and improve Useir lives and bouaing options. Others bave maved inta aur aawn ta expercence Use safety and security of a amailer town. AIl are attempting ta escape the urban sprawl of Etabicake, Misaissauga and Oakville. Please take timne ta contact Use town councillor for your ward and the mayor. Phone thero, write Usem, and let Usem know haw yau feel. There are major ebanges hap- pening wiUsin aur community aad long after Use current council mem- bers are gone we will be living wiUs their decisions. Cralg Gamache and famlly MIII Street

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