6- The Canadian Champion, Fnday, February i 2002 SCOMMENT 16 *THE VAALL CHAMMPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E., Miltofn, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver Associate Publisher Jili Davis Editor in Clnief Karen Smitih Editor Wendy McNab Advertising Manager Steve Crozier Circulation Manager Teri Cauis Office Manager Tim Coles Production Manager Tino Canadien Champion, publistrnd every Tuesday andt Fniday af 191 Main St. E.. Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9 (Box 248), is one ot lire Metrolatd Printing, Publishing & Dîstributinli Ltd. group of solturban compaties whictr includes: Atairticrerinli Newis Adoetlser, Ailiston Herald/Couriir, Barrie Aduance, Batry's Bay Tis Week. Bolier Enforprise, Brampton Guardian, Burliogtot Post, Burlingttt Shopping News, City Parent, City of Yorkr Guardiat, Collingwood/Wasaga Cotirectiot, East Yorki Mitron. Erift Adoocalie/Cootry lioutes, Etotticokel Guardiat, Flamboroagtr Post, Foreolir Youtg, Geotgetown Indepeodent/Acton Fret Prtss, Halton Business Times, liarotia Business Times, Kingslion This Week, Lindsay This Weeni, Markham Ecoromist & Sun, MidladPettaguisirttt Mîrror, Mtot Shopping News, Mississanlia Business Times, Mississauga Newis, Napatet Guide, Nassagaweya News, Newmarkliirturora Era-Banner, Northomberland News, Northi Tork Mîrror, Qakville Beaver, Oairville Shopping News, OldtimerO Hockey iNews, Orîllia Today, OslrawalWfitby/ClanifltotlPot Perry This Week, Peterboroughs This Week, Picton County Guide, Richmond HiillThornhillNaoghan Liberai, Scarboroogir Mîrror, Stoolivill/tbridge Tribune. Advertisitg is accepteit on tire condition that, in tire tuent of a typo- grapirical error, Ihat portion of tht adverfisinli space occopîit by tire erro- neoos item, together wifh a rtasoniarl allowance for signature, wîll tot ire chatged for, but rt balance of tht advertisement will ire paît for attire appli- cable rate. Tire publisher rtstehe tire rîgirt to categorize adventitements or decline. Tire Milite; Cotndin Cirrnpiee a Roupolable Peedaci Here's a home-grown ___________ solution to pot houses OUR READERS WR-ITE In recnt montbs, Halton Regional Police have raided several homes tbroughout Halton where bigbly-lucrative, home-grown hydroponic marijuana operations have been discovered. Wbile some may argue police resources could be better used lu tar- geting more serious drug operations, the fact remains, using and grow- ing marijuana is a criminal offence and police sbould be busting these pot houses. And let's be bonest, the people wbo operate these marijuana opera- tions aren't choir boys and are likely mnvolved in other illegal activities. As reported elsewhere in this newspaper, Halton residents can belp officers sbut down pot-growing operations - wbich are actually found in bigbly-populated middle class neigbbourhoods - by simply being observant. Clues to look for are bouses witb covered windows, inusual noises such as bammering or drilling mnto the basement foundation, littie or no garbage being put out, houses wbere the residents show up to shovel snow or cut grass then leave soon after or people bringing unusual objects like bags of soul mto the bouse. Residents wbo want to report suspiclous activity sbould cadi Crime Stoppers at (905) 825-8477. Working witb the police, Halton residents can make tbeir neigbbourhoods a safer place to be. Mr. Malboeuf 's opposition to fellow councillor's flyer is astounding and shame fui, says reader l'an astounded Usat Councillor Rick Malboeuf would interfère wiUs Councillor John Challinor's initia- tive 10 help a local ratepayers' group. The Friends of E.C. Drury Park now face punishing; debt for Useir efforts on behalf of Use community. Shame on Mr. Malboeuf for mak- ing charges of influence peddting. 1 clearly recaîl Mr. Malboeuf es held by tse developer for Use Dnssy Park developmient, advismng people to go along with Use propos- ai. And shame on hiro for suggestmng Usat Use Friends of E.C. Drury Park is a special interest group. T'hese people are our neighbours. They live in Use community, Usey tried t0 save a park and playing field for everyone. The only special this for Use money. A group of citizens stood up against overwhelming forces to give a voice go the feelings of their community. They tnied to make a difference. A lot of us ialk, they acted. And they lot. We ohould be thanking them and helping them out of a jain. Chris Myers Childa Drive Have your say with a letter to the editor. Send your letters by fax, e-mail or drop them off to us. Under-12 Outreach Project step in rigcht direction Kudos t0 Halton Regionai Police. WiUs Use help of tome federal funding and consmunity partners, our region's finest are reaching out ici at-risk boys Usrough ils new Under-12 Outreach Project. Scheduled t0 start laier Usis monUs, Use proac- tive prograin is aimned ai identifying pre-teen maies who are ait risk of committing criminal offences and guide Userri toward a law-abiding path. It's just 100 bad Usis projeci wasn't implemeni- ed years ago. My family moved 10 Milton when I was about Il (more Usan two decades ago, geez!) and over Use next few years I had quille a few friends UsaI would now have heen considered "at-risk." Ii's not Usa easy ici say juat why - you can't always blame il on shoddy parenting (alUsough Usa may have been a contributing factor in a couple of cases) - but for whaiever reason Usey just didnnt feel accounitable for Useir actions. Heck, I guess I didn't either ai times. But a project like Usis can certainly help sway youngsters away froan Usat attitude. Sure, it's a long way froan prison and it'o prob- ably not going 10 make toci many poientiai par- ticipants quake in Useir proverbiai boo0ts, but it will teach boys Usai ihere are conliequences for Useir actions - at any age. Once a boy is identified as heing "at-risk,n couniselling services take place ai a designated sehool in Usai municipality. That's a great way ici staui, but pechaps Use pro- grain could be expanded somewhat toi net only show youngsters Usait Usere are consequences t0 Useir actions but Usa Usere are altenatives tci criminal behaviour. Oflen it's sheer boredoan Usat gels young boys Up -front hooked on peity miachief and while il usually stops Useren escaiated acls can and do occur when boys aren't held accounitable. Joining forces wiUs youUs groups and people in Use business commuosity - ormes willing 10 work wiUs a youngster to teach hian a constructive trade raUser Usan jusi sticking him in sorte menial parI- time job - could strengien Use prcigram's 0f course there's not toci many pre-teen boys ready for Use workforce, but finding Usings for Use prograin o participants to do ragher Usan julit telling Usean what Usey can't do would he an effective tool. Those suggestions aside, the Under- 12 Outreach Project is definitely a good step toward pro-active policing within Halton. Needless to say, Use success of a prograro like Usis is tough 10 measure. Afler aIl, many of ils participants are only "at-risk" boys who wouldn't necessarily tum 10 crime if lefi Ici Useir own devices. But as Supt. Dan Okuloiki - whons spar heading Use project - said, "if we cani keep two kids out of jail, itns paid for itself." 1 wholeheartedly agree. s-