The Canadian Champion, Fniday, Febniary 1, 2002-29 Who Does It... HOMEu 14IMPROVEMENTS AIR CODIIOs N/HAs ààALI HEATIN & COOLI LTD. (905) 878 Servlng Milton & Ara for ÀI1 over 40 years IMW"-R2 S lemion. wySALES - INSTALLATION - REPAIRS SHigh-Efficiency Furnaces, G Air Conditioners, Gas Fireplaces -4821 103 Steeles Ave., Unit #7, Milton * * A TOS CLEAN CUT HOME IMPROVEMENTS Licensed General Contracter Free Estimates Ail Work Guaranteed Additions - Basement Upgrades -Bathroom Upgrades Custom Homes - Decks -Drywalls -Electrical - Fences Framing -Hardwood Floors - Kitchen Upgrades Plumbing -Renovations -Roofing Please Cati Jason - Ceil # (416) 818-5920 GARAGElOO. R&R Goerge Dooeu - Elecui Opffnen San, Servce and UnstallatI.. W~nou, Enirane Doonm, Stonn Doonm, Polio Docn mmL: 519-853-2114 (AàCTrO) Gieneal BuiWmiq Repai & Pahm Over 25 years experience ini painting, drywalt, plastering and plaster mouldings. NO JOB TOO SMALL OR BIG Cal> &= for free estimate and fast service 416-294-7180 s OATOS - Basement Living Areas - Bathrooms - Compete Additions - Hardwood Flooring FuIIy Insured *References Stan Nowak Avaîlable Upon C(905) 691-5757 Request VJAv# Comerci al e Snowtp(owrng e Decks e FJences Dan Nadahin 905-467-8084 maton, ON Specializingin DELREX Also Vingt Sidug, Sefit Paclad Àiggk Sees Atmiua, hugh il8775383 between 9am & 9pm qwa5 EA WRI1TEN WARRANTS ON WORKMANSHIP 9D&B MILLE)? Cuistomi Carpentry Ltd. COMPLETE RENOVATIONS ADDITIONS - REC ROOMS Dave Miller Tel.: 905-878-2552 Ceil: 905-691-2272 1 PAINTIN Oer 50 Years Eýxperience Commercial & Residential 1J. HARDIMAN ROOFING el- CO. LTD. Tel: (905) 876-0958 4252 Henderson Road Res: (905) 878-3447 R.R. No. 1, Milton Fax: (905>876-0936 LOT 2x5 Free 4: 1-877-667-4958 Cre'u Weil DriJlng < Punap Service -WeII Rehabilitation -Well Cleaning -Flow Rates *Water Treatment *Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Systems - UV Steniization Systems Telephone (905) 878-4515 (Ask for Rod or Jerry 264 Bronte St. S., Unit 10, Milton ON F rsuau*i.,. i THIS $POT COULD BE YOUR% FOR CALL PIANEi f 905-878-2341 EXT. 227 Conicept C ablir $150 in ltehe & Vanity Cablne FRE Arthttwra cawtoe Accossorles 9tooe Fbcturm wltb a nsw kitchen cuetloIS MiIhStI 785*Ma ..EM nt# 878 SCaraaac Iis Hardâwd Fkila Roc Rout a *W StStuds a Docks Nathreea Raudols e Drap Coulage ,(905) 876-4023 Stan YOURS FOR $21.95 CALL DIANE 905-878-2341 EXT. 227 pa &01 Business without advertising is like winking in the dark 00« You know what you're doing ,but nobody eIse does! To advertise in this section, please cali Diane at 905-878-2341 SMPTUC «TXII1111 PUMPO Robert Noble Ltd. *180 ft of hose for crossîng Iawns 3 radio dispatched trucks to serve you Don't wait for trouble - Pump b.for. It's too Intel (Shouid pump at ieast every 3 years) Neyer use coioured or double ply toileS paper (519) 853-0500 Acte.f Answering Service 878-6869 OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE! .5e6 Id è7 eaa"le