Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Feb 2002, p. 27

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EXPERIENCIED TEXTILE SEWUER WANTrED Burlîngton manufacturer / dîstributor han an imme- diate opening avaitable in ifls Sampie Muking depari- ment for an enthusiastic, hard-working individuaf. Munt have prenious sewing experience in a commer- cial environment on a serging an/or oer-fnck machine. This is an entry leIl position, and ia currently part-time, but col lead to fui1 time in thte future. Appt icants should fax resumes tn. 905-834-090 (NO TEL EPI-ONE CALLS PLEASE). Atlas Van l e* ,Cmda)Ltd. LONG HAUL DISPATCHER The corporate head office of Atlas Van Linos Canada Ltd., Iocated in Oakville, has a challenigin position avoulable in the Operations Deipartmerit for a hard workîng indinidoal, The ideal candidate should have a thorough knowledge oft he moning industry with prnios dispatch enperîence. Compensation com- mensurote wîth enuerienon Forword resumes to: Atlas Van Linos <Canada) Ltd. P. 0. Box 970, 485 North Service Rd. E., OakvillIe, ON 16J 5M7 Attn: Operations Manager Fax: (905) 844-1108 Email: dcoughiln@atiasvanhines.ca M1 M Prosperlty One Credit Union is a tfutt ser- vice financiat institution with 3 branches. The Credif Union is acceptingt applications for an Intermediate Accountlng CI.rk. This position is for a one year contract f0 cover maternity leave. Appticsnts require an accounting background, exceptionat organi- zational and communicative akilis, a solid understanding of Excet and a high tevet of commitiment f0 quality service. Send Reswne to: Denise Meaaervey, Accoun0l Adminietratoir 44 Main StreeR E. Milton, Ontario LUT IN3 Fax: 005-875-2466 E-mil: ,dmaaarvey@proeperltyone-oflifl.com BURKERT CONTROMATIC INC., a leading Proces Instrumentation Company, tocated in Oakvitte has an immediafe opening for a futt fime position in ont Cutomr Serice Deparbnunt The ideat candidate witi have completed a recognized Insfrumentation College Program or wili have a mini- mum of 2 years eoperience in this field. Bilingual ap plicants preferred bot not necessary. The position would inctode product sopport, order proceoning and eopediting for ont distribntnro and cnstomers. We offer an excellent salary and benef ifs package with good growth oppottanities. Fax or semil rasueme ta: (005>847-7152 or, nobrdm -soe BUDDSIMPORTED CARS IS CURRENTLY SEEKING A tetephn, greetn utmr ih adiirative or.Episrfred Plase submitrsm npro 0 2430 South SrieR, atil teiond: Jilei n Lov- 16Me fine am nistrtiv tmîedîtet For. nsyeer Psofie envirmte n noeone o s v l4r 0 Sranu, eereice and. eail ne.ten ttet n -f me.i Arenaio: DehileMAve l.O Nro il O akvite For brkraseek Indviduats Offtiti f n hefolingptons Mslo epeetenesd S Rk eli mlofcee eron aint Lneso n Br oker Aeny anger exp.eti and seti oi oted positin Voin Toeesso Dienonurance BrokersLtd ema: v ridencetxenncom (Deny Maapeptican asewit o cxtaostions PART lIME ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT! FRONT DESK COMERE For the Retirement Home of the Schxol Sinters 0f Notre Dame. outf l& Respoaslblilf les " Receptionint coverage af front desk and retated phono service duties. " Routine and/ or speciaf project administrative tanks for leadership team and managers. unilfieafkas * Community college Diplomu in Secretariat stadies, Business and lequivalent. * 3-5 years of eop. in a senior secretariat tuoctixo. * Demxnsfrated exceflence in communication, interpersonat and cxmputer okillo. * Abitity f0 work contidentialiy on sensitive issues using own initiative fo organize and establish priorities. lnterested applicants pteane subaif their resume to Haman Rosources by Tuesday, Feb. 5, 2002: 1921 Snake Rd., Waterdown, ON LOR 2>10 emaii: psconsuit@cogecoc Accounting Clork/ Administrative Assistant Required fulttme ASAP for smatt busy office focated near the Mississauga / Oakvitle border. Main responsibitities witl include accounts payable wvith job coseing in Business Vision. Knowtedge of Excet and Word required. Good cash manage- ment a must. Ploas. fax resume to: 905-855-9874 BEARDMORE Losîhers-Corporate Division re- quises additional sates staff hfland part-Uime posi- tions availabte. Sales esperience an asset. Strong interpersonat skitls. Sotid organizationa ekitis. Join a progressive ompany in a new ares of growth and devetlopmirent. Send resume by tax ta (519)853- 9494 Leudina Ford dealership is currentit seeking applicants for the foltowixg positions: Autoffnstlve Sales Consuteut This position offero: " Strong management support " Professionul training " Mxnfhty bonus levets " Heaitti and dentat ptan " Opporfunity to gr0w with us " IS09001:2000 Regiotered " Bltue Ovat certitied " Ford experience ns preferred but ot eecessary S Submît your resumne by fax ru: Lorene Contlnist, flinerai Sallesl Manailer 570 Trafalgar Rd, Oakviiie, L6J 3J2 egaâ.Fax: 905-844-4472 We thank nil upplîcants in advance, however, unit those oeiected for ax int erview wili ho contacted. ' Sales Rep Required te service new & eoîstîng cuntemers trom Mississauga f0 Niagara Fatls. Saiary, vehicie campensations, benetits & bxnuses. Mail or email resumes 10: Perm Paving Stone Co. 7447 Bren Rd, Mississauge. L4T 1>13. info@permapavingatone.com No phone ixquiriea pieuse J. LOCKWOOD CHRSYLER DODGE JEEP SALES ARE UP SO MUCH THAT WE REQUIRE 1I TO 3 AUTOMOTMV SAULES CONSULTANTS We offer: - Up to 40% commission e Monthit and yearly bonus * New state of the urd showrsom * Compavy car a The fop refuit seller in the ureu if j'on are profeosional, and hîghly mativate ta succeod then fax your resune. No experience necessury, post secondury education preteîred but not required. At: Fax (905)>845-9109 tt:Paticl NMa, Sains Mange. XEIEN EDDent ffAssistanfleceptinint needed flt fime for busygroup practice in Mifton. Flease cati Michete 90 -618 or fax resume ta 905-876-3491 FULL-Time expenienced Dental Assistant, PDA Level-Il an asset. Dr. Pauta Cassin. #1-106 Walee- fleld Rd., Miton, L9T 2L8, Fax: 905-878-0057 1PART-Time Hygenat required imrnectately for Ac-, tan9Rewod ares. tnterested partidipants catI Dels at 519-85-1300 REGISTERED Nurse- part-rime Roquirod for Nursing Home lu covor att shifts. Must ho able toi wore altemnate wee- kends. Pleaso fax resumes ta, 905-335- RNor RPN w/Meds Occasional evenings i & weekends. Please fax resume 905-842-8599 MUSIC for YOUNG CHILRENTM TEACHING OPPORTUNITIES This acctoimed Canadiaa music programme for chitdren uges 3 ansd up is training new touchers for the Milton Area Mîninju, Requiremevîv: GRADE VIII PIANO - GRADE Il THEORY EXPERIENCE WORKING WITH CHILDREN Sandra Polio (Southern Ontario Coordinator) 1-8M6n43ene y Y v Y v v Y v The Canadien Champion, Fniday, February 1, 2002-27 for Tacoufno CAd eaiso n g $1e /rs es. eru05 Spda8No7O.6i-5ath3f09cm petifors a lvr ise p 905 enos icns.Clt75- 8 1900 dso m. e sim ates. e 905-876-5309ay me day Special Valentine! %Tjtsommoe speciaUwhw much< you care. Send a Love Line M7vessage in t/le C(assÛifiedSection on Tuesday, February 12, 2002 To send a unique Valentine, just fi out the form beîow. The deadline is Fridlay February 8 at 4:00 p.m. and the cost is only $1 0.00 for 20 words + GST Don 't (et t/Us <faentine 's Vay sUip away witfiout te((ing tIhat specia(person Iiow mue/i t/iey are rea((y (oved. Vour Message Y Tote Credit Cai Signature Namne Phone No PAYM y CLASS heque LI Visa U Master Card 1l Words 20 Total Cost $1 0.70 rd No. lENT MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER. IFIED ADVERTISING DEPARTMVENT 875-3300

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