24-The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 1, 2002 4'AA' minor novices place second at tournamnent Chanipionshap heartbreak rearcd its ugly head for the mninor novice AA Wmnterhawks Sunday afiemoon. At the Preston Tournament, Milton made a quick beeline to the fmrals - only to be white- washed by the Aurora Tigers 3-0. Netminder Daniel Pister, who surrendercd just four goals ini five weekend games, was steady betwecn tbe pipes to kccp his teammates within striking dis- tance. I lie Optrmalis UJub Ws ili aA ýý ný ,nd ti on the more favourable end of shutout play in the semnifinals, blanking London 2-0. Plater sccured bis third goose egg of the tournament while scor- ing were Bryden Curren and Sean McGovern. Assisting on the insurance marker was Matthew Dupont. Milton's two other shutout wiaas came against Malton (1-0) and Georgina (3-0) during rounds one and two last Friday. Then the local minor ang. Round-robin sconing was done by Dupont, MeGovern, Nicholas Cragg, Oran Ferguson and Kevin Thoinson. The second-place fmnish followed an OMHA first-round loss to Burlington. The Hawks won the initial clash but gradually bast their edge and were ebiminated in fave gantes by a seven-to- threc points margin. by trammang Mialton 4-3. l'eagl anA01 McGovern potted third-pcniOd goals to make abstags iterestmng, white also lighting the lamp was Dupont. This trio led series scoring with two goals apiece. Plater's only brush witb mediocritY in playoff action was last Wednesday's 6-1 bass - which set tbe stage for the tearn's eventual exit. 4ýMadd.Dawgs' hopes for ý,UNH wins big despite rather tite epAt fail just shortA quiet weekend fromn Haydar in~ fl71 multaroant outbursts by thear standout per Ibe Madd Dawgs' hôpes for atoarna- mnent tte repeat feU one gane ahoa laSt weeltead an Hutstville. Miltonas bantanaboys baskebatearn scorei eiraght victoris t reacis t he finals - but once tere had ti 1e left in tise proverbial gas ta" andi were top- pIed by Orilia 6O-23. En roMatto Ows gold-mxeda mnatch, thse local cages knsocketi off te, Nepean Bobeats (40-33) and Barrie Royais 46- 33. Lanc Codnea9s 45-point weekend powered bIs claan snWp drive, while a strortg ssapporbitrig role waa proviedt by Spencer Troop. Meanwhtile, Milton's minor btantamn aquati came up winless at lat week- end's GuelpI Frieondship Tournament. l'bey st#yed comspetitive with tIse Isosis - f"iig 48-38 - but Isat al tort of problems wlth Caledonia andi were poundeti 44-12. Asaron Hnatiw led witb 15 points in the firat gante. it was lte second tint titis year he hit double digits in a garne. win the big ones witbout an explosive nigbt tromn Darren (Mini) Haydar. Milton's most electrifying sharpsbooter bad been thc driving force bebind UNH's 17-4-2 record beading into last weekend's bomc-and-bome clash witb Boston University. While Haydar bad a relatively quiet series - witb just one tbtrd-period goal in eacb game - bis Wildcats still managed to eamn a convincing sweep and vaulted their way into second place in tbe national rankings. Last Friday's 6-I win and Sunday's 5-3 Darren Haydar sign for the seaan's upcomning national cbampionsbip drive. Witb nune gaines remaining in regular- seaaon play, H-aydar sits atop NCAA scor- ing witb 24 goals and 55 total points. Meanwbile, former Merebants Ed McGrane and Kevin O'Flaherty also lead their NCAA Division 1 teams in scoring this year witb 23 points apiece. McGrane bas 14 goals - including four shortbanded - and nine assists witb UMass Lowell white Clarkson bas gotten vactory sbowed UNI- doesn't always bave ta reay on au goaas ana 1asi SmSU'lu n.~ ' A' midgets stage late comeback to even series with Georgetown OET A FRESH START. G.t SOLUTIONS now for: Credif Card Problemai Major Cash Flow Prsblemas Losa of lob or Loved One Wage Gorniahmrens Repossessiont ..'icfions Persistent Bll Collectora Jodgemenfs, Law Soifs Siodeni Ion Delinqoent Taxes Foreclosorea Divorce Relafed Financial Problema M.PADDON + Baniruptcy can be aVoud Cati us' No chare for ifliaCllatIsiIl'n MiEYQRKE INC. FN.KAsVSORYSERiS5 SSIrT.,EN5AK5JÇCY CE 8 7 5 O8 ll1 225 Main Street East (Main & Martin St.) Millon A betterasolution! Milton 'A' midgets ncarby passed tbe point of no retum in Georgetown Monday evening - but threc late goals pullcd themn back tromn Uic brink. Tbe Winterbawks bad to overcomne an unproductive start to nip Uic Raiders 3-2 and even Uiings up at one win apiece in best-of-five first-rounti provincial play- down action. Dropping a second straight gaine would surely bave been too mucb to battle back fromn - even against Uic bascment-dwelliaag Raiders, who won just two gaines through regular-season play but bave suddenly become a legititnate threat to beat Milton. Barry Kosmalaki cappcd Uic raily with under two minutes remainting, burying a blueline shot off a draw won by Josh Caawcll. white goal number une was recorded by Wes - McDougali. Senting hum up was Tom Patrick. Nathaniel Murray tumned back about two dozen sbots for the win. The Milton-Georgetown playofi tilts bave been a Stark contrast ta the regional rivals' regular season encounters - whicb were al won handily by thc H-awks. Gaine three will be played tomorruw nigbt at Memorial Arena. Gaine tinie is 8 p.m. Georgetown hats game four Monday at 7 pin. at Gordan Alcott Mena. HOUSE LEAGUE RESULTS DATE DIVSION TEM SCORE TEM SCORE MN r« GREAT GAME PLAYED 5V EVERVONE! BRUCE HMO - MILTON PHYSIO - HUNT PLYMOUTH - MILTON FIREFIONTERS CLUB JtAN PEEWE MOR TOWNE DENTAL MI)U NIA SCOTERS SNACK SIIACK NIA Z MI BRANS AUTO REPAJR NIA ROSS OIXON FINANCIAL NIA PEEWEE MINOR DMEA CAR GARAGE NIA CANAD IfRE NIA PRESSE LAW OFFICE NIA NOUECINEMA NIA JAN 27 NOVICE SHOPPERS DRUC MMR 3 AUSTEN NOBL INSURANCE 2 BRUjIS AUTO REPNR 5 NIJTECII RECRUITERS 1 GOOOIFE FINESSBRUE O 0000W F TNESS RED O GOOLUFE ITNESS GREEN 2 GO000W! FITNESS BLACK 3 JAN 26 TO SEARS 5 LIONS' CLUB 2 Gus MOWBRAY 5 UCCAIG INSURANCE 3 GALUINGERFOHM e BINS AUTO REPMIR 4 JAN 25 BANTAN ROMER AT&T 6 SUNNY OASIS INTERNET 4 JAN 27 BIS AUJTOREMR 5 CRICIT 3 ABSOLUTE TRAMSPOT1ON 7 BEN QUIP LM. 3 JAN 28 SENIOR KEY CENTRE 7 DMOCl&DENTS 5 KVdIK KOPY II MILTON CH<SLE DMO E 4 JOIÎNSONOCONTROLS I 5 KEW FRI L L.N [k~I~#>4 Proudiy Suppods ~ Milton Minor Hockey Tel: 876-4647 Fax: 876- 1100 100 ipisrngRon Unt 9 illt, ntatro L9T 5B2 (Betsnd Mitas mail "Wlaere tradation~ and uioa wet" MacLachian College Macaâchias pro%4des a supenior, At Mac asehian we treasae the universiv bound edacation for boys values of traditional acadenic and girlî frontJ.K ta Grade 12. wholanhip, anadreachtoutte, Stnall classes, a friesdy the futurethan4glour atanosphere and personal ' ophisticated level of attention fromn highly infonniabios techaaoIog. 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