The Canadian Champion, Fniday, February 1, 2002-13 TPo1ice zero in on traffie offnders: pilot projct by ýA" i UïrthINL The Champion community traffic officer. "Isuggested to offence notices since the program began. Speeding, ligbt running and dangerous (Sup.) Mike Kingston that a car should "1'm also available to meei witb tbe resi- drivmng ail pose potential bazards on our specificaily be assigned to handie ail traffic dents for consultation meetings." roads. complamnts for Milton and Campbellville." Const. Hubbard wanted 10 stress be's flot But hopefuily town streets will be a little Const. Hubbard sets up radar surveil- tbe only officer patrolling Milton witb a safer tbanks to a new pilot projeet. lance from a "plain vebicle" on streets that radar gun, just the only officer assigned to Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Conat. Clive Hubbard uses a radar gun to detect speed- ers, who pose safety risks on local roada Adopt block... Halton Regional Police recently adopted tbe District S.T.E.P (Select Traffic Enforcement Program), wbicb is running on a trial basis for six montbs. One officer - Constable Clive Hubbard -bas been specifically assigned to inves- tigate areas of concemn to citizens regard- ing traffie offences. "We bave comniunity officers assigned tbrougbout tbe town, and tbey would con- duct an investigation into tbe complaints as are known for both high and low traffic- related violations. "l've already noticed tbat tbere's a sig- mificant amount of work for me," said tbe 25-year veteran of tbe force. "My experi- ence bas given me knowledge of where most of tbe traffic concemns are." Const. Hubbard said tbe majority of tbe feedback he's received from tbe public bas been positive. "People are sayimg tbey're glad to, tee me tbis specific duty. Since tbe prograin bas only been operat- ing a few weeks, iî's too early to judge bow successful it's been. be said. "My feeling is once tbe general public gets tbe information of wbat we're doing, it may provide tbem witb a better feeling oversil, knowing somneone is out there." To report a traffic complaint, call Const. Hubbard at (905) 878-55 11, ext. 2405, or e-mail to, www.gAA~IS[~eoretowne~Â1 vw.cRSom Oter selected Pre-Owned Vehicles 1999 Chrysier 300M 1998 Ford Escort ZX2 IVV7I Pontioc bunhro Xt Plainum/grer leoiher, loaded wiih power seats, AuioaoicGreen/black cloth, A/C,AM/FM /CD Gmeen/grey cloih, A/C. cmuise ARS, AM/FM climate caniral eic. 56 500m 53 000kmn cassette 97000Okm $23995 $10995 $7995 1994 Ford Probe GT 1999 Ponliac Trans Sport Montano ]W Y6Mazda I'rokgo V6 5-speed White/black clath, A/C, power Whiie/grey velaur, pawer driver seat AM/FM/ Red/grey claik, pawer windaws/lacks 5-speed, windaws/Iacks. al4as 129 000kmn CD, seven seater, immaculaite t131 000kmn very clean 72 500m $8495 $15995 $8995 Georgetown Vol kswagen (ka 199 Guelph Street, Georgetown, ON 905-877-5285