8-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, January 29, 2002 *1 Cbampw 14 4K Lmi« 878-2Ul Home visits by Wlyvelcome Wagon have tripled since new residents started arriving in town By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion If you're new in town and want to fmrd out what Milton bas to offer, Welcome Wagon is at your service. "Wc wclcome peuple intua Uic communi- ty and wc provide information and a gift basket," said Linda MacLcod, community welcome hustess for Wclcomce Wagon, adding business sponsors of Welcomc Wagon provide Uic free gifts and gift cer- tificates. "We have a wide variety of gifts, includ- ing a fresh flowcr, rug cleaner, a bingo dabbcr and a $5 dry clcaning gift certifi- cate. The value of Uic basket is around $200." And while most new residents will eall Welcome Wagon, members of Uic organi- zation also take it upon Uiemsclves to find out who's new in town. "If we can't get Uieir phone numbcr we'l knock on Uieir door," Ms MacLeod said. "We psy a short visis su Uic home and answer questions. The peuple new to the arcs aren't faniliar wiUi Uic town and want su know where Uic library is. Thcy don't get telephone books right away su we tell thcmn where Uic churches arc and how to get in touch wiUi sports groups. Since we only do une visit, wc make sure Uicy have Two schools and a child care centre arc helping to reduce waste, raise funds and plant trees - ail in Uic sanie effort. Our Lady of Victury and Sam Sherratt schools and Family Place Childcare Centre are active participants in Uic Collcct And Recycle Empties (C.A.R.E) program offered by Greentcc Intemnationai. The program secs kids collcct cmpty inkjet carsridges and laser tuner print car- tridgcs, which Greentec buys. Dcpcnding un Uic type of cartridge, participants cullect between 50 cents and $5. For every 12 cartridges collected, Grecntcc aisu plants une trce, thruugh a the numbers to cail for more information." Smnce May, she said, Welcome Wagon bas heen busy visitmng with new residents. "We've tripled the number of visita we usually do (for the year). Most people are really looking for information about tie town." And the majority of people Ms MacLeod has met said they like Milton's quiet atmosphere. "Most have said they hope the town doesn't grow too large. Some are disorient- ed because of the Iack of big box stores but most love thc proximity to thc escarpment. We did a survey to see where people werc commng from, and found they are coming fromn ail over Canada and the world, nos just from Mississauga tike most people think. I'd say about 60 per cent are from, Mississauga but people are coming from Oakville, Burlington and Guelph." Ms MacLeod, who bas been with Welcome Wagon for five years, said Uic organization bas been in Milton for more Uian 30 years. "We have oUier programs as well, like Uic baby, bridai and business professionai. If you have a new baby, if you're about to be mamred or if you're starting up a ncw business in town, give us a cal." For more information about Welcome Wagon, cail Linda MacLcud at (905) 854- 1563 or visit www.welcomewagon.ca. partnership with the Tree Canada Foundation. "Sam Sherratt is doing very well," said Todd Warren uf Grecntec. "They're Uic top school for Uic Haiton/Peel region for Uic first haif (uf Uic schuol year). They cullect- cd 154 cartridges." Sanm Sherratt joined Uic prugramn late last year, collecting 26 cartridges. As uf mid-December, Our Lady uf Victury collectcd 7 8 cartridgcs. Last year - Uic first ycar of Uic prugram - Uic scbuol cullccted 274 cartridges. Famnily Place Childcare Centre has cul- lccted 67 cartridgcs since September. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Linda MacLeod (leit) of Welcome Wagon delivers a basket to a new Hawthome Village resident. COGECO 14 Programming Schedle - January 29th - Febwuay 4th R0a PIged In' 9 0aR Pkigwe 10, - 95aR ke 90: ke P ni CoOgee2 Swffi Halo, PmpaofmM Cegem 23 S"eO Hagi Pramn oe Cgeco 23. Sxi HaâR 98rng 114RWee Ear9WKeeREf Eai Wee EHaRR LIe Week Efto 5çmR çn I,7 3pm55R4 [, In. 10 Ra Tuesay Rey 1005an, WeffesyR eay 10:0a ThsrdayR4My Eary RRee ERRRo, k-- ol atntmd 100 MoaR ay ReOay w,6 & 'p PLe In - U,6n 0 Pked I' 5l" Cogeai 2 Ol 5 30pm WO GDod Tage vgpW u * )a« tum p. R-, 3 Pqg In Ead WS Edm Late eReek E& Hoon ProgRJReog 6 30 Money WKe 'S, ,'Earye We e o O0p SI& Haco 1 We Goud Tage ' Rp PeopieOgear www.cogeco.ca 5 ORý Wer Ronm 30F Osear * ff SeRROZORE Rý, NORTH HALTO NSTUDIO 6 0,tpmiT i,.KlL S ROP s Ta Co cRi 70om Me aR 21 Main Street North. ~ R RIRR R eR CR Acton, ON L7i 199 'h,I2R ý'4" ae'aort Ja, Mdr (5191 853-4700 'aei Feature this week: You can win playing Optimist TV Bingo every Tuesday, 6:30 pm Schools collecting inkjet cartridges in C.A.R.E. "z