The Canadian Champion, TuesdaY, January 29, 2002-.3 SHealth care, education are WALLACE Pontlac's lanumvi wq the priorities, Witmer says, By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion Multi-year funding WOuld help avoid health care provider shortfalls like the $2.8 million deficît facmng Halton Healthcare Services, S says provincial Tory leader- ship hopeful Elizabeth Oo Wtmr -I wani 10 institute long-tertn fundmng for hospitals and long-serin care facilities 50 they can plan tbree (~ years ouI and know exactly what amouni of money tisey're getting, s0 tisaI tiey cao provide services and know sisal tbey've got tise isealtis care providcrs tisey need," said tbe environment minister. "You can't plan if you give peo- ple money afler tise fact. You've got 10 allow îbem 10 plan." Ms Wiîmer's comments came ai a reception isosted by tise Halton Provincial Progressive Conservative Riding Association aI A The Ivy AmIsTurdy If elected 10 mun tise party and become Ontario's premier, Ms i Witmer said she will institute changes in îwo major areas- bealtis care and education. "Those are tise two (issues) 1 hear about everywhere tisaI 1 go." in order 10 improve tise stale of bealtis care, tise enviroinent minis- Photo by GRAHAM t-'AINC Elizabeth Witmer speaks ta fellow PCB at The Ivy Arma Thursday nlght. tcr isopes bo build tise "isuman infrastructure" by developing a isuman resource inventory. Tise inventory would help 10 ensure appropriate medical personnel are accessible wisere and wisen tbey're needed. 'We alI know tisere are aIl sorts of areas in tise province tisai don't have enougis doctors, enougis nurs- es, enougis pharmacisîs," she explained. "Tie first tising we need to do- and there's got to be researchers involved in Ibis because il bas to be evidence-based - is develop a buman resouree strategy s0 that we don't find ourselves in ibis situa- tion again." Supports for Ontario's education economy growing, Ms Witmer told association members. "We need 10 make sure that our children have accets to affordable post-secondary education - whether tbat's college or whetiser that's university," she said. "We also need to make sure that we have a great apprenflcesisip pro- gramn, because we're always going to need the auto mechanics or plumbers. "We need to focus and make sure we have a strong educational sys- tcm." The 'Common Sense Revolution' (CSR) which swept the Tories int power in 1995 is over, she added. "The CSR was designed 10 respond 10 the fiscal situation in the province, which was high debt, deficit, high taxes, low employ- ment and consumer and business confidence had been totally shat- tered," Ms Witmer said. "Now we're in tise year 2002 and we nced to take a look at what's on the top of the nands of the people of Ontarto." Also running for party leadership are former Finance Minster Emnie Eves, Health Minuster Tony Clement, Education Minister Janet Ecker, Finance Minster Jin Flaherty and Labour Minister Chris Stockwell. SA