18-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, January 29, 2002 'AA' maj"or bantams sweep aside Georgetownl deoîsrmElo. ed mn n By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Milton's AA major bantanis used equal parts draina and domninance to dispose of ibeir firsi- round opponents in short order last week. The Flaion Lift Truck Winterhawkt employed the former during series-opening play - as Kyle Strong scored in overtime to eclipse the Georgetown Raiders 2-1. Corey Clarkson tended the net in exceptional fashion, wbile making the initial deposit was Mati Reed. From there, the local hantains fortified their efforts and delivered îwo convincing wins capping the besi-of-five series sweep with Thursday's 8- 1 roui ai Memorial Arena. Clarkson offered a near-flawless performance in ibis one as well, and seven different players lit the lamp to knock off Georgetown. "We stepped things up with husie and disci- pline," said head coacb Eric Ellison. "And Corey (Clarkson) was awesome for us. He came through big urne.« Robbie Wilson recorded bis second straight two-goal night in the series-clincbing blowout. Contributing singles were Reed, Steve Ellison, Daniel Lynch, Greg Pepper, David Tielemans and Brent McCrirmmon-Jones - who scored on the firsi shift of the gaine to iniitiate the mis- match. Milton had a stiffer challenge in gaine two, but prevailed 6-3. Wilson's swo goals were complimented by Mark Galick. pepper also stood oui with three assists while between the pipes was Robert Smith. The bantains - who t'ollowed their midgei counterparis in sweepmng the first round in tour nights - now face the Flainborough Sabres. The series began last night at Memnorial Arens. Gaine two is set for tomorrow night in Carlisle while gaine three will be played ai Memnorial Arena Sunday ai 8 p.m. Conveniently locat- LUBE, OIL & FILTER ed within walking Service distance to GO 1I station $n95 *25 years automnotive experience Tune-Up 4 cyl ..69 6 cyl ......Y7495 8Bcyl .. 84" . applies ta Most cars & Iight trucks " Brake Service " Steering & Suspension " MOT Safety Inspection " Computer diagnostics " Tires " Auto Electric & Charging Systems " General Repairs 'A midgets suier surprising game one loss to Georgetown By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Thirteen minutes into Uic nighs and down 3-0. Milton's A midgeis badn't experienced anything even remnotely resembling ibis type of scenariu during regular season play againsi Uic basemens-dweliing Georgetown Raiders. But sou mucb confidence and oi enuugb effort can make for raiber sbocking results. The Winterhawks learned ibat first-band ai Memorial Mena Saturday. Beginning OMHA playdown action as Uic distinct favourite versus Uic traditionally pushover Ralders, Milton offered a lacklustre start and consequently was taken for Uiree goals inside a two-and-a-balf minute span laie in the first period. Wbile sharp netminding and a sente of urgency boib made appearances Uirougb Uic balance of Uic evening, Uiey couldn't quise tnp Uic icales in Uic bosts' favour. The 'Hawks drew within une down Uic streteb, but gave up. a lait-minute empty-netter and Iost Uic besi- of-five series opener 4-2. "We were definitely overconfident - big Uirne," sald bead coach Jin Kosmaliki. "There wai a real lack of teain play. Somte guys did ibeir job tomigbi, but jusi a bandful." Puekstopper Tins Joboston would have to be includ- ed in that select group, afier rebounding fromn a shaky stant to turn back more than a dozen shots and keep the local midgets witbmn striking distance. Wbile Uhc local tender was unable to bail oui bis teamimates early on, ail tbree goals agait hlm were courtesy of blatant breakdowns by the defense wbicb was caugbt up ice on the second and third mark- ers. Josh Caswell, Milton's mosi retiable soiper, eut insu the visitors' lead laie in the second on a short-range wrister off the draw. Tim Anderson would then draw bis teain witliin one by barreling into the îlot and going upstalrs with about four minutes lefi su play. Georgetown continued tu proteci their lead like it waa pure gold and finally cemented Uic win witb an empty-net deposit fromn iii own blueline. Eacb side bad jusi une powerplay and neither capi- talized on it. Shots on goal favoured Milton 37-25. The Ralders' gaine une victory was only Uieir third in league play ibis seaaon. They bosted gaine îwo last night, wbile thc series continues Saturday ai Memorial Arena. Gaine turne la 8 p.m. if necessary, gaines four and five will be played February 4 and 9 in Georgetown and Milton respc- tively. The R.R.S.P. Advantages oftered by Bob Lee &Kim Mitchell A Retirement Financial Specialist office with 27 years_ of experience and the coffee's neyer been better! *Secunity of investmrents (up to 100% fumd guarantees) *~ ~ ~ ~~~~ý uompnuv Aergae iaiau aauta aaI. *Competitive G.I.C. interest rates. Kim Mitchell a Personalized ongoing consultations. e R.R.S.P. loans available with deferred payments. Bob "Pie" Lee *Appointments available Saturdays beginning in February. CONTACT Kim Mitchell & Bob "'Pie" Lee kim@cutle.on.ca robertlee@aztec-net.COm Robert "Pie" Lee Insurance Agency Tel: 905n 878-5786 Fax: 9o5 878-3692 CALL FOR NO OBLIGATION CONFIDENTIAL CONSULTATION ' AA atoms clinch seiries with shutout Hot goalie earns second goose egg in three nights Taylor Prestidge delivcred bis second stralgbt shutout to close Uic books on Uic Flannborough Sabres Thursday evening in Carlile. Mfter dropping Uic best-of-five series opener 3-1, Milton's AA major atoin net- minder allowed jusi une meaily goal in Uic foliowing Uirce encouniters nu turn Uic side on Flamnborough. He offéed anoiber topnotcb perform- ance in Thursday's 2-0 clincher - and received ample support from, bis defensive- ly-sturdy cohorts. Offensively, Brayden Abraham sank Uic game-winner during second-period play while an empty-nct insurance goal wai later provided by Ryan Cochrane. Drawing aisisis on Uic nighs were Mai Elliot and Jeremy Price. The Wallace Pontiac Buick Winterbawks won gamnes two, three and four despite only scoring a combined nine goals - a ca indication of some impressive play in Uieir own. A return to ibeir tradiiionally disciplined approacb to competition fac- îored insu Uic final win ai well. Milton now moves on su round swo againsi Chatham. The schedule wai nus fmnalized ai press lime yesterday, but Uic series is expected to stars somnetine ibis weekend. Professionai Liability Insured 245 COMMERCIAL SIr. celebi-ating.17 Yeai-s o -iendly Hojnetoirn Sei-rice 1