health care, education Midmff A Metroland Community Newspaper Vol. 142 No. 91 Tuesday, January 29, 2002 plan to fight saiary cap Vole# »tOUfor Betî' Breakf 4Chisomla 1 36 Pages $ 1.00 (GST mncluded) Rose Cherry's Home re-construction is set to commence in June By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion After several years of prepara- tion, the Cedarbrook Society expects to begmn construction of Rose Chenry's Home in June. "We're tbrilled 10 soon be in a position 10 atart providing services to these families (of chronically il children)," said David Bowker, president of the Rose Cherry's Home board of directors. "This is a very challenging project and what keeps us going is bo know that the challenges these familles face are far in excess of what we put in on a volunteer hasis." Rose Cherry's Home will offer a hos- pice/respite service for chronically ili, often technology-dependent, children - giving their familles a break from provid- ing constant care. The facility will bouse up 10 12 children ai a time. When Cedarbrook tirst purebased the No. 15 Sideroad property in 1996, the plan i'Truck stop gets robbed Four masked men, one armed with a knile, held up the cashier ai the Fifth Wbeel Truck Stop yesterday morning. At about 3:30 a.m., four men wearing ski masks entered the Chisholin Drive restau- rant and demanded money from the cathier. One of the suspects produced a knife. They then fled the scene on foot with an undisclosed amount of cash. Halton Regional Police responded to the scene and searcbed the ares with a canine unit, but weren't able t0 locale the suspecta. The robbery remains under investigation. was t0 renovate the building to make it more accessible and tire-code friendly. But the discovery of a dangerous mold in 1998 changed ail that. "(The mold) rendered it (bouse) unfit for lods that have any kind of immune sensi- fivity," Mr. Bowker explained. "Mhe mold was significant enougb that we'd really have 10 take that original structure down." A new structure means new zoning and building permit approvals are required before construction can get underway. 'Me Milton adnmstration and planning connttee approved the zone change Iaat week and town coundil was expected 10 address the matter laat night. Building a new structure alto took the project cost froro $2 million to $3.5 mnillion - of which $2 million bas already been raised. More dhm $150.000 of those funds were raised in the Milton area. Rose Cherry's Home is expected to be operational by the spning of next year. Comment ........ 6 Datolns ....... 10 Classified..20-22I 1Need some neighbourly advice about RESPs? CaIl me ta dîscusa the beneft of contributIng ta a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP). HEATHER SOLIE, State Pare Representatise 3006 Derry Rd. W. Suite 204 Arssfothe HoSsita I 905-693-1400 teather.soe e@statefare csm E Il i-J i Today the cost to put a child through a higher education prograrn may be $40,000 or more. How much will it cost when your children attend? M