8--The Canadian Champion, Friday, Janaury 25, 2002 116H HSCHOOIL REPORT Joli Vandavalk EmîIy Wlloughby MLTO DISTRIGT Ble SCGOL Welcome to the last edition of the 'Mustang Messanger" for this semester. We have had an exciting,fun-filled semester and we hope that next semester will be even better. We'd like to welcome our special guest writer Karen O'Keefe this week. In h O To start we would like to wish ail students the hast of iuck on ail of your exams. We have a few reminders surrouniding exarns, even though exams have heen running for 2 days already. First off you must show and write ail your exama aI your scheduled lime. Please ha there 15 minutes hafore your exarn starts. Exam retum day is Thursday, January 31 9 arn - 1l amn ONLY. Report cards wili ha distrihuted the first day of semester 2 in last semester's homneroom clans. Please go to that clans first thing Fehruary 4th. On the off chance that we gel a snow day (wouldn't we ail jusl love one of those?) in the middle of exarns, the exams will ha humped back one day. but exam pick-up wiil remain on the samne day. For any more information regarding the exams, please refer t0 your yellow exam scheduie sheet. Students from the OAC art clans showed their work on Wednesday and Thursday of this past week in their annual art show. Students got a chance îo check out somne of the cool stuif our talented OAC art students produced this year during clans. Karen's Useless Fact File Hi, my name is Karen O'Keefe, and this is my special edition of useless facîs that have neo roal purpse, but do fi up space and can ha used to wow your friends. Did you know that sev- enty years ago today the Trans-Canada telephone sysîem was inaugurated? Well il was! For ail of those people who are writ- ing their OAC biology exama today. have you ever wondered why your sîomach grumbles? The sound is a resuit of air rush- ing through your small intestine when il is empty. Don't for- get 10 celebrate next Wednesday! Wondering why? That's when hall chimes were invented, in 1487. We would like to thank Karen for stopping by, and we will bie doing a full sports update in our next editi on. We hope every- one has a great couple of days off next sneek. and we will see you bock on the fourth. ! BISEOP REDINO Ril SCEGOL M Mark Ryof Lakombo.sa Pyn Royal Report By Mark Laframboise and Ryan Pyne and Chnis the King As the students begin the dreaded process of writing exams, much anxiety fis the halls of Bishop Reding. A reminder to ail students concerning exams: if the school is officiaily closed, exams will be written on the next school day. The remaining exam schedule will be put back one full day. During the final stretch of first semester the numerous athietic teams showed great performance as they head into the exam break. The Senior Boys' Basketball team receutly faced the top-ranked Iroquois Ridge. The guys started strong, lead- ing by as much as thirteen points in the first haîf. However. the Royals struggled to couvert inside the "paint" during the second haîf and losi a competitive game. Ryan Taylor led the ncoring with sixteen points, while Conan O'Brien earned a double-double with thirteen points and thirteen rebonnds. Best of luck in the second semester. Following their tremendous victory against the previsus- ly unbeateu White Oaks squad, the Junior Boys' Basketball team continued ibeir winning ways. In a collective effort, the team claimed an important victory in tise competitive 57-42 win over Iroquois Ridge. We wish the best of luck ta the Midget-Aged players wbo will travel bo St. Thomas Aquinas in Oakville for a tournameut of Febrnary 1 and 2. Last Friday, the Midget Girls' Volleyball Team put forth au excellent effort as they defeated both Oakville Trafalgar and T.A. Blakelock. Laura Coates led the team witb ber ont- standing serving. Justine Hall and Teshia Wood also con- tributed to the victories with their great hits. Recently, the Girls Hockey Team earned a cosviucisg 8- 3 victory over T.A. Blakelock. Nicole Gooding led the Royal squad with ber second straight bat trick. Chelsey Gruszka was also a leading offensive force, with two goals. Kim Standing, Erica Ercolani and Chantaîl Desroches ronnded ont the scor- ing adding one each. Emiiy Ruigrok had a strong game in net to secure the victory. The team would also like to acknowl- edge Nicole Boccia. Her sportsmanship, confidence and com- mitment are a great contribution to the team. "Neyer doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens eau change the world; it's the only thing that ever does." - Margaret Mead DATELENEDRE AT E.C. nmumT Bie SCESOL Megn Rouer Lyndny Jomis Rob -».uprtr Welcorue 10 the ISpsasu Study Tip" edisuo of Oateiue Omiry! As you sui know. tis ps seeli bas been a relaiely ueveniful sue, as ail Spartsus lisse becs prepariug for cussus. Thesefore. we reporters decideto expsud our horizous sud gel Ici kuon sur fel- Ion reporters front MD and BR sus asery peronal lesel. To provide some hamour sud stress relief lar osu readers. as oeil as ourselves. neye inclsded a report oftour phonue ierviews nis soi fellon celebity reporters. As well n ve hope thsi you Sund tise siudy iips eqsslly as infoumative as the article ilself! Ai precissly 854pm ou Tuesday eseuing, Megan contacîed Msrk Tisne Rsspberuy- Lsframboise. s higis schsul reposter fromt Bisbsp Rediug. Afier exchsugiug iseaifeli cos- meurs sisout the reliremeur of a certaiu Mustsug Mesueuger Reporter (Mslik). Megsu fiuslly gos 10 the pintu of ber iersiew. wheu ased 10 sissue bis feelings about Dsielîne Drury. Msrk was birmmrug wîîh euslsssiasm aud adoration rîrnards tbe cîsîsmu aud tise reporters themselî es. -1 rend ai tiuee articles, anti aithougs 1 thins oursi is etter, Dateline Drury always provities me nis a gosnd taugis!" Misk "The Rarpheir P-. afrainis tiiii.i ripssoi s llspii iop Reding STUDY TIP#I: Tiiosigî as risierso nras-fil siki qsiiinv, scier suse ap' Tise girls' hockey and vîsleyhaîl reas mauss hase isecu lisieuruf to ibis adsrcc ilsriug tisc pasi week! lu lacs, fihis sý precisls nhisa isori ses as dcnrousrsied dsrrrrg iheir gamnes, wheu E.iX issed s uîîdger girls iislleyisall isomrey fast Frsday sour Spassun lsdies deilrucd delererîsaia. Ti mrscely coagratiae lisese girls onua firi piace frursis wîîuld soi isegir ao descuise tisc effort pur fouis by thec sisacriosý volley-crs' way ris go girls! Ou risc ici. aur scrspppru' Spaotau hockey girls plsscd a isard lîrugisi matcis agarusi Loyoula au Frîday as Tissmpsiis Arcus. Wîllî isuli Iwo sais ira tisc ici. set escu isest dclrmrued girls cosldi keep sp nis sher competiisi Dicser tisc frsi isar trick af tisc sesîs by Laura welsead. risc girls camc Sp sisas anis a score of 6s-4. 'ou'l ger 'cm sens fisie lsdics! Latr arr Tuesdsy eseuruf. ai csacsly 859 pis. Lyudsey phoucd Msrk's lellow Brishop Redruf reposter. Rysu trac. Aller talking aisoat tisc ariiiss issues sisal lace igis suisiml reporters. Lyadsey and Ryss gos t th is ai a ad as Ryau divulged iss truc feelings for lialelîse l.mry. *'White tise Royal Report is fnn to write, 1 wish that 1 eoutil wsrk nis Iwo lovety utdies tike Lyntisey anti Megan." _Rvan Pire, regal reporres foi thei -Roal Repart" STUDY TIP #2: Giv i r isus *al' This is precisely nissi iiree depaarung Drmry staff memisers hase done oser liseir yeas ai E.C. Dniry. Sîodesîs lrom every grade gslisered sagesiser su the Lacker Bay as Tuesday attemoou. forsa ceremsuy wîsiîg Mr. Gayfer. Mr Mairu. sud Mr. Baag tise boss af issck in liseir future eudessors. AIl îisree reacisers arc mosing as fram E.C. Drisy. sud nilI ise mîssed grearly isy tisc siadeuls nisse lises bley rouchei. Beys wsishes reacisers' Less ssccessfsu isis quesl for frieudssip wils felanw reporters nss Rais. nio is suif nsirsug las iss caîl issck froar Mustang Meseugers. Jeff Vaudesslk. isopefslly isy thse lime ibis arcle iv psishied, Jeff all have respoutiet Ioi Rabs% luiedly message oru i% assacuug machine. lirais aIl for ibis edirsu i Ilaelise Drary' Wea hope ysrsr exasus are goiug weIl. ansd lisar nc aerc able roisire you dursue 1i hîs say lne. Alnay s remersiser. as ne reporters learued trsugis Mark and Rya ihîs aocci. Iral a ssrauger s% jus a friesl yoit isasc*i met! Chseck isack ruinsw aceks 1