You CAN HELP! liffer, moi iniepen leni live.% Your donations hetp support a wide range of pro- grains and ieriiiesi n "voue iommanitiv le acîrsot- hie h ousing and in home assistance, training for emploimeni, wheele etr an walkers reireational opportanîties and so mach more. PLEASE DONATE OR VOLUNTEER TODAY 1-800-263-3463 June Callwood or omsit as ut 2002 Mahing Mohe * ONTARIO LA MARCHE MARCH DES DIX SOUS 0F DIMES DE LONTARIO Who _Doàeàýs lt. .. CLEAN CUT HOME IMPROVEMENTS Licensed General Contractor Free Estimates Ail Work Guaranteed Additions - Basentent Upgrades -Batroom Upgrades Custom Hontes * Decks - Dr-y'walls - Electrical - Fences Framing - Hardwood Floors - Kitchen Upgrades Plumbing - Renovations - Roofing Please Cai Jason - Celi # (416) 818-5920 1D&B MILLj Custom Carpentry Ltd. COMPLETE RENOVATIONS ADDITIONS * REC ROOMS Dave Miller Tel.: 905-878-2552 Oeil: 905-691-2272 WH DOSIT - Custom Draperies -Top Ireatmonts / Cosmolics -Belspreads / AccessoriOs E r ,'il . Vily l / Wood Shun rs Linda DiFrancesco Tory DiFrancesco WoNC (888) 647-4610 Teoadvetlue In Use Cuuudiuu Chumpleuns WHIO DUES IT, ý9 «H ianlue ut (905) 878-2341 service DMIMAAuO cntre Specializing in.. FUEL INJECTION AUTO ELECTRIC & CHARGING - AUTO AND TRAILER WIRING SYSTEMS - DELCO BATTERIES T UNE-UP & EMISSION CONTROLS - BRAKE SERVICE AUTO AIR CONDITIONING -SAFETY INSPECTIONS 18 Thompson Rd. Unit 12 SLMUR $ E HM~ Serving Milton For mmonS.. .. .8am-8p Mon.-Fri. .8an- Over 3 GenerationS Ftdlay. 8an TMi tan- Satusday .9 dam&luy 9am-p Cmli Steve Boers 706 Main Street, Est (0 )81 11 Milton, ON(N i aio y -q - Il 21 i i i i i,Ê13' "l ,Mitorn lmport Car Centre UiflA fBl naU11 Speciaîists on *UU~mUU WU~ IL7PJ< Volkswagens - Fuel Injection & Diesels CIE VOLEOLDSMOIL 1 II GERHARD & RUDY 583 Main Street E. HWY. 25 S. AT DERRY RD., MILTON WUWWWW (905) 878-5330 Milton (NC)-Everyone' nigitmare on lte dead of winteri a car engine ta grinds and witeezes - but doesn'î fire. It is Iikely gasimne freeze-ap mnd is one of the mosi frustraling proitlems, wten we expert the car ta do ils jobt properly and retiaitiy. Gasline freeze can te easily avoided tom- ever since there are many prodacîs avail- able In beal tte probiem. According 10 industry spectatîsîs ut Prestone, the fuel additive calied Gas Treaiment is a malti- purpose product that "demonstrates superi- or ability ta fight gasiine freeze and at the samne lime improve performance by dlean- ing te fuel injectors and carburetors." If yoa anticipate extra itursh weather condi- lions, consider Cold Start, a fuel additive specially-formulated for the Iengthy Canadian deep-freeze. More information on winter car rare is availaitie on-hune aI, or toil-free (800) 333- Trire Sales & service .LB ~ 555 Main St. E.' 876-4788 (NC)-tt takes more titan a dlean oti filter to gtve your automoile engtne lthe protection Il deserves. Most motorisîs recognize te need t0 change fdters regularly but many ignore lie need 10, change lte où itaeIL A compîcie and regular oul change is vital bo engine rare, advise lte industey experts. Modem engine oils contain additives titat dlean and protect. But as ie oul ages, lit additives lote strengt and offer less and lest protection. "Over lime. the oul in your engtne loses tome of ils vis- cosily and pickt up diat and waler so il needs to ite replaced,' says Colin Pitillip. technical services manager for Honeywell, makers of Framn filteet. He recommends an ou and ou tiller change every tire monts or 5,000 kilomnelert. "If you do nolting cIte in lthe way of peventive mainte- nance, do thete oil and filter changes," Phillip said. "They are tite tingle mosl effective titing you can do for long engine life." Additional car cure information is availaitle on-line ai or caul toUl-free (800) 333- 1106. Zbej Qanabl'an (Dapo' AUTOMOTIVE DIRECTORY This spot could n be yurs veryper inserion be yors evry Il 6 month Friday for ~ j minimum Cali Dianet at 905-878-2341 Ext 227 SENTINEL AUTOMOTIVE ____ Major & Minor Repairs - Tune Ups - Air Conditioning PONTIAC a BUICK *CADILLAC -Brakes - Engines - Exhaust - 4x4 SRIEC N R Satety Inspections - Towing -Marine Repairs *GM 7SPECIALISTS Emission Repair & Pretesting * EXPRESS LUBE SERVICE -(igh-Tech Service zwitI O(d-FashlioneJ Value *COMPREHENSIVE DIAGNOSTICS 342 Bronte St. South, & REPAIRS Units 12 & 13, Milton J 878-8066 801 MNIN ST. E. 905-878-2355 878&7221I The Canadian Charnodon, Fniday, Janaury 25, 2002-29