Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jan 2002, p. 28

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28--The Canadian Champion, Friday, January 25, 2002 FULL Time Caxtomer Service/Dat a Entry Position ji M/ormMdltcly ~ 'rh ~ udgu in Windows applications a munt. P/taxe no te/ephone inquirex. Fax or delîvîr rexumne ta, R.A.M. Lighting-300 B route Street S., Milton L9T 2X6. Fus (905)878-3642 RECEPTIONISTIDOOKKEEPER required for Accountants office. Must have computer experi- ence. P/eaae respond f0, Box # 3009 c/o Tht Canadien Champion, 191 Main Street, Mi/ton, Ontario, L9T 4N9 Accountmng Assistant Assisting the Accounting Munager with tax remirrances, journal entries and financiat state- ment prepararion atong with specific internat audiringprojecos. Gond experience in the above, a/ongwîrhsrrong analtnicat skitis and sotid Excel knowtedge. Detait oriented and ab/e to work independty in a fast-pacednsmalt company environment. Pleure forward resume ru jbruw@peeflumber.com or fax (905) 693-9475, Atîn Jim Brown Fifth Wheel Corporation, a well- 1 WNEEL 1 eslablished operator of a chain of wl Truck Stops, bas an immediate openmng for a fuil time experienced Accounla Payable clerk. The successful appli- caul wilt be responsible for a variety of dulies, which require an acrounting background, profi- cient in Excel 2000, wetl organized, accurate and ho able toi handîr a fast paced enviroument. A sense of humour and the abilty 10 work wett with others is a strong asset. Knowledge of Sotomon accounting woutd be an asset. Ibis position alsn requires skills in banik reconcitia- lions, anatyzing accounîs and inventories. Please fax your complele resumne alung wilh references, salary expectalion, lu Helen Deline (905)878-6161 by Junuary 29, 2002. Oniy applicants meing 'h,, qualifications ai bc caneilrd irnx, w Importer & Distributor of Skin Cure Producta has the following positions available: ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT You have a min. of 5 years experience in the field, are proficient with ail major software & internet applications, are a self starter, highly motivated and posseas excellent commuanica- tion skilis. Languages (French & German) are an asset. WAREHOIJSE SUPERVISOR Min. 3 years of previous experience in ware- housing and with forklift is required. If you're hardworking, motivated and dependable indi- vidual. GLYSOMED, FAL-(905> 876-3729 riinnistrative gsitantx The Administrative Assistants Ltd. (AAL) specia/izes in adminiutrafion software so/utions for the K- 12 educatian field. Duuing the past 2 years, aur urganization has experi- enced phenomenal growth lu uur market and client base. As a resu/t, we are further expauding aur support lu the fu//awl .ng area: Client Support/ Training Representative " Minimum of 3 years esperience in hot fine, on-/mne and on-site clent support. " Training experiences both c/assroom and one-on-one required. " Excel/ent communication skîi/s. " Euperienoe in system testing and prob/emn reso/ution. * W///ing foi trave/. " Pr/or tuper/ence in K- 12 educat/on env/runmenf a definite assît. * Euperience in Sa/es Support (i.e. Demos) a detinite assît. * Wiling to work 8:30- 4:30 and 12- 8 shifts. Piease forward resume f0: Emal: sIenfo@~admlnasslst.com Fax: (905) 632-2605 Admilistratlve Assltum Requir.d Bur/ingtun tracking cnmpany has an upenîng for an /ntormed/ute person. /n th/s pus/t/un, you wi// pros/de support to vantaus off/ce fanctians w/thin tht genera ufi/ce and dispatch. The aaccessfu/ cand/date must be highiy urganized with excellent commanication sk///s, French and English spuken sod a strung knuw/- edge ut PC. Windows, Microsoft, txce/, ut ieast (2) years esperience in the transportation /ndastry woa/d he an assît. P/ease forward your resume with cuvering memu toi 9054I-446 QI *-um: lu db~v Admninistrative Assistant Must be computer titerate, abitity to mutti-task, design and/or accounting experience an asset. If interested , fax resumne f0,: Relmner Construction Llmlited 905-332-606 or e-mail: trelmer@sympatico.ca CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVES requirfd for our expanding ca/I centre. We are /uuk/ng for 10 euper/onced CSR's who have.. a fr/end/y & oatgo/og persuna/fy: a great phono mani- oir, computer & heyhoard/ng sk///s and the ah///ty fi su/ne costumer proh/ems, f/oency in French an assef. Day/Evening/nigh/ shiftI avalah/e Please vend resume ho: (905)639-7073, Athn: CSR Dept. ATTENTION: SALES REPS If you are licensed in Real Estate or currently enrolled in Phase 1. 2 or 3 of the pre-licensmprogra, M Royal Le age offers " Competitive Commission options * Non-competitive Management * NO Desk Fees " Extensive Training programs * The Exctusive "Home-Link" progrm For More tnfonmation contact Charlotte Forgo, Manager (905) 878-101 seeueiii ROYAL LEPAGE INSIDE SALES COORDINATOR We are seek/ng un Inulda Sales Coordîsuto/ hand/e day-to-day qofat/ons, sa/eu /nqoîries sond order enfry fonictions. Sure Flou Eqlp.snt lac. is une of Canada's laigeot sopp//ers of /ndostr/a/ ou/ueo and s/ra/ners. We are a con//noo/y urow/ng, internationa corporat/on. Remonerafion and henefits commonoora/e w//h euperience. P/ease forwurd y000 resome o: SSure Flou Equlpm neac. S3179 Manway S Bor/ington, On L7M lA6 Ceim or fao: 905-335-2991 Inside Machinery Sales We are a /eading distrihutor ut Wuodmork/ng Mach/nery and have an intereot/ng pox/t/on in 000 /00/de Mach/nery Sa/ex Department. Rexponxihiiitiex anciade ussiofing waik-/n cux- tomers, phonle inquir/es, iead fo//om-up, prepar- /ng machinery quotat/ons, saperv/s/ng mach/ne /nnentory and morking m/Oh sup- piiers trom aroond the wortd. tf yoa are saies/ costumer sers/ce oriented, techn/ca/y incioed and have excellent communication, orguniza- tinal ski/fs and are computer literate, pieuse fux as your resame. Akhurst Machlnery Llmlted Mlaaiaaauga rax: (905> 564-8604 On/y those wha qualify for an interview wi// be contacted. EDEN Housi Cari Faci/ity requines Heaith Cari A/de for permaennt nighf shitt and oui casual. P/iase mail reaumes to Eden Houai Cari Facd//ty, R.R.#2, Guelph, ON Ni H 6H8, before January 3/st. (No Phone Caiiu Pieusi). Oniy oe/ictid appiicantx mi// ho notitiid. FULL-Time expeniinced Doutai 'Assistant, PDA' Livii-Il an axait. Dr. Pauia Cass/n. #1 -106 Wake-I field Rd., Milton, L9T 2L8, Fax: 905-878-0057 PART Timi Assistant/ Riciptionist riquirid immi- I diatiiy for Acton aria. Must havi experienci and hi HAR P certifid. Fax resume f0 51 9-856-2601 or c/ 51 9-856-4831 PART lime Hygieist niquirid tor Milton Dental Of- tice. 20 to 24 hrs pur wiik. Tuesday toi Thursday. Fax rîsumie toi 905-878-0664 or cuii 905-878-6482 tor more information. ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT f1~Tf COORDINATOR I4fVIU~ (Oakville) F/T for maternity ieavî, must have Or/ho ixpuriinci I Fax rîsumne fo: W05-845-2418 Required at Beechwood Place/ Court, a /uoury retirement residence in Mississauga catering predominanty f0 the we/ eidery Must be an RN. with current registration with the Co/lege of Nurses of Ontario. Three (3) years management esperience combined with a background in geriatric assessment,1 scheduling staff deveiopment, working with community placement services as welI as strong interpersona, communication and organizational ski//s. Sound leadership and computer Iiteracy essential. Fax or smogi resume ta: (905) 238-4926 lane.blake@Irc.ca We appreciate u// app/icunts, however, on/y/thoue chusen for un inferview wil//be contacted. G MUSIC for YOUNG CHILDREN- TEACHING OPPORTUNITIES This ucc/uîmed Cunadian music programme for chi/dren uges 3 & up is training new teachers for tht Bur//ngton/ F/amborough/ Milton arias. Minimum Requirements: GRADE VIII PIANO * GRADE Il THEORY EXPER/ENCE WORKîNG WîTH CHîLOREN Sandra Positon (Southorn Gatarlo Coordbnator) ca/i 1-866-884-3080 Pruvides a fai residentiat cleaning service. Oui time cleans available. [et us raite nre uf ail yu clraning needs. Foa seoe csi, no obligation, in hme eîssair, pieuse cal 877-3443 uAmAut V)oor and upener bervices. f-ast and pro- fessional repu/ms and instaffations. Easy-up dos 905-873-9867 HANDYMAN Services, Piumbing & Eiectnica repair. Reasonabe rates. Seniors discount. Free ext- mutes. 905-876-5309 HieIpoein Srice Toay MI Send Your Sweetheart A ~ Special VaIentine!, Tuesday, February 12, 2002 STo send a unique Valentine, just fll out the form below. T' The deadline is Friday February 8 at 4:00 p.m. and the cost is only $10.00 for 20 words + GSI ~Don 't (et thiç 'Iafentines ~Day sip away zuit(wut V te((ing tliat specialperson fww mucli they are rea((y (ovedJ Vour Message -T J Cheque U Visa U Master Card Total Words 20 Total Cost $10.70 Credit Card No. ___________ Signature_______________ Namne Phone No._____________ PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT V 878-2341 or 875-330 BONUS ALLCIassified Ads appear ai... wwniiltoncanadianchampîonfconi mn111l - -. 1I . C1181111EI] VALIEI PomWf forget to place -ZWI. our Classfted ad! Cal! fodayt. or fax us at 905-8016-11364 FidAjlongy 0f --0è In The IFIEWolà e CINEMAS /\235 GUELPH STREET 873-199 O LORD OF THE RINGSM Delly 7:30 p.m. Sut. à Sun. 2:00 p.m. (FnW*"S Vo *-Orei) ORANGE COUNTY [PG e Dully 6:45 p. & 8:45 pu. suit. Sun. 2-00 p . *MOTHMAN PROPHECIES IA Daily -45 p.m & 9,00p.m. OMONSTERS INC. F t il, Sun. 2 se p.m

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