26-The Canadien Chamolon. Fridav. Januars 25. 2002 a.ssifi1ed CLASSIF!D HOURS: Monday to Friay e 9«00 am - 5:00 prn etnaninvtio the al Zimmerman Roomt Lowviile United Church 5800 Guelph Line, Burlington Best Wishes Only! ACO,wonderfl cozy BUGLW MîIton, 3 bedroome, rncroom, spot- 2 atorey home for sale 1 eau court location, March lte $1295.00 moethty, by owner. 4 bedroom 'DIPLOMAT Apfs, Mil- t iret last, utilities. 878-9586 very quiet court, lenced, ton, 235 Ontario Street aleNorth. 1 ced 2 bed- COUNTRY -3 bedroom home, appliances, 3 car ga- mte, Borighbors ros elrenovcted rage, 14 acres. Avaitable immediatey, reference re- cîos, R/D w ih n quiet building. 2 cp- quired. Ccmpbeiiville Reatty mnc. 854-2294. cou, fa/D decle, oct lianices, utiitihes includ- .GOG out t deck oak cai d. On site Iaund,ý - GO.ETOWN, 4 bedroom 2 storey bouse, close nets, CNv, C/A ully in- ,Front $845. 905-87- t"G . -car garage, 2 acre lot, $1 500/mfh plu s iebed hasement wfth rec 4989 ,utilihaes. February 1sf. (905877-76 ronm, $2049 00. GOGTWlre MLO e sctv oe eroe ag (59>5384 2 bedroore as fin Victor- master with ensuite & F/R Fcmily roors Singi ga MILTON Single, Re- ' ian home, $975/mth in- rage. Availabie April 1. Reference requir:e 0N verse rent ta awn, cludes beat. Acton large smokeing - No pets. $1,500 plus utilities. Giadys $1,500. 519-853-0894, 3 bedroom api., Craniford, Re/Max Blue Springs Realty (905) 878- Michael Wan, Broker $1000/mtb. (519)853- 7777 PRICE to ait5080/ (519) 853-5352 199,900. Dorset Park LARGE 1 bedroom Apt. area. Spacious 4 bcd- inctudes tamîly roors, room raised bungalow kitchen and battiroors wîîîî a ~ , on second floor of ISSSA G wihagenerous lOt.h ei dwtawn Mit- TOY S O Features include eat-in tnara rmal: ~ kitchen with walkout f0 utîlties included Av202aaietl-,qaCs- o huge deck. Cozy tower able Februcry 1 02 udy W tevel suite is self con n ,rfeecs r at ry 27, 2002 a? tained and features a and st renuîred, 9:36s.m Sc-f Ho3tp.. hby wood atove andi 2 bed- $750.00 905-878-6430 ikSi-i a roome. For more dataile or 905-875-4217 Wheels, Beanies cati 905-877-9852. 6550 Hurentarîs St. R li MILLSIDE TOWER (Hwy 10) 82 Milîside Drive. 1/4 Mite N. sf401 Milton Adaîts $5,00 \1P7'lfaewa t2ereAt. Free Parking orx1-1I 1 2 edoon pt. 905-845-1824 . Delaxe Baildis WANTED f0 tant Horee Ideal 'OId Tacs'" Facil ty with hous barr location and indoor arerta or 2 appliances i bouse, barn and permit Laandrti facilteas f0i put upm c ndoor Utilities isclsded arena. Pleasecaýit 905- 338-8579 or 905-617- Ce-Site Resideni 6746 Managers Open 7 dava. Same day appruva Cati: ,CHRISTOPHER -Meagan ie thrilled to announce the arrivai ai ber brother Alexander (905 87-124 _j James, weîghing 7ibs, 4 1/2 ounces at 8:33cm $$ GCVERNMENT - 1ONE bedroors, modem Funida $$ Grants ced building, newiy painted, boans information f0 nec carpet, aecurity start and espanci your aystem, stase, f rid gle, business ar farin. 1-800- reserved parking. NMo 505-8866. Pets. Reterencea re- m quied. Firat ced last $75 p lus bydro. Avait- able March 1. 905-878- 8123 ROCKWOOD by park, 2ed tloor sunny dlean 1 UNLIMITED Potential bedroorn Appliancea, mate big $s everY time eat-in kitcheni. $750. someone baye gracer- 519-&96-49oo) ies. See wcw.supe- SAIU marketiîng.com/sleit4or SPCOS1, 2, & 3 cali 1-800-279-0019 1bedrooma. Freehly painteci, bright. Corn- petifive rent. Bunlingfan I..aIASFEOD.a i hgh-riee. Weli-main- tained. Convenient lo- CLASSFIEDS cation. 905-333-9846, Noon-8 pm. and Joanne (nec Wanless). Proud Grandparenta are Roy and Magdalen Christopher and Great-grandad Witfrid Lawson. Welcomed by Aune Christine, Uncte Mite and Cousins Priacilla and Mackenzie Robertson. Many thanka to Dr. Sharma and ail the nurses in obstefricu at Qakville Trafalgar Hospital. Alec il alwsys be watched oser by bis big sîster Heather andi Grandparenta Jim and Priacitta Wanless frors Heaven. ¾4U ma yeur chl wil b. katuw. wfth phot la eur Daby siltio ha Jauawy 303. HALTUN *GNUUIL 0F EQUITATION Groupe for beginner and advanced ridera Book belore Feb 2Oth and only psy $180.0 Cali 905 826-2889 or Email hse@ldlrect.com Go to our web page: www.hse.on.ca for mors Information about aur summor camps f00. CLARKSON, William "Bill" At Allendale je Milton, on Monday, Jcnuary 21, 2002, Bill Çlarkson of Milton in bis 82nd year. Beloved hua- band for 55 years oft Norma. Loving father of Margo and her husbcnd Gord Bibby of Markham, Geotf and his wife Linda of Cambkle and Ian of Milton. Predeceased by hie son Neil. Remembered by his grandchildren Jaimie and Richard Bibby and Sean and Jaclyn Clarkeon. Frienda were received af the J. Scott Earfy FaneraI Home, 21 James St., Milfon on Thursday. A Fanerai Service i be betd fromn the Funeral Home Chapel on Fndcay, January 25fh atil :00 AM. Cremation f0i fotlow. Interment at Parklawn Cemetery, Toronto af a later date. Aa expressions of sympcthy, donations f0i Altendate would be appreciated by the family. LYMS, Mugarmt - (A member ut Maggie Waddell Rebekah Lodge # 256, Cakoille>. Peacetully on Monday, January 21, 2002 at Oakville Tratalgar Memorial Hospital in her 94th year. Margaret, beloved cite ut the laIe George. Looed mother of George and bis cite Carol, Ernest and bis cite Sharon. Dear grandmother ut Melissa and her husband Ray Caron, Richard and bis cite Bessie, Stacy and his cite Christine and Blair and bis tiancee Lauren Wylie. Margaret is survioed by her sister Mary Marshall and predeceased by tour bruthers and ose sister. Visitation cas held 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Tuosday, Jasuary 22, 2002 ut Koprîsa Taylor Communîty Fuserai Home, 64 Lakeshuore Road West, Cakoille. Fuserai service 12:001 non Wedoesday in the chapel *Interment Springcreek Cemetery, Ctarkson. Those chu cish, may make memnorral contributions lu the Cakoîlle- Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. SYILANS, Veclavs "Bill" Peacefully, cf Allendate, on Wednesdlay, January 23, 2002, Vaclavs Svilans osf Campbellvilte. Beloved hiue- band of the taie Hannelore. Loving father o Peter and hia wife Elizabeth and Michael andbi wif e Marilyn. Dear grandfafher of Patricke, Alana, Eric and Michael. A prisate aervice la being beld. REMEMBRANCES in the form of donations to The Milton Dishrict Hospital Foundation are appreciated le loving memory ut Devs and Audrey Brush, February il, 1986 and January 26, 2001. "Though nothing can bning back the hour ot upiendor sn the grasu, etglory sn the fiower; ce wttl grieve not, rather tend strength in what 487 Lurier Ave., Mgion 878-2881 Always In aur heurts, Bannie and Jacte, Cralg and Kyle, Julie, Jon, Sydnl and Bethany, JI A IM MatanidSam, Ty and Paft en Memoriams mn the form of ____________ Sdonations toi The Canadian pemeCancer Society are decply p az. Good condition. Cail Tony at Regos aRei- pair cf 905-878-6951 Ship your Motorcycle ta Bike Week Fuliy equippcd airrîde traiter -Ail customs paper- work provîded Pick up and retars fvosbeteMilton. lOther locations cas be arrangeci for an additional tes) -Rates stcrtisg at $450.Cdn Fer moes datails, contact Tam Popper @ bluebuegg@femal.cem or 965-178-1457 exit. 223 LRonald & Patricia Flaimagaon are vr ofitheir children %1ceg & Ron Th Wdd i i! take place OhW26th, 2002. 26--The Canadian Charriolon Fridav. Januarv 25 2002 iw_ le Memory of staed aed large cheat KARL OSWALD freezer. 905-878-7986 1929 - 2000 CARPET 1 have several Forever More 1S0090 yrda. of new Another year bas gone by. Stimaste& 100% ny- Not a day goaby that we don't Ion carpet. Will do living- thirnkof you. montilhall for $349. In- We misa you. dludes carpet, pad il en- In Cur Hearte Atwcys stallation (0yrds) Reet te Peace Ded Steve, 905-63-2902 Lova Ricard & Elizabeth FOR Sae Taupe Car- pet, over 2200 sq.ft. derpdding $sq. fi. Cati 9-8-378 FREE Estimates... Got ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS wobl or broken 24 hr. answering service chaire. Weak sofa or Phone 1-800-891-4862 chair Springs? soit foam? Tiredi looking 1-519-836-1522 wood flnishee?... Then - ~cai Field for al lumi- ture repaire and custom wood relinishing. 9-9 dcily, (905)875-427 LOST «Behr" bicl/tan 4 yecr old femnale ahapherd. NW erSae- N Timid. Reward. 878-2251 GET or PS.le -pao - the taxes. Great fa bac selection ced great sas- igiSofa & mctching PART-time apecial neede worter for indepeedent chairntra $888 Love- 24-year-old mate, various aclivities ced lii e dkis in-setlrm$8.Cae struction. Avaitcbility 12 bours/ceek (3-4 abifte). l from $199. Free Es- $10.50/iour. Fax resume 905-827-8157 or caI timate. Fields Cusfoms Lucy, 905-827-2332 Cuaity Upboleterîng. Cai dcily 9-9, 905-875- QUALITY dcyccre avaîtable in my home. Steeles & 4427 iMartie ares. Excellent references, receipta provid- ed. Cati 876-3557. RELIABLE Daycare available. Wilson & Woodward area. Please ccll 905-876-4978. PROFESSIONAL crist neede modela for nuda studies to be ueed in ail paintinqe ced charcoal rendernga. Experience STIJDENT Acupuectunest looking for case studies. es not required. Muet be Paeeed ail esama. Your chance f0 try acupuncture 18. For information cithout the normai coat. 905-693-8150 pes contact Tom at TOP Prica Paid for your Antiques, china, ster- Heathere Antiques, coni- j idiential ced profession- " F v,ccKersie - '-ocIe WATDAIChnS ver, Crystal, secino ma- FTunera[ome chines .Douion, Moor- Dedicated to meeting yosr needs since 1953 croit, Quita, Glass, Wctcfres, camerai audio equipment, dolle, paint- ega, cottectibtea, es- tfaes . John/ Tracy 905- 331-2477 Doug Kocher Cuarutie Kocber Andrea Kactier FREE: Firewood Con- structioe mateniale 2x4, 24 Hour Service 2x6, 2x8, 4x4, 3x6, etc. Some cuttinjreuired *Pre-arrangment Options Connes in a x08x bin. *Grief Counselmng Services 875-24'il5 *Cremation Services MAi mi Qt Multnn 878-4452 _ 80NUS!.Ui ClassiFied Ads appear îît ne %ý wwwmiltoncanadianchampion-com m