The Canadian Champion, Friday, Janaury 18, 2002-5 .Drugs seized after van T stopped on Stel Av. fie Oak (T ing One Hamilton man fcsadrug chrg QUALITY OAK FURN1T Il OF CAP while another faces two counts of stolen propcrty following an incident on Steeles Avenue Tuesday. At 2:45 p.m. police stopped a 1987 Astrovan with licence plates and a valida- tion tag that were reported stolen. Upon investigation, a small quantity of marijua- na was found. A 33-year-old man was charged with possession of a controlled substance while a 26-year-old man was arrested on two counts of stolen property. Assault at Hilton Falls A 53-year-old Toronto man bas been charged in connection with an altercation at Hilton Falls Sunday. According to police, a Mississauga cou- ple was hiking at the local conservation site at about 1:30 p.m. when they came upon a man with two barking dogs. A heated argument regarding the canines ensued, at which point the Mississauga man was punched in the mouth. He sus- tained a rather deep cut and requtred sever- al stitches. A man was arrested a short time later and Police Blotter charged with assault causing hodily harmn. He'il appear in court in Milton February 28. Local business targeted Computer equipment and a digital cam- era were stolen when unknown cuiprits broke into Hands Fireworks on Industrial Drive ovemnight Sunday. The suspects initiaily tried to pry open the front door but then gained access by smashing a window. The stolen property is valued at $3,000. Prescription drugs swiped A quantity of Dilaudid -a Morphine- like pain killer - was stolen during a break-in at Zak's Pharmacy on Main Street Saturday momning. Unknown suspects smashed the side glass door to, gain access before remnoving the drug. Damnage during the early moming break- in was estimated at $500. SOHR0, I 'J I C HOM O IN OAK TM PINE BEDROOMI NOW AVAILABLE f~EV tlor Ill'l 'f i1tl mus .15 cle Chs ;-o; 19 ýonoRO S Tim Hortons outiet broken into Dec. 24 Halton Regional Police in Milton are investigating a break-in at Timn Hortons on Steeles Avenue Cistmnas Eve. The suspects entered thc shop via the metal security door and pryed the doors with a blunt tool. The culprits then ransacked thc rear office, removing the video recorder andi prying open an empty storage closest. No cash or gooda werc stolen dur- ing the entry. A similar break-in occurred Crime Stoppers 0 F H AL TO0N in Burlington the samne night. If you have any information that leads 10 an arrest in this or any other case. you may be ehi- gible for a cash reward. You wihl neyer have to give your name or testify in court. Crime Stoppers of Halton does ot subscribe to cali display. Cali Crime Stoppers at (905) 825-4747, ext. 5139. HALTON REGION NOTICE 0F PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE No. 2 TrafaIgar Road (Reglonal Road 3) Improvemonts Clasa Envlronmentaî Assesement Study The Regional Municipality of Halton has initiated a Class Environmental Assessment to consider options to satisfy travel demand on Trafalgar Road trom Britannia Road north to the South ramp of Highway 401 (see map below). To address operational deficiencies associated with this segment of Trafalgar Road, a number of road improvement alternatives wiII be examined as part of the study including widening of the roadway, new Ioa alignments, possible Ila crossing and improvements to intersections, among others. In accordance with Sohedule C of the Municipal Engineers Association Municipal Class Environmental Assessament (June 2000>, this Notice signais the second Public Information Centre (PIC> to provide further information to the public and interesteci stakeholders, and to receive input and fecback on the study to date. The PIC is Io be held: Date: TUrne Place: Thursday, January 24,2002 5:30 pol te 8:00 Pl Perey MNery Publie School (Gymnaslun> 263 Brltannia Read East Milton, Ontario Those attending the PIC wiII have an oppartunity to meet the Project Team, review the study scope, and ta discuss the issues reIte ta the project inciuding alternative solutions and designs, environmental considerations and the evaluation criteria used ta assess alternatives. If you are unable ta attend the PIC and require additlonal information, please contact: Mr. Edward Soldo, P. Eng., Project Manager Regional Municipality of Halton 1151 Bronte Road Oakville, Ontario L6M 3L1 Phone: 905-825-161, Ext. 7475 Toîl FreI 1-866-442-5866 (1-866-4HALTON) Fax: 905-825-8822 Email: soldoe@region.haton.o.c Mr. John Grebenc, P.Eng. UMA Engineering Ltd. 5080 Commerce Bivd. Mississauga, Ontario L4W 4P2 Phone: 1-905-238-0007 Ext. 2610 Fax: 1-905-238-0038 Email: This notice tirst issued January 7, 2002 www.region.halton.on.c.a/ppw/planningroads m GAMBLING PROBLEM? If you or someone you know needs help with a gambling problem, please cali the Ontario Problem Gambling Helpline at 1-888-230-3505, or in your community: ADAPT Alcohol, Drug & Gambling Assessment Prevention & Treatment Services Burlington 905-639-6537 Halton His 905-873-2993 Milton 905-693-4250 Oakville 905-847-6547 Ail services are free and confidentiai P-f.l« REWSPONaL GACOUNEIL 100"Y.r '.NIADE S011D OAK FURNITURE hit Our 0ý ci I,000 sq. 11 ý11(m l oolil 0 ý1'c1Iý Lu-ust ývlccI ol, OA 11 utdwsý 11illa Bookcas(.ý èý