Local MADD organization wants to lower BAC, but safety council is against it By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion It's time to change Canada's drinking and driving laws from aO0.8 Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) to 0.5, said Stephanie Dooley, Halton chapter president of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD). "Mot European countries have a 0.5 lirnt and have seen improvements with drinking and driving crashes. 1 tee the records and statistics and 1 believe a change is needed." On November 28, MADD Canada pro- posed a change to lower the BAC from 0.8 to 0.5. 'We're defmîitely in favour of lowering the lianit," said Ms Dooley, who's daughter was killed by a drunk driver 10 years ago. "If your daughter was killed you might see things differently." Recently, the Canada Safety Counicil released a statement indicatmng it was against lowering the BAC limit because, in is opinion, a limit of 0.5 would have no impact on the majority of drinking drivers responsible for fatal crashes. "There is a wîdespread misconception that Iowering the legal limit will solve Canada's drunk driving problem. But the fact is that the worst offenders don't care what the legal limit is. They will drink and drive anyway," it said. But Ms Dooley disagreed, saying it's trme to lower the limit. "We're (MADD) not the only ones say- ing it, everyday people are saying it as well." Safety council says Iowering BAC won't make différence Emile Therien, president of the Canada Safety Council, told The Champion lower- ing the BAC to 0.5 won't make a differ- ence when targeting "chronic" drunk driv- ers and would only create confliets with social dninkers. "If someone has one drink with friends and gets pulled over, even though they're nos impaired shey wiIl stili be charged," he said. "The courts will be vastly overbur- dened with people charged from having one glass of beer. If we further crinainalize the law to 0.5, Canadians will develop tremendous contempt for the law." Mr. Therien said police need to focus on sargeting chronic drunk driving offenders. "The R.I.D.E (Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere) programn is extremely effec- tive. If they know R.I.D.E is out there on a regular hasis, they'll be afraid to, drink and drive." Ms Dooley stressed MADD isn't against drinking, only irresponsible drinking. "Take a taxi or stay overnight. We want to see responsible drinkers. Too many peo- ple are killed hy dmunk drivers." According to, MADD Canada, four Canadians are killed each day and 125 peo- ple are seniously injured from drunk driv- ers. Approxinuately 50,000 Canadians are impacted by impanrtd drivers annually. Currently, MADD Canada is in the begirning stages of lobbying so lower the BAC solerance for driving under thc influ- ence. "We're busy contacting our local MPs by writing letters and sending faxes," Ms Dooley said. "We encourage Uic communisy members to do Uic same. We have to keep writing tu our MPs and polisicians. There's no need fe drinkingand diin. "if yosir daughter was killed you lght see tbinp diffently." .......... -..................- ........ The anaianChapio, Tuesdlay January 15, 2002 - 9 Registration is being aceepted for j uilir, saî1-iùo kit idc-rgarLnýi The Halton District School Board is currently accepting registration for jun- ior and senior kindergarten for September, 2002. Milton public schools housmng the JK and SK programns for the coming schooî year include Brookville, J.M. Denyes, Percy Merry, Robert Baldwin and Sam Sherratt. Parents can register their kids directly as thc school by making an appomntment. Parents must bring proof of their chul- dren's age (birth certificate or passport), immunization records, Ontario Health Card, and proof of address. Those who aren't the child's parent must bring proof of custody (court order). To register for the fali of 2002, JX chil- dren must be 4 years of age by December 31, 2002. SK children must he 5 years of age by December 31, 2002. For more information, cai the Halton District School Board at (905) 335-3663 or visit www.haltondsb.on.ca. SJDEWALK SALE JAN. 16-2 6 PENNY WISE Donate some of the pennies you've saved to the Lions Club barrel in the mail. Every Penny Coulnts!à A& Penniy Savewd is a Pendnýy Earned Corner of Main & Ontario 905-878-3900 fTie nd [y & fam iliar Escarpment Country IN Tourism Partner Shopping Hours: Mon. to Fri. 9:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Saturday 9:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sunday Noon to 5:00 p.m.