The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, January 15, 2002 -3 ,,Town Hall is likely to stay IWALLATÀCCE's - downtown, say councilors By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion Milton's Town Hall is likely ta stay put while a new library and an arts and cultural centre are built at the intersection of Thompton Road and Main Street, agree several council members. Town staff and consultants are currently working on the Municipal Facilities Feasibility Study, which looks at multiple options for the future of the three facilities. Space limitations at the library and Town Hall have lead ta cails for expansion or larger buildings. Demand for an arts and cultural centre has alto been identified. Location options being consid- ered include renovations ta Town Hall - for eitber expanded offices or an arts and cultural centre - and a range of construction possibilities at the Tlhompson Road site. "Witb the Town Hall, I'd be les than bontet if 1 wasn't ta suggest that it makes more sense ta stay and expand this building - but I've nos got a closed mimd an tisat," offered Mayor Gord Krantz, adding he's received "very mùii- mal" feedback from the public an the issue. "I'm sure many people are sitting back ta sec what we (council) do and will probably be more reactive ta it than proactive." Comments received by taday wiil be considered in the staff rec- ommendatian ta counicil - expect- cd mn Febnsary or March. Councillors from bath Ward 2 (which includes the existing Town Hall site) and Ward 4 (which includes the Thompsan Raad site) told The Champion they beieve the best option is ta build the library and arts and cultural centre an Thompson Road, while expand- ing Town Hall. "lt's (Thompson Road site) gamng ta be Use centre of Use new community. People from Use aid community can get Usere eaaily and Use people from Use new communi- ty can get Usere easily. To me, it makes logical sense ta have your active sights in that location - not aithUe Town Hall," said Ward 2's Wally Hanter. Ward 4 Councillor John Challinor echoed Usose comments, adding Use new facilities wouid complement the Milton Leisure Centre and Milton Memoriai Arena, which neigbbour Use prop- erty. "Certainly bath facilities necd good visibility and easy access. The corner of Thampson Road and Main Street provides that kind of visibility and acccss." Mast counicullors askcd said Usey have received littie input from Use public on Use matter - with Use notable exception of Use arts comn- munity. "We would like ta sec an arts and cultural centre in aur beritage area downtown. It is Use heart of Milton, Use core of Milton, even when Miltan expands around it," said Laura Jeffrey, president of Arts Milton. "Tise vaices were raised (at an Arts Milton meeting) and Usey were unanintous in saying where Usey wanted Usis facility ta take shape»" The only councillor ta say bie bas heard significant public feedback concemning Use facilities said bis constituents are questioning Use need for an arts and cultural centre. "The majority of Use feedback I've been getting is Usat people are not supportive of getting an arts and cultural centre aithUis tinte," said Rick Malboeuf of Wards 2 and 4. "The ones who are in favour of getting an aits and cultural centre are split - Usey don't want ta sec Use Town Hall move fron.thUe downtown core and Usey'd like ta sec an arts and cultural centre in Use downtawn core. Unfortunately, Usere's not enougb space for bath." Disputing Mr. Malboeuf's cam- ments was Ward 2's Art Melanson, who said Usere's a definitc demand for an arts and cultural centre. "TMe ones I'vc talked ta, Usey want to get it going as soon as pos- sible. Tbey'vc been waiting a long tinte for a bit of an arts centre." -8 iri _ ÎR 71ILWt Chtigtmug rna be ovet, but WaIIýe~ Pontiae jg glili in the