Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Jan 2002, p. 19

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mhe Canaden Chamipion, Tuesday, January 15. 2002-19 If you have any questions these professionals cari answer, please write to: "Ask T he Professionalsr do The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax to: 878-4943 15 Martin St. 905-693-9594 Mxn tne "Provsdsng a Natural Way f0 Bettrr Heaif h and Wellness" Q: 1 have read so many articles on welght loue recenty... Bomne promise rapld welgoht loas wille stil being able ta con- sume falrly higis-fat foods, whlle othees tell me 1 juat ne"d to chew my food mors slowlyl Co you please dlspel fact from fkcton for me concemling welght loua? A: nTera il no -quicis fix- misen tl cornes ta, aeigii losaI Assyone peomising scii "rcpid weighi losa" usuclly incorporates methods that are flot only unhecltsy, but ao deflniely dangerous ta tise body long terni lwiuisoui cny lcsting weigist loua reauftsQi. MYTH: Vou cas cct cake and lace weight ci tise saine lime. FACT: Ecting iigit-fat higis-sugar cake dose nssthing las promoe weight losa, only eseigisi gainl Cake consiste ai flour, augar and large arnounl o at c... tisese cme tisinga tisai sisould b. reduced in lise diel, flot incraed, wisen pursuing aseigisi lace. MYiTH: Chewing your food slowly will rid you of your potbelly. FACT: Cisewing your food slowly lc great for tise digestion, but il dose nothing towceds sisedding c paibellyl Vou cen cisew as slawly as yau want, but if lise food you are cisewing la deep-fried, isigin fctlsugar/cceboisydrctes, hess lil will Increase your weigisi regard- cccsl Wisct il important se tise food tisai yau do decide 10 est, miaking sure to est lise rigisi foods ai lise rigisi urnes. MYTH: Deinklng iccd liquide prevees digestive enzymes front lunc- hioning. FACT: Accarding to Dr. Donald S. Robertson, MD, quole "Wcler sisould preferably be cold... il's cbsorbed into lise aysiemn more qulckly lisen warrn seater. And cerne evidence suggests tsaI drink- ing cati liquida cen cctuclly iselp burn calories." Digestive enzyrnes funelsers regardiess i ernpernture, and cati beverages can actuel- ly iselp asitis melabalie raiel So go cisead and enioy yaur iccd beveragesl Afaxln Stanley hoc a &&. in Soclolog and on S.8.W. In Social WWI 4 8h. ham iw*.kd -. h. HatNe" Maglc Progrant for os*r tour yswan d le a iuunsd nutitonai counsilar. IHawkins Animal Hospital Debbie Hawkins B.Sc., DVM Doctor of Veterinary Medicine 550 Ontario Street South, Milton Mt (Pizza Hut Plaza) ebisie Hawkins Phone (905) 875-688 B. Sc., DUM Fax (905) 875-6853 THE IMPORTANCE 0F THE "1ANNUAL CHECKUP" Most of us agree tisai tise onnuat trip to the veterinarias mitis our pet is syn- onymous mt shots or vaccinations. 'Mis in mot cases is teste, isoever 1 iselieve thai te oppoesunity fer our pets ta receive a titorougs physical examination is of equal importasnce. We humons are no different as we visit ose tioctor on a yestriy basis. anti we con- sitier tise visis of isey importasnce ta oar healtis andi weli iseing. The huge difPerence is tisas we con verisatiae aur Iteaitis proitteens andi ose aches anti pains. Befote vaccines are atiministereti ta a pet. ise or tse stoslti receive a sys- tematic esamsnstion. The estes sisouldt ie examineti mitis a special scope la examine tise este canal anti rartiesa for aissorntaiiies. Tise ryns anti insitie tise nyrs sisosit bse examineti mus a speciai lamnp for tise samne pstpose. ise tiseos anti tonsiis sisostît bs cisecketi for masses anti teeis csecketi for dental peoit- lems. 'le isear asti lsssg sisoulti it listenedti 5 itis a siesisoscape in tieteci proitlemts sucis as iseset murmues, aissormnal risyisms anti aissormal itrealis sountis. Tise aisdomen is palpatei te dteci cisanges in tise star of ils canlenta, i.e tise liver, spleen, kitiney. intestines anti srinary iîsiter. itis cas itientify seas of tiiscomfoes for yostr pet tisas yss as ste owner could ti sermise bte snaware of. ise skeletast - seck, itsek, ssii anti legs sisoutti ail lie palpaseti for aissormalities. As yost can imatgine, ail of tisese proislemns allow as ta, finti aissormalilies tas yosr pet cas sot teIt yast abtout. 1 atso isetteve tisas ose pets htave a mscis iigiser toleranre in paon ltas mn tio, s0 it is really stp ta as ta, fisit e problemns. Sa oftes 1 examine a pet's moutint fint s itrokes sentis or aitscesseti sentis rocs, tise pet neyer isaving exiiiteti tiiscomfoes. If me isati scit praitlems mie woslti att rusi thie tientisi as quickly anmwe cosîti! To quose a clichté, an oune of prevension is woesis a posnti of cure. If we cas tietet proitîrmu isefome liey amount ta serioss illness tises me cas maxi- mize tise poientiat for longer anti iealtier Ilife. c LIOie S uàea cut & M LILIANNE 139 Thomas St. Downtown Oakville (905) 849-6414 Q.What lu Laer Huir Removul? A: Laser Hair Remaval is a methad ot remaving unwanted hair, utilizing laser energy targeted ta the hair tallicle preventing further hairs t ram grawlng. O:WII Type et Laser Do You Use?tewol'matavne 'ttreatment far effective removal af unwanted hair. Great news far men and wamen wtia want ta get rid af excess hair. Depending an yaur needs, mast bady areas can be treated with this state-af the-art technalagy. O: Ha Dos Te Laser Remave Huir? A: The laser light emitted by the system is absarbed by the pigment Iacated in the hair follicle. The laser is pulsed tar anly a fractian af a secand, just long enaugh ta damage the tallicle. O:la Ler Hair Removi Puilf A: Yau may feel a slight tingling sensation. il':ha Are~ kYour OMuIIIicUIIoM In Hair Remova Technaltigy? A: e hve eentranedandcerifid n Laser Technalogy, Laser Hair Remaval and Electralysis and have been pertarinig Permanent Hair Remaval sînce 1982. Please vîsit us at www.lilianne.com ar email us at lilianne@canada.cani POsiMienL ReNsut Hynous 123 Maurice Drive OakvIIIe 905-337-3700 CeMWie Hypnotist O:- How dmo hypooeiWOd k: Our minds work on two levels - consciaus and sub- consciaus. We make decisions, think and act with aur consciaus mmnd. The subcanscious contrais aur habits. In hypnasis the cansciaus mind is subdued, while the subconscious becomes more aware. Positive suggestions given by the hypnatist are readily accepted in this altered state. Alsa, the sub- cansciaus is flot subjeat ta time. This is why aur clients aflen state that their new habits seemn "easy" and 'eftartless" afler hypnosis. O: iiu hypooui work for m? k4 Generally speaking, every normal persan is hypnoti- zable - that is, people with an 1.0. of at Ieast 70 who have no severe mental disorders. Therefore, most anyone can take Avantage of hypnasis. With coap- eratian and reasonable commitrient, you can expect excellent resuits with weight loss, stop smoking and stress reduction. Let the power of he ubcooscous mind wktfor you in 20021 CaIl for detlals. 8 triner sa nctu M 15 Martin St., #3 (Carrnage Square) > à Milton, Ontario L9T 2R1 We#UIYsammW905-876-0551 Q:I love the holiday season, but 1 find now that it's over Im unhappy with bos'inm feeling and my Jack of energy. I have heard that yoga is more than just an exercise programn, is that true? A: Hatha yoga is a series of physical movernents coin- bined with mental focus and an awareness of the breath, which wben used together, puts us in toucb witb ourselves. Witb praefice we leani ta notice how we are feeling, tee any pain or stiffness in the body, and acquire tools that we can use ta work tbrough any fatigue or tightness. At Inner Sancturn, thse goal of aur yoga classes is ta first teach you how ta relax, froni that relaxed state you begin ta flnd movernent, and froni that rnovcrncnt you Icarîs ta tane and strengthen the body. As you learn ta relax, thse tension in the body begins ta soften and your breathing becomes deeper and more efficient. A regular yoga practice will impact greatly on your overaîl well being, increasing your energy levels and reducing your physical reactions ta day-to-day stress. Think of a yoga dlais as the gift you give yourself. Inner Sanctuna is a year-round yoga studio offering classes, workshops and private sessions. For more information con- tact Wendy Sammut, 905-876-0551. W "J -s', 1 _71 wq pli Susan Chorney 7 Carpet . Vînyl - Ceramics - Hardwood Paint - Wallcoverings Showroom RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Geraldine Hekaths 845 kWl@ St9. Me. 11111 es.07S.184210 So: What's new for 2002, Good question. The trend when it cornes to flooring continues to be about the saine. Laminates are sf11l a hot item. Mannington bas intro- duced a new laminate ceramic wliicb is selling very well. being effective in looks and resilience. The gluetess laminate is growing in popularity. Just like Lego, snap it together. Somnething the do-it-your- selfer really likes and the kida. One progressive item is carpetîng, flot juat straight waIl to wall Saxony but versatile sin design such as Sisals textures, berbers and of course the new gor- geous tactesse fibre, whicb gives both comfort and wearabitity. Ceramnic tules continue to grow, both in size and choice. Now floor tules are available 24"x24', one file and your done! Wall files are aum- ing for a more elegant look and cen turn the most mundane bathroom into Shangrita. The large 10x14's look excellent and have stunning borders to set thern off. Try theni bebmnd the sink as a backsplasb. Tites around the entire bathroorn is defi- nitely a plus for effeet and maintenance. Well we hope that our bot off the press decorating news helps you this year. So corne over to Comfi and take some samples home witb yau.

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